Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

艰难 (Jiān nán)

The Chinese word '艰难' embodies the same nuance as 'tough' in English; it can be used to illustrate situations that are physically hard or difficult to deal with. It can be used both in the context of an emotionally tough situation, a tough task or even a tough person. It is usually associated with hardship or determination.

艺术 (yìshù)

The Chinese term '艺术'(yìshù) is used exactly like 'art' in English. It generally refers to the manifestation of human creativity and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. It can be used in various contexts just like in English, such as 'visual 艺术'(visual art), 'contemporary 艺术'(contemporary art) etc.

艺术家 (yìshùjiā)

The term '艺术家' is used in the Chinese language to refer to someone who practices any of the various creative arts, such as a painter, musician, or writer. It can also be used more broadly to reference anyone who uses imagination, talent, or skill to create something new.

节奏 (jiézòu)

In Chinese, '节奏' (jiézòu) is the word for 'rhythm'. It's often used to describe the patterned, repetitive, and orderly movement or sound in music, dance or even in daily activities or procedures. Just like English, it can be metaphorically used to describe the pace or sequence of events or activities.

节日气氛 (jié rì qì fēn)

The Chinese word '节日气氛' is used to represent the festive atmosphere, feelings or activities associated with a specific festival or special occasion. It may be applied in diverse contexts such as family gatherings, national holidays, or cultural events where people engage in special celebrations.

Example sentences with  节日气氛
节日的 (jié rì de)

The Chinese translation of 'festive' is '节日的'. It is often used to describe something related to a festival or holiday, similar to its English usage. For example, you can use it to depict a lively and festive atmosphere during the Chinese New Year or any other holidays.

Example sentences with  节日的
芒果 (Mángguǒ)

In Chinese, mango is pronounced as 'Mángguǒ'. It's a popular fruit in China, especially during the summer months. Just like in English, mango can refer to both the fruit and the tree it grows on.

芯片 (xīn piàn)

In Chinese, the word 芯片 (xīn piàn) refers to 'chip'. This is commonly used in contexts relating to technology and digital devices, much like in English. It can refer broadly to any kind of chip, including a computer chip, microchip, semiconductor chip, etc.


The Chinese word for 'flower' is '花' (huā). It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the colorful and often fragrant part of a plant or tree. It can also be used metaphorically to refer to the best part of something, much like 'flower' in English.

花园 (huāyuán)

The Chinese word '花园' refers to a plot of land, often near a home, where flowers, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, or herbs are cultivated for pleasure or for food. Similar to English, it can also be used metaphorically to refer to anything that requires continuous cultivation or a source of happiness.

花圈 (huā quān)

In Chinese, '花圈' (huā quān) is used to represent 'wreath'. It is commonly used in festivals, ceremonies or to honour someone's death. Like in English, it's a floral arrangement in a circular shape.

Example sentences with  花圈
花费 (huā fèi)

The Chinese word for 'spend' is '花费' (huā fèi). It is notably used in contexts when we talk about spending time or money. Like in English, it can be used in various situations where consumption, expenditure, or usage is being discussed.


The Chinese word for 'bitter' is '苦'. It is most often used to describe a taste, similar to the English usage. However, in a more figurative sense, it can also refer to a bitter experience or hardship, much like 'bitter' can in English. It is used in various contexts ranging from describing food, medicine, or emotions in everyday conversation.

英里 (yīng lǐ)

The word '英里' in Chinese can be used much like we use 'mile' in English - to measure distance. It is often used in contexts related to travel, geography, and distance measurement. In conversations and texts, you might use it to highlight how far away a place is.

英镑 (yīng bàng)

In Chinese, '英镑' (pound) refers to the currency used in the United Kingdom. It's often used in the context of finance, and can refer to both the physical currency (in notes and coins) and digital/credit transactions.

Example sentences with  英镑
苹果 (píng guǒ)

The Chinese word for apple is '苹果' (píngguǒ). It is commonly used in casual and formal speech and text. It can also appear in compound words for different types of apples or apple related items, just like it is used in English.

