Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

贡献 (gòng xiàn)

In Chinese, '贡献' (gòng xiàn) is used to describe the act of giving or the results given to help or benefit something or someone. This can refer to contributions of time, resources, knowledge or efforts in a variety of contexts - from contributing to a project at work, to making a contribution to society through charitable acts. It is normally used as a noun, but can also be used as a verb.

Example sentences with  贡献
财产 (cái chǎn)

In Mandarin Chinese, 'property' is translated as '财产'. This term generally refers to something owned or controlled by an individual or organization, such as land, buildings, money, rights, etc. Just like in English, it is widely used in legal, financial, and general conversations.

财务 (cái wù)

In Chinese, '财务' is used just as 'financial' is used in English, referring to matters related to money and finance. It can be found in various contexts, such as '财务报告' (financial report), '财务管理' (financial management), or '财务状况' (financial condition).

财富 (cái fù)

In Chinese, 'fortune' is translated as '财富'. This term is often used to refer to a large amount of money or valuable possessions owned by a person or group. It can also indicate the good luck or success that helps one to get money and wealth.

责任 (zé rèn)

In Chinese, '责任' is generally used to express the concept of duty or responsibility that someone has in a certain situation or role. It is often used in both formal and informal contexts. The term '责任' can further be used in a variety of sentence structures and can be combined with other words to form phrases or expressions to convey various shades of responsibility.

责备 (zébèi)

In Chinese, '责备' (zébèi) is used to denote the act of blaming or criticizing someone. It can be applied across various contexts, just like in English, such as blaming someone for an error or a mishap.

Example sentences with  责备
账单 (zhàngdān)

The Chinese word '账单' is used similarly to the English word 'bill', referring to an invoice for a purchase or service rendered. This word can be used in a variety of contexts including restaurants, shopping, utilities, and more.

账户 (zhàng hù)

The Chinese word '账户' corresponds to the English word 'account', which can refer to a record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts relating to a particular period or purpose. In Chinese context, it could relate to a bank account, a user account for a website, or an account for a service like electricity or internet.

货币 (huò bì)

The Chinese word '货币' stands for currency. It is often used in contexts related to economy, finance, and trade. This word is commonly seen in economic newspapers, financial reports, and daily life when discussing internal or international money exchange.

Example sentences with  货币
货车 (huò chē)

In Chinese, the word 'van' is translated as '货车' and it is used to refer to any type of vehicle that is used to transport goods or animals. It can either refer to a small, box-shaped vehicle used for carrying things or to a large vehicle used for transporting goods.

质量 (zhì liàng)

The Chinese word '质量' translates to 'quality' in English. It’s often used to describe the standard or level of something, especially something that is manufactured, like a product. For example, a statement like 'The quality of this product is very high' can be translated into '这个产品的质量非常高'.

贫穷 (pín qióng)

In Chinese, '贫穷' is used to describe a state of not having enough money for basic necessities or comforts of life. Its usage is similar to that of 'poor' in English, it can be used in various contexts such as when describing someone's financial status, an underdeveloped area, or in a metaphoric sense reflecting a lack of something.

购买 (gòumǎi)

In Chinese, '购买' is a formal term used to describe the act of buying or purchasing goods or services. It is more commonly used in written or official contexts, rather than in casual conversation. Just like in English, '购买' can be used both as a noun and a verb, depending on the context.

购物 (gòuwù)

The Chinese word for shopping is '购物'. It is often used in the context of going to buy things at a mall or online, just like in English. '购' means to buy or purchase and '物' refers to things or items.

购物中心 (gòu wù zhōng xīn)

The Chinese word '购物中心' is used to refer to a large indoor shopping complex, often multi-storied, where a vast variety of goods are sold by many merchants. Similar to English, there may be other facilities included such as food courts, movie theaters, and arcades. Importantly, the use of this term is context dependent and could vary with regional linguistic preferences.

