Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

证据 (zhèngjù)

The Chinese word '证据' is used in context similarly to how we use 'evidence' in English. It refers to the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. In Chinese sentences, '证据' can be used both in formal and informal contexts, similar to the English word.

证明 (zhèngmíng)

The Chinese word '证明' is frequently used in both formal and informal Chinese language. It is often used when you want to demonstrate the truth or existence of something by giving evidence or argument. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as in a court of law, scientific research, or common day-to-day conversation.

评论 (pínglùn)

评论 (pínglùn) is a Chinese term commonly used to refer to remarks, criticisms, or reviews about a particular subject matter. It is often used in the context of internet posts, news articles, products, performances, and even in everyday conversation whenever people express or share their opinions.

识别 (shí bié)

The Chinese word '识别' is used much like the English word 'identify'. It implies recognizing, distinguishing, or understanding something by observing it. It could apply to a wide range of subjects, including people, feelings, objects, or concepts.


In Chinese, '诗' is used to describe a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction, rhythm, and imagery. It is broadly used in the same contexts and with the same nuances as 'poem' in English.

Example sentences with  
诗人 (shī rén)

In Chinese, '诗人' is used to refer to a person who composes poetry. This can range from ancient classical poets to modern contemporary poets. It can be used in a number of contexts, usually referring to one's occupation or in discussions about literature and arts.

Example sentences with  诗人
诗句 (shī jù)

In Chinese, '诗句' is used to translate the English word 'verse'. It commonly refers to a line from a poem or song or a piece of scripture. It can be used in various contexts, such as discussing literature, music, or religious texts.

诚实 (chéng shí)

The Chinese word '诚实' is used to describe someone who always tells the truth and does not cheat or steal. It's a character trait that is highly valued in Chinese culture. It can also be used to describe things that are simple, direct, and straightforward.

Example sentences with  诚实
话题 (huàtí)

In Chinese, '话题' refers to the subject of a discussion or conversation. It's used in similar contexts to the English word 'topic'. For instance, in a meeting, a lecture, or casual conversation, the '话题' might be the main point or theme being discussed.

Example sentences with  话题
诞生 (dàn shēng)

The Chinese character '诞' means 'birth' and '生' means 'life', combined '诞生' means 'birth' or 'nativity'. It is used to refer to the birth of a person or an event. It's commonly used in both formal literature and daily conversations.

Example sentences with  诞生
详细 (xiángxì)

In Chinese, '详细' refers to something that is comprehensive and has many details. It is often used to describe a thorough explanation or a comprehensive report, for example. All intricate, meticulous and intricate information or details are inclusive.

Example sentences with  详细
语言 (yǔyán)

The Chinese word for 'language' is '语言' (yǔyán). It is used in very much the same way as in English. It can refer to a form of communication, like English or Spanish, or the concept of spoken or written communication in general. For example, a phrase like 'learning a new 语言' would translate to 'learning a new language.'


The Chinese word '说' is often used to mean 'speak' or 'say'. It can be used in various contexts similar to the English word 'speak'. For instance, you can use it when you want to ask someone to speak or express themselves, or when describing what someone has said. It is a commonly used verb in daily Chinese conversation.

说服 (shuō fú)

The Chinese word '说服' (shuō fú) is used similarly to the English word 'convince.' It is a verb, used to describe the act of persuading someone to believe or do something by presenting logical, rational, or compelling reasons or evidence. This word is commonly used in both formal and informal situations.

Example sentences with  说服
说话 (shuōhuà)
to talk

In Chinese, '说话' (shuōhuà) translates to 'to talk'. It is a very common term used in various contexts. It can be used in formal and informal situations. It is most commonly used to refer to the action of speaking or expressing oneself verbally.


In Chinese, '请' is used to express politeness or request, similar to 'please' in English. It can be placed at the beginning of a sentence to make it sound more courteous. It is also commonly used in asking for something or offering something in a polite way.

请求 (qǐngqiú)

In Chinese, the word '请求' refers to the act of politely or formally asking for something. It can be used in various contexts just like in English. For instance, you can use it while asking for a favor, permission, service, or information. It's especially used in formal, written communication and can also refer to a formal message asking for something.

Example sentences with  请求
to read

The Chinese term '读' corresponds with the English phrase 'to read'. It is predominantly used in context of reading a book, newspaper, or any form of written text. '读' can be used in various types of sentences, like commands, queries, and statements.


The Chinese word '课' is widely used in academic and educational contexts. It is typically used to denote a period of learning or teaching, similar to the English word 'lesson'. For instance, '去上课' translates to 'go to class' or 'attend a lesson'.

Example sentences with  
课程 (kèchéng)

In Chinese, '课程' is a general term used to describe a series of lessons, whether in an educational setting such as a university, or in a less formal setting like an online study platform. It can be used in various contexts, such as '选修课程' (elective course), '课程表' (course schedule), or '课程内容' (course content).


The Chinese word for 'who' is '谁'. It is used in questions to ask about someone's identity or select someone from a certain group. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts, just like its English counterpart 'who'.

Example sentences with  
谁的 (shuí de)

The Chinese word for 'whose', '谁的', is used to refer to ownership or possession. It is common in questions asking about which person owns or is related to something. Similar to English, it is typically followed by a noun or noun phrase.

调整 (tiáo zhěng)

The Chinese word '调整' is used similarly to the English word 'adjust'. It can be used to refer to modifying something to achieve a desired effect or fit, such as adjusting settings, expectations, or plans. In a sentence, it might be used like this: '你需要调整你的计划' which translates to 'You need to adjust your plan'.

Example sentences with  调整
调查 (diào chá)

The Chinese word '调查' is used to represent a general investigation or study by seeking responses from individuals. This word is used in any context where research or data collection is involved, just like how we use the word 'survey' in English.

Example sentences with  调查
谈判 (tán pàn)

The Chinese word '谈判' is used in similar contexts as the English word 'negotiation'. It is commonly used in business, legal, and diplomatic environments to refer to the process where two or more parties with different interests and views try through dialogue to reach a consensus or agreement.

Example sentences with  谈判
谈话 (tán huà)

The word 'talk' in Chinese is '谈话'. It is commonly used in sentences when referring to the act of engaging in a conversation with someone or discussing a particular topic. Similar to English, '谈话' can be used in various contexts, ranging from casual conversations to more formal discussions.

谢谢 (xièxie)

The Chinese word for 'thank' is '谢谢'. It is often used in conversation to express gratitude, similar to the English 'thank you'. This word can be used in a variety of contexts, both formal and informal.

豆腐 (dòufu)

Tofu is a popular food product made from soybeans, used in many Chinese dishes.

Example sentences with  豆腐
负担得起 (fùdān dé qǐ)

In Chinese, the concept of being able to 'afford' something is captured by the phrase '负担得起' (fùdān dé qǐ). This phrase is used in sentences in a similar way as 'afford' is used in English, relaying the idea of having sufficient resources, such as time or money, to handle or take on a certain thing or activity.

Example sentences with  负担得起
负责 (fù zé)

In Chinese, '负责' (fù zé) is used to express the state of being responsible. It can indicate a person's accountability, duty, or obligation towards something or someone. The word can be used in a variety of contexts, such as in a business setting where an individual can be '负责' for a specific task, project, or department.

Example sentences with  负责
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