Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

表亲 (biao qin)
The cousin

The Chinese word '表亲' is utilized to refer to a cousin in English. It is mostly used in the context of family, particularly referring to a child of one's uncle or aunt. It is commonly utilized in both conversational and written Chinese.

表演 (biǎo yǎn)

The Chinese word '表演' is used in a similar way as 'performance' in English. It can refer to the act of performing a piece of music, drama, etc., on stage, or carrying out a particular task or function. However, it also covers a broader range of activities, such as various types of shows and demonstrations.

表现 (biǎo xiàn)

In Chinese, '表现' is used to describe one's behavior or conduct in a certain situation. It can refer to both good and bad behaviors. The context of the sentence usually indicates what kind of behavior is being referred to.

表达 (biǎo dá)

In Chinese, '表达' is used to convey or make known one's thoughts, feelings, or ideas. It can be used in various context such as expressing an opinion ('表达观点'), expressing feelings ('表达感情') or expressing a principle ('表达原则').

Example sentences with  表达
衬衫 (chèn shān)

In Chinese, 'shirt' is translated to '衬衫'. This word is quite common and used in daily conversation to refer to the upper body garment typically with a collar, sleeves, and a front opening. As in English, it can be used in various contexts like shopping, talking about someone's clothing, and so on.

袜子 (wà zi)

The Chinese word '袜子' which translates to 'sock' in English, is commonly used to refer to the piece of clothing that is worn on feet. This term is used in the same context as it is in English and across Chinese speaking regions, it is universally understood.

Example sentences with  袜子
裁判 (cáipàn)

The Chinese word '裁判' pronounced 'cáipàn', is used in a similar manner as the English word 'judge'. It can be used to denote a person who has the power to make decisions about things that are disputed, especially in sports or legal matters. It is an important term to understand as it relates to decision-making and justice in both a legal and a moral sense.

Example sentences with  裁判
裂缝 (liè fèng)

In Chinese, '裂缝' refers to a fissure, a line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, like a crack on a wall or mirror. It can be used metaphorically to describe people who have a weakness that could cause them to fail.

Example sentences with  裂缝
装饰 (zhuāngshì)

The Chinese word '装饰' is used to describe the various objects that are used to adorn or beautify a place, similar to the English term 'decorations'. It's often used when describing things like home decor or party decorations.

Example sentences with  装饰
裙子 (qúnzi)

In Chinese, '裙子' is used to represent the English word 'dress'. It is a common term for the style of garment traditionally worn by women and girls in the waist or shoulders, which may be one or two pieces. Contextually, it is important to recognize the cultural and social factors of the way it is used and it can refer to a casual or formal outfit for any occasion.

Example sentences with  裙子
裤子 (kùzi)

The Chinese word for 'pants' is '裤子'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a piece of clothing that covers the waist to the ankles, dividing for each leg. It is a commonly used word in everyday conversation when talking about clothes.

西 (xī)

The Chinese word for 'west' is '西' (xī). It is used exactly how English uses 'west' - to describe the cardinal direction. It can also make up part of words to describe things that are related to the west in some way, for instance, '西方' represents 'western' in Chinese.

西方 (xī fāng)

The Chinese word '西方' translates to 'western' in English. In China, it is typically used to describe things, cultures, or people from the Western part of the world typically associated with Europe and America. For instance, it's used in contrast with '东方' (Eastern), to differentiate between the two broad culture systems.

Example sentences with  西方
西瓜 (xī guā)

The Chinese word for watermelon is 西瓜 (xī guā). It is used to refer to the sweet, juicy fruit that is particularly popular in summer. In Chinese culture, it is often eaten as a refreshing snack or dessert, and it can also be found in various foods and beverages, such as fruit salads and smoothies.

西装 (xī zhuāng)

The Chinese word for 'suit' is '西装'. It is used the same way as in English, to refer to a set of men's or women's clothes consisting of a jacket and trousers or a skirt, made from the same material. The word '西装' can be used in various contexts where formal attire is being discussed.