范围 (fàn wéi)

The Chinese word '范围' (fàn wéi) is used to indicate a range, scope, or extent. Similar to English, it can be used in various contexts such as range of motion, price range, or range of values among others. It is commonly used in both formal and casual settings.

Example sentences with  范围

In Chinese, the word for 'tea' is '茶' and it is a common term. It can be used to refer to both the specific drink made from steeping tea leaves in water, but also more generally to refer to any warm, nourishing liquid consumed for pleasure and relaxation. Tea drinking is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for grass is 草. It is a noun, used to refer to common types of vegetation consisting of short plants with long, narrow leaves, growing wild or cultivated on lawns and pasture, and as a fodder crop. It is often used similarly to how 'grass' is used in English. For example, you could say 'the grass is green' as '草是绿色的'.

草稿 (cǎo gǎo)

The Chinese word for 'draft' is '草稿'. It is generally used in the context of drafting a document, proposal, or sketch, similar to its English counterpart. It can be used in various scenarios where a preliminary version of a piece needs to be prepared before the final version.

Example sentences with  草稿
草莓 (cǎo méi)

The Chinese word for strawberry is '草莓', pronounced as 'cǎo méi'. It refers to the same fruit as in English - the small, red fruit with a sweet taste. It can be used in various contexts, just like in English, such as in describing the fruit itself, in food items like strawberry cake (草莓蛋糕), or in colors like strawberry red (草莓红).

first aid kit

The Chinese word for medicine is '药', pronounced as 'yào'. It is often used in the context of healthcare and treatment, similar to its usage in English. It can be used in phrases such as 'take medicine' (吃药 - chī yào) and 'prescription medicine' (处方药 - chǔ fāng yào).

药剂师 (yào jì shī)

In Chinese, '药剂师' is the term used for pharmacist. It refers to a professional who prepares and dispenses drugs and provides pharmaceutical advice. In common usage, it typically refers to someone working in a pharmacy or hospital who assists in dispensing medication. It is usually used in formal contexts, such as medical and pharmaceutical discussions.

药品 (yàopǐn)

The Chinese word for 'drug' is '药品' (yàopǐn). This can be used to refer to both legal drugs for medical purposes and illegal drugs. The context will usually make it clear which kind of drug is being referred to.

获取 (huò qǔ)

In Chinese, '获取' is often used to express the action of gaining or obtaining something. It is used in various contexts, such as acquiring knowledge, skills, or physical items. Keep in mind, ‘获取’ carries a slightly more formal tone in usage.

获得 (huò dé)

The Chinese word '获得' is used similarly to the English word 'gain'. It's typically related to acquiring something whether it is knowledge, skills, items or other types of gains. It can be used in various contexts such as in sentences discussing achievements or improvements.

Example sentences with  获得

In Chinese, '菜' is used to describe a prepared item of food or a type of food served as part of a meal. This includes all types of dishes such as main courses, side dishes, and dessert dishes. Just as in English, '菜' can be included in compound words to refer to specific types of dishes, such as '鱼菜' (fish dish).

菜单 (càidān)

The Chinese word for 'menu' is '菜单'. It is often used in the context of food and drink establishments, like restaurants or cafes, where it lists the items available for order. It can also be used in technology fields to indicate a list of options available for selection within a software or application.

Example sentences with  菜单
菠萝 (bō luó)

In Chinese, 'pineapple' is translated as '菠萝' (bō luó). It is used in the same way as in English, referring to the sweet tropical fruit. It is used in various contexts, such as food, recipes, and also colloquially in certain phrases and sayings.

营地 (yíng dì)

In Chinese, '营地' is used to describe a place set up with tents or other temporary structures where people stay for a short period of time, typically when they are on a holiday or when they are travelling. Just like in English, it can refer to both the act of camping and the physical campsite itself.

Example sentences with  营地
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