贯穿 (guàn chuān)

The Chinese word '贯穿' is used in a similar way to 'throughout' in English. It has the connotation of describing something that is ongoing or continuing from the beginning to the end. It can refer to time spans (all day, all year) or to physical or metaphorical spaces or extents (in every part of a building, through every aspect of a curriculum for example).

Example sentences with  贯穿
贷款 (dài kuǎn)

The term '贷款' in Chinese is used similar to its English counterpart, 'loan'. It commonly refers to a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest. This term is widely used in Chinese financial and banking contexts.

贸易 (màoyì)

The Chinese term for 'trade' is '贸易' (màoyì). It is used in the same context as in English, meaning the action of buying and selling goods and services. It could be used in various contexts such as international trade ('国际贸易'), trade agreement ('贸易协议'), or trade surplus ('贸易顺差').

Example sentences with  贸易
费用 (fèi yòng)

In Chinese, the word '费用' is used to refer to a fee or cost of something, like a service or product. It can be used in a commercial context, like '学费' which means 'tuition fee', or '医疗费用' which means 'medical fee'.

资本 (zī běn)

In Mandarin Chinese, 'capital' is translated as '资本'. This word is used in similar contexts as it is in English and can relate to financial capital or a city that serves as the seat of government. The usage depends on the context of the sentence. Capital is an important concept in both economics and political science.

Example sentences with  资本
资源 (zī yuán)

The Chinese word for resource is '资源' (zī yuán). In China, this word is commonly used in contexts of economics, education and technology where it refers to available assets, materials, or means necessary for functioning or survival. For example, in a business context, human resources (人力资源) would refer to the available personnel or workforce. As with English, this word can be used in a wide range of contexts.

赎回 (shù huí)

The Chinese word '赎回' is used similarly to the English word 'redemption'. It can be used in both religious and secular contexts. For example, it can refer to the action of purchasing back something previously sold (such as shares, bonds) or the act of making up for a past mistake or bad action.

Example sentences with  赎回

The Chinese word '赚' means 'to earn' in English. It is commonly used in the same contexts as in English, referring to the act of making money, often from work, business, or investments. For example, you can say '我赚了五十元' to mean 'I earned fifty yuan'.

赞美诗 (zàn měi shī)

赞美诗 is used in Chinese similarly to how 'hymns' is used in English, to refer to religious songs or anthems, particularly prevalent in Christian practice. The phrase can also be applied broadly to any song of praise or celebration.

Example sentences with  赞美诗

The Chinese word for 'win' is '赢' (yíng). It is commonly used to express victory or success over something or someone in various circumstances, scenarios, and contexts such as sports, games, competitions, arguments, etc. Much like its English equivalent, '赢' can be used as a verb and it is often found in colloquial conversations, written texts, and instructional contexts.

Example sentences with  
赢家 (yíng jiā)

In Chinese, the word for winner is '赢家' ('yíng jiā'). It is commonly used in the same contexts as the English word, for example to describe someone who has won a competition or achieved a significant success. It's a compound word made of two characters: '赢' means 'to win' and '家' here means 'person'.

Example sentences with  赢家
to walk

In Chinese, '走' is a word that is used to express the action of walking. It can be used in various contexts, such as walking to school (走路去学校) or walking a dog (遛狗). It represents the general act of moving from one place to another on foot.

赶快 (gǎn kuài)

The Chinese word '赶快' is often used in contexts where a sense of urgency is needed. It can be used to encourage someone to hasten their actions or to express a need for fast-paced movement or progress. Like its English counterpart 'hurry', '赶快' can be used as both a verb and an adverb in sentences.

Example sentences with  赶快
起来 (qǐ lái)

The Chinese word '起来' can be used in the context where something arises or comes up. It can also imply standing up depending on the context. Nevertheless, it generally captures the essence of the English word 'arise'.

Example sentences with  起来
超出 (Chāo chū)

The Chinese term '超出' is often used to indicate something that is exceeding or 'beyond' a certain limit or boundary. It is used in similar contexts as the English term, such as going 'beyond' a physical place, exceeding an amount or level, or surpassing expectations.

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