Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

给予 (gěi yǔ)

The Chinese word for 'giving' is '给予', which is used in various contexts where a subject provides or imparts a certain thing or aspect to an object. It is commonly used in both formal and informal settings.

Example sentences with  给予
绝对 (jué duì)

In Chinese, '绝对' is a commonly used word that means 'absolutely'. It is largely used to express agreement or to emphasize a statement. It could be placed before adjectives, adverbs or verbs to enhance its level. It's also used as an interjection to show strong affirmation.

绝望 (jue2 wang4)

The Chinese word '绝望' is equivalent to the English word 'desperate'. It can be used similarly in sentences, such as to describe situations or feelings that leave you with little hope or feeling of despair. It is pronounced as 'jue wang' in Pinyin.

继续 (jì xù)

The Chinese word '继续' is used to represent the continuation of an action or a state that already started. Similar to the English word 'continue', it is often used in both informal conversation and formal writings.

绳子 (shéngzi)

In Chinese, '绳子' means 'rope'. It is generally used in the same way as in English, to refer to a long, thick line or cord, frequently used for tying, binding, or fastening. It may also be used metaphorically in some contexts, just as 'rope' in English can be a metaphor for connection or binding.

Example sentences with  绳子
维度 (wéi dù)

In Chinese, '维度' is used to describe a measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length. It can be applied in the context of geometry, physics, as well as more abstract discussions such as the dimensions of a problem or a situation. The usage is largely similar to English.

Example sentences with  维度
维护 (wéi hù)

The Chinese word '维护' is used in numerous contexts similar to the English word 'maintenance'. It could refer to the act of maintaining or keeping something in good condition, such as '机器维护' (machine maintenance) or '车辆维护' (vehicle maintenance). It can also refer to the protection or sustaining of something, such as '保护维护' (protect and maintain).

维持 (wéi chí)

'维持' is a Chinese word used in various contexts, quite similar to English. It could refer to maintaining or keeping the status of something, continuing with a certain behavior or situation, or maintaining the function of a tool or equipment. For instance, in a sentence, you could say 'She maintained her composure during the stressful situation', translated as '她在压力情况下保持冷静'.

绿色 (lǜsè)

The Chinese word for 'green' is '绿色' (lǜsè). It is commonly used to refer to the color itself or to describe things that are green in color. In the Chinese culture, green traditionally symbolizes health, prosperity, and harmony.

缓解 (huǎn jiě)

The Chinese word '缓解' equates to 'relieve' in English.. This word is commonly used in scenarios of relieving stress, pain or pressure. This could be physical or mental. Example, if a medicine helps to reduce pain in Chinese, you can say it could '缓解' pain.

Example sentences with  缓解
编辑 (biān jí)

The Chinese word '编辑' is used to depict a person who is responsible for preparing the content of a publication. Just like English, it can refer to any editor role, like a newspaper editor or film editor. It can be used in various contexts such as '新闻编辑' (news editor), '文本编辑' (text editor) and '电影编辑' (film editor).

Example sentences with  编辑
缺乏 (quē fá)

The Chinese word '缺乏' is used similarly to the English word 'lack'. It can be used to express the absence or deficiency of something, and it can also be used in various contexts such as in expressing the lack of time, resources, skills, etc. For example, '我缺乏时间' means 'I lack time'.

Example sentences with  缺乏

In Chinese, '网' is a common word which means 'net'. It can be used in various contexts such as sports (like tennis net), fishing net, or even metaphorical contexts like the internet (which is '互联网'). The concept of its usage remains the same as in English; symbolizing a network or a grid-like structure.

Example sentences with  
网球 (wǎngqiú)

The Chinese word for 'tennis' is '网球' (wǎngqiú). This term is used exactly the same way it is in English, to represent the sport of tennis. '网' which means 'net' and '球' which means ball together form the word '网球' for tennis in Chinese.

网站 (wǎngzhàn)

The Chinese word for 'web' is '网站' which is mainly used to describe things related to the internet or network. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with other words to refer to a specific type of website or web page.

Example sentences with  网站
网络 (wǎngluò)

In Chinese, '网络' (wǎngluò) refers to a network or netting. It can be used to describe a computer network, a social network, an organizational network, and so on. Furthermore, it can also refer to the internet.

罚款 (fá kuǎn)

In Chinese, '罚款' refers to a penalty, usually in the context of a financial punishment imposed by an institution or authority. It is commonly used in legal and sports contexts.

Example sentences with  罚款
罢工 (bà gōng)

The Chinese word '罢工' is used to describe a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees in a business to work. This is usually in response to employee grievances, and is similar in context to the use of 'strike' in English.

Example sentences with  罢工
罪行 (zuìxíng)

The Chinese word '罪行' is used almost identically to the English term 'crime'. It refers to an act punishable by law, as forbidden by statute or injurious to the public welfare. The context of use will often dictate whether it refers to a specific act (e.g. a crime took place), the general concept (crime is increasing), or the category of such acts (violent crimes).

Example sentences with  罪行

The term '羊' denotes 'sheep', a domesticated mammal raised for their coat, meat, and milk. It is often used in references, idioms, and metaphors to signify traits such as obedience, herd mentality, and innocence.

美丽 (měi lì)

美丽 is a commonly used word in Mandarin Chinese which is used to describe something or someone that is beautiful pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically. It's a positive adjective often used in compliments, and can apply to both physical and abstract beauty.

美元 (měi yuán)

The Chinese word for Dollar is '美元'. This term is often used to represent the currency of the United States. It's quite common in conversations related to finance, economics, and travel.

美国人 (měiguórén)

The Chinese word '美国人' is used to refer to a person from the United States, or 'American'. It is commonly used in conversations and written texts. It is the direct equivalent of 'American' in English.

美妙 (měimiào)

美妙 (měimiào) is often used to describe a feeling or something that is excellent or great in Chinese. It is an adjective and is commonly used to describe experiences, sounds, feelings etc. which are very pleasing, beautiful, and of high quality.

Example sentences with  美妙
羞耻 (xiū chǐ)

In Chinese, '羞耻' expresses the feeling of embarrassment, humiliation or disgrace – similar to its English counterpart 'shame'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, often relating to a personal feeling of guilt or dishonor due to one’s own or another’s actions.

Example sentences with  羞耻

In Chinese, '群' represents a concept of collection or group. It can be used to refer to a group of people, animals, or objects. It is often used in conjunction with other words to define the specific type of group. For example, '朋友群' means 'group of friends' and '学习群' means 'study group'. Despite different contexts, the general concept remains the same - a grouping of certain individual elements into one collective unit.

翅膀 (chì bǎng)

The Chinese word '翅膀' refers to the limb or appendages that an animal uses to fly, same as 'wing' in English. It can also figuratively mean a subsidiary or a support system, just like the way 'wing' is used metaphorically in English.

翻译 (fānyì)

In Chinese, '翻译' is used to refer to the process of translating from one language to another. Similar to English, it can be used as a verb or a noun. For example, '我会翻译这个句子' means 'I can translate this sentence'. As a noun, '他是我的翻译' means 'He is my translator'.


The Chinese word '老' is used to describe both human aging and things that are old, obsolete or vintage. It is also often used to signify respect for a person, such as a teacher, leader, or senior.

Example sentences with  
老实说 (lǎo shí shuō)

The Chinese term '老实说' is an adverb which is often used in the context of conversations. Like 'honestly' in English, it is used to express sincerity and candidness, often before revealing a truth, opinion, or fact that might otherwise be difficult to share.

Example sentences with  老实说
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