Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

病人 (bìngrén)

In Chinese, '病人' refers to a person who is sick or suffering from an illness. It can be used in many contexts, such as '病人需要休息' (The patient needs to rest) or '病人正在接受治療' (The patient is under treatment). It is a common word used in healthcare settings.

病毒 (bìngdú)

In Chinese, 病毒 (bìngdú) is used in the same context as in English, referring to a type of microorganism that can cause contagious diseases in living organisms, including humans. It can also refer metaphorically to something harmful that spreads rapidly and widely. For example, computer virus in Chinese is also called '电脑病毒'

Example sentences with  病毒
痛苦 (tòng kǔ)

In Chinese, '痛苦' is used to describe both physical and emotional distress, just like 'pain' in English. It is commonly used in sentences such as '我感到痛苦' ('I feel pain').


The Chinese word '瘦' is used to describe someone or something that has little fat or flesh, similar to the way the word 'thin' is used in English. It can be used to describe people, animals, or even inanimate objects like paper or cloth.

Example sentences with  
癌症 (ái zhèng)

In Chinese, '癌症' refers to the disease known as cancer and is used broadly to refer to various types of malignancies. It describes the presence of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. Note that when discussing specific types of cancer, '癌症' will often be combined with the organ or type of cell it originates from.

Example sentences with  癌症
白色 (bái sè)

The Chinese word for 'white' is '白色'. This word is used exactly the same way 'white' is used in English, to describe the color of something.

百万 (bǎi wàn)

In Chinese, '百万' is used to represent the number a million. Like in English, it's used in various contexts where such a large number is needed, such as population, money, quantity counts, and more.

百分比 (bǎi fēn bǐ)

The Chinese word for percent is '百分比'. This term is used exactly the same way as the English equivalent, representing a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is a common term used in everyday activities such as economics, statistics, and mathematics.


In Mandarin Chinese, 'the' is generally implied and it does not have a direct equivalent. However, '的' is often used in a similar way to 'the', showing possession or modification. For example, to specify 'my cat', one would say '我的猫'. It can mean 'the', but it is also used in many other contexts that do not directly translate to 'the'. It's one of the most common characters in Chinese.

皇后 (huánghòu)

The Chinese word '皇后' is used to refer to the wife of a king or a female ruler. Similar to its English counterpart, this word is often used in both historical and modern contexts. It is an official title in the monarchy system. It could