Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

等待 (děngdài)

In Chinese, '等待' is used much like 'wait' is in English. It can be used to express waiting for some time or event. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as waiting for a bus (等公车), waiting for a person (等人), or waiting for a moment (等一会儿).

等级 (děngjí)

In Chinese, '等级' is used to refer to a grade or level in a system. It can be used in academic, professional, or other contexts where levels or ranks are discussed. For instance, in academics, '一年级' refers to 'first grade', '二年级' refers to 'second grade', etc.

Example sentences with  等级
策略 (cè lüè)

In Chinese, '策略' is used in the context of planning and decision-making, often in business, military or political scenarios. It refers to a method or plan devised to achieve a major or overall aim over the long term, and typically involves making careful decisions or plans.

签名 (qiānmíng)

In Chinese, '签名' (signature) typically refers to a person's name that they write in a stylized or unique way on documents as a proof of identification and intent. It is often used in the same contexts as the English word 'signature', such as on legal documents, letters, or artwork.

Example sentences with  签名
简介 (jiǎn jiè)

The Chinese term '简介' is used similar to the English word 'profile'. It can refer to a brief introduction or description of a person or an organization. It can be used in sentences like 'His profile is impressive' or 'The company's profile is on their official website'.

简单 (jiǎn dān)

In Chinese, '简单' is an adjective that represents something that is not difficult, is easy to understand or deal with. It could be used in various contexts such as describing a process, an object or a person's characteristic.

简单地 (jiǎn dān de)

The Chinese word for 'simply' is '简单地'. This word is often used in contexts to indicate a simple or easy manner of doing something. It can be used in various types of sentences, including declarative and interrogative sentences. Just like its English counterpart, '简单地' can be used to modify a verb and indicates how the action is performed.

简短 (jiǎn duǎn)

The Chinese word '简短' is used to describe something that is short in length or duration. This can apply to physical objects or periods of time, but is most commonly used in spoken or written Chinese to refer to text or speeches that are concise or not long-winded. For instance, you can use '简短' to describe a short message, a brief explanation, or a quick meeting.

Example sentences with  简短
简短地 (jiǎn duǎn de)

The Chinese word '简短地' is used to describe something done in a short or concise manner, much like 'briefly' in English. It can be used in the same contexts as in English, such as talking briefly about a topic or someone acting briefly.

Example sentences with  简短地
管子 (guǎn zi)

In Chinese, '管子'(guǎnzi) refers to a tube, pipe, or conduit used to transport or direct fluids, or for various other purposes. It can be used in a variety of contexts, like talking about the plumbing in a house or the pipes in a musical instrument.

Example sentences with  管子
管理 (guǎn lǐ)

The Chinese word '管理' stands for 'manage'. It is often used in the contexts of managing resources, people, or entities. It could be about managing a team in the corporate setting, managing your time, or even managing your personal resources. Similar to its use in English, '管理' is used broadly in various contexts holding the same concept of handling, controlling, or directing.

篮子 (lán zi)

The Chinese word for 'basket' is '篮子' (lán zi). It can be used similarly to how it's used in English, referring to a container used to hold or carry things, usually made from interwoven strips of cane or wire. It can also refer to sports equipment for games such as basketball.

Example sentences with  篮子
篮球 (lán qiú)

The word '篮球' in Chinese is made up of two characters. '篮' means basket and '球' means ball. This is a very direct translation of the English word 'basketball'. This word is often used to describe both the game of basketball as well as the physical ball used in the game. It is used in the same context as it would be used in English.

米饭 (mǐfàn)

Rice is a staple food in Chinese culture and is often eaten together with other dishes.

Example sentences with  米饭
类似地 (lèi sì dì)

The Chinese word '类似地' is used similarly to the English term where it refers to the equivalently, likewise, or in a like manner. It also tends to link related ideas or statements in conversation or text.

Example sentences with  类似地
类别 (lèi bié)

In Chinese, '类别' refers to classifying or grouping things based on their characteristics or traits. It is often used in contexts where items or entities need to be sorted into different groups or types.

类型 (lèi xíng)

The Chinese word '类型' is used to categorize or classify something in a similar way as 'type' in English. It can be used in various contexts just like the English word. For instance, it can refer to a category of things sharing common characteristics in technology, science, etc.

粗糙 (cū cāo)

The Chinese word '粗糙' is often used to describe a rough texture or surface in physical contexts. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe an unrefined or crude concept or behavior. It is also part of common phrases like '粗糙的皮肤' (rough skin) or '粗糙的想法' (rough idea). The antonym in Chinese would be '光滑' which means smooth.

精灵 (jīnglíng)

In Chinese, '精灵' (jīnglíng) is used to describe a kind of mythical creature that is small, human-like, and has magical powers, much like the concept of 'elf' in English.

Example sentences with  精灵
精确 (jīng què)

The Chinese word '精确' is an adjective that can be used to describe the characteristic of being precise or exact. It can be used in a similar context as 'exact' in English, often to represent accuracy or precision in numerical, factual or technical description.

Example sentences with  精确
精神 (jīngshén)

In Chinese, '精神' typically refers to the inner spirit or mind. It can often be used to describe the mental or spiritual strength, focus, or vigor of a person or group. However, the exact usage depends on the context. The word can have various interpretations to describe energy, mental state, or morale.

精神的 (jīngshén de)

The Chinese word '精神的' refers to anything relating to the human spirit or soul, not just the physical or material aspects. It is used to refer the things related to religion, spirits, ghost, or culture, commonly used in literature, philosophy, and daily conversation.

Example sentences with  精神的

The Chinese word for 'Sugar' is '糖'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the sweet, crystalline substance that comes from various plants, mainly sugar cane and sugar beet, which is used to sweeten food and drink. Examples of use could be '他喜欢在咖啡里加糖' (He likes to add sugar to his coffee).

Example sentences with  
糖果 (táng guǒ)

In Chinese '糖果' refers to any type of sweets, candy or confectionery. Similar to English, it's a generic term that can reference any type of sweet treat. 糖果 can be used in a variety of contexts such as asking for sweets in a shop, describing a favorite food, or referring to the sweetness of a dessert.

糖果拐杖 (táng guǒ guǎi zhàng)
candy canes

The Chinese translation '糖果拐杖' is used exactly in the same context as English, referring to a sweet candy stick that is commonly seen during Christmas holidays. It's a sweet treat often enjoyed by children.

Example sentences with  糖果拐杖
系列 (xì liè)

The Chinese word '系列' is used to describe a number of similar or related things coming one after another, similarly to the English word 'series'. It is often used in context of books, television shows, or product lines.

系统 (xìtǒng)

The Chinese word for 'system' is '系统'. It can be used in a number of contexts such as computer systems (计算机系统), ecological systems (生态系统), and educational systems (教育系统). Just like in English, it refers to a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole.


In Chinese, '紧' is used to describe something that is fixed or fastened securely in position. It can be in both physical context like 'a tight knot' or abstract context like 'a tight schedule'. Also, can imply the state of being barely sufficient, as in 'tight on money'.

紧密地 (jǐn mì dì)

The Chinese word '紧密地' can be used in contexts that indicate a close physical, chronological, or logical connection. It could also mean doing something with great care or attention, similar to how 'closely' is used in English. For instance, '他紧密地看着那个文件' would translate to 'he is closely examining the document'.

紧张 (jǐn zhāng)

In Chinese, '紧张' is used to describe a state of being anxious or nervous, often due to high-stakes situations or events. It can also refer to physical tension, such as the tautness of a string or a tight muscle. It is commonly used in both social and scientific contexts.

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