Example sentences with  西装
要么 (yào me)

The Chinese word '要么' is used in the same context as 'either' in English. It is often used to indicate one out of two or more choices or options. Primarily, '要么' is used in two situations in Mandarin Chinese. It can be used to specify two alternatives or suggest two or more choices to solve a problem. It is necessary to keep in mind context and sentence structure to use the word effectively.

要求 (yāoqiú)

The Chinese word '要求' translates to 'requirement' in English. It represents something that is needed or demanded. This term can be used in various contexts, including work, education, or daily life. For example, 规定有一些基本的要求 (The regulations have some basic requirements).

Example sentences with  要求
覆盖 (fù gài)

In Chinese, '覆盖' means to cover something, similar to its English meaning. It can be used in various contexts such as 'cover the surface of something', 'cover a story' in journalism, or 'the range that a signal can cover' in telecom. Chinese people use this word both colloquially and formally.

观众 (guān zhòng)

In Chinese, '观众' signifies the individuals who are observing or listening in a public setting, essentially the English word 'audience'. This term is often used in circumstances relating to performances, presentations, or broadcasts, referring to the people who are watching or listening.

观点 (guān diǎn)

The Chinese word '观点' is used to refer to a particular attitude or way of considering a matter, similar to the English word 'perspective'. It could also refer to a point of view or viewpoint. Depending on the context, '观点' can be used in various scenarios where one's standpoint needs to be emphasized.

Example sentences with  观点
规则 (guīzé)

In English, 'rule' can be both a noun and a verb, generally indicating a prescribed direction for conduct or action. In Chinese, '规则' is also both a noun and a verb and holds a similar meaning, often used in the context of regulations, standards, and methods. It is a commonly used word in daily life and business settings.

规律 (guī lǜ)

The Chinese word '规律' is used to describe something that follows a fixed pattern or a repetitive sequence. It is often used to describe things like habits, routines or systems that have a consistent and regular manner of operation or behavior.

Example sentences with  规律
规模 (guīmó)

The Chinese word '规模' is mainly used to refer to size or level of something, especially when it is huge or increasing. Often used in contexts referring to business, projects, or initiatives. The meaning could slightly differ based on the context it's used in, similar to English.

Example sentences with  规模
角度 (jiǎo dù)

The Chinese word '角度' is used to describe the angle of an object, figuratively it can also be used to describe different perspectives. It is used in mathematics as well as everyday life. The Mandarin Chinese word for angle, 角度, can be used in sentences like '从不同角度看问题' which means 'look at the problem from different angles' in English.

Example sentences with  角度
角色 (jué sè)

This is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. The character can be a main protagonist, a secondary protagonist, antagonist, etc.

Example sentences with  角色
角落 (jiǎo luò)

角落 (jiǎo luò) in Chinese refers to the point or area where two lines or edges meet, typically at 90 degrees, such as the corner of a room or street. It can also metaphorically describe a remote or secluded place. It is used similarly to the way 'corner' is used in English. Variants of the word, like street corner (街角 - jiējiǎo), can also be used in conjunction with other words to provide a more specific description.

Example sentences with  角落
解决 (jiě jué)

The Chinese term '解决' corresponds to 'tackle' in English. It refers to dealing with or taking on a difficult task or issue. It's widely used in various situations, whether it's in solving problems in a work setting or dealing with complex life situations.

Example sentences with  解决
解决方案 (jiě jué fāng àn)

The Chinese word '解决方案' is used to represent an answer to a problem or an issue, similar to 'solution' in English. It is often used in business or academic context.

Example sentences with  解决方案
解释 (jiěshì)

The Chinese word '解释' is used to express the action of making an idea, situation, or problem clear to understand. The word can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as in a classroom setting, during engagements in business or personal conversations. It is a verb.

触摸 (chù mō)

In Chinese, '触摸' is used similarly to 'touch' in English. It can refer to coming into physical contact with something, or using your fingers to interact with a touchscreen device. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically to mean 'affecting someone emotionally'.

Example sentences with  触摸
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