Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

相反 (xiāng fǎn)

The word '相反' in Chinese carries the same meaning as 'opposite' in English. It is used to show a complete contrast between two objects, ideas, or people. For instance, if you want to point out that two people's ideas are completely different, you can say '他们的想法相反'.

Example sentences with  相反
相同 (xiāng tóng)

The Chinese word '相同' is used to express equality or uniformity between two or more objects or situations. It could be used in various contexts, just like how 'same' is used in English. The character '相' means 'mutually' and '同' means 'same', which together translates to 'same'.

相对地 (xiāng duì de)

The Chinese word '相对地' is often used to compare the degree of something with another thing in discussions and academic papers. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. However, it is not as common as '比较' in daily conversations when comparing things.

相对的 (xiāng duì de)

The word 'relative' in Chinese is used much like it is in English. It refers to something being considered in relation or in proportion to something else. It can be used in various contexts such as things being relative to a person's perspective, relative motion in physics, or even to refer to family members (relatives).

相当 (xiāng dāng)

The English word 'quite' can be translated into Chinese as '相当'. It is an adverb that's used similar to English to intensify adjectives, or to indicate agreement. It can variably mean 'very', 'really', or 'quite' in different contexts. For instance, '我相当喜欢它' would translate to 'I quite like it.'

相机 (xiàngjī)

The Chinese word for 'camera' is '相机' (xiàngjī). It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to a device that records visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals. Side by side with analog cameras, digital cameras are now commonly used, which are referred to as '数字相机' (shùzì xiàngjī).

相等 (xiāng děng)

The Chinese word '相等' is used to describe a condition or status where two or more objects, values or concepts match in their quantity, quality, or identity. It is commonly used in mathematics, physics, law, and daily conversation to represent a state of equality or harmony.

to see

The Chinese word '看' is equivalent to the English phrase 'to see'. The word is widely used in many contexts and sentences such as asking someone 'Did you see that?'. In Chinese, it would be '你看到那个了吗?'

看一看 (kàn yī kàn)
Check it out

The Chinese phrase '看一看' corresponds to 'check it out' in English. This phrase is commonly used when you want someone to look or pay attention to something. It's usually used in informal contexts and is appropriate to use with friends and peers.

看起来 (kàn qǐ lái)

The Chinese word '看起来' is used similarly to 'seem' in English. It is typically used to describe an impression or appearance. Often, this impression is based on the speaker's perception but can also be an objective fact.


The Chinese word '真' is analogous to the English word 'TRUE'. It is often used to express agreement, to confirm something as correct, or to comment on the authenticity or truth of a situation. Like in English, it has both literal and metaphorical uses.

真实 (Zhēnshí)

The Chinese word '真实' is used to describe something genuine, true, or not false - basically the state of something being real. This word can be used in a variety of contexts, such as describing objects, feelings, or situations.

真正地 (zhēn zhèng de)

The Chinese word '真正地' is an adverb equivalent to 'truly' in English. It is used to emphasize that something is the case in every way or respect, often in contexts where there may be doubt or disbelief. You can use it in sentences just like you would use 'truly' in English.

Example sentences with  真正地
真的 (zhēn de)

The Chinese word '真的' is often used to emphasize or confirm truth or reality of something, similar to how 'really' is used in English. It can be used in both affirmative and interrogative sentences. It can be placed before an adjective or after a verb for emphasis. For instance, '你真的喜欢这个吗?', meaning 'Do you really like this?'

真相 (zhēn xiàng)

The Chinese word '真相' is used to indicate the true facts about something. It's often used in the context of revealing or discovering the truth about a matter. Like English, '真相' can be used in a wide range of topics, from everyday life to philosophical or scientific discussions.

眼泪 (yǎn lèi)

The Chinese word '眼泪' is used to denote a tear in English. It is often used in the context of expressing emotions such as sadness, joy, or overwhelming feelings that lead to the production of tears.

Example sentences with  眼泪
眼睛 (yǎnjīng)

In Chinese, '眼睛' is used to refer to the organ of sight, just like 'eye' in English. It is used in the same context in Chinese as 'eye' is used in English.

睡着 (shuì zháo)

In Chinese, 'asleep' is translated as '睡着'. It is used in exactly the same way as in English, for example when someone is not awake or is in the state of sleeping. This word is commonly used in daily conversation.

睡觉 (shuì jiào)
to sleep

The Chinese word '睡觉' corresponds to the English phrase 'to sleep'. It is used to refer to the human state of rest or the action of resting, particularly in the context of nighttime rest or rest after exhaustion. It can be used in various contexts and with various adjectives to express different types and durations of sleep.

睿智 (ruì zhì)

In Chinese, '睿智' is used to describe someone who has or shows experience, knowledge, and good judgment. It can also be used in a more specialized context to refer to the sagacious or astute, showing a profound understanding and insightful viewpoints.

瞬间 (shùnjiān)

The Chinese word ‘瞬间‘ is used to describe a very short period of time, similar to 'moment' in English. It can be used in various contexts like expressing emotions felt in a moment, describing quick changes, or illustrating a brief instant of time.

知己 (zhī jǐ)

The Chinese word '知己' is used to refer to someone who you trust and share your personal matters with, almost like a confidant. It is often used to refer to a close friend or an associate with whom one shares a high level of mutual understanding and trust.

知识 (zhī shi)

In Chinese, '知识' is used to refer to someone's understanding or awareness about certain information, facts, skills, etc., which are obtained through experience or education. It is often used in the same context as we use 'knowledge' in English.

知道 (zhī dào)
to know

The Chinese word '知道' is used to express 'to know' or 'be aware of'. It is primarily used when someone knows some information or understanding about a particular topic. It can be used in past, present and future tense, just like in English.


The Chinese word '短' is used to describe the physical length, duration or measure of something that is not long or not as long as usual. It can be used similarly to the English word 'short', both in literal and metaphorical contexts such as 'short hair' (短发) or 'short video' (短视频).

短语 (duǎn yǔ)

The Chinese word '短语' means 'phrase' in English. It is typically used much the same way as in English, to refer to a small group of words that are usually used together and have a particular meaning. It can be part of a sentence, or a complete sentence itself depending on the context.

研究 (yán jiū)

The Chinese word '研究' is used to refer to a detailed study or examination to discover and explain new knowledge. It can be used in various contexts including academic, scientific, business, etc. Just like in English, it can serve as both a noun and a verb.


The Chinese word '砖' is used to refer to a rectangular shape hard material used in construction. It can be used in various ways in a sentence, for instance, '我正在搬砖' means 'I'm moving bricks'. It can also be used metaphorically, to indicate hard work or perseverance.

Example sentences with  
破坏 (pò huǎi)

The Chinese word '破坏' is used in the context where destruction or damage is caused by an event or action. For example, in sentences describing natural disasters, war, or the negative impact of human activities on the environment or on objects.

Example sentences with  破坏
确保 (què bǎo)

The Chinese word '确保' is used similarly to the English word 'ensure'. It's a verb that means to make sure or protect something from happening. For example, '确保安全' means 'ensure safety'. It's commonly used in both formal and informal situations.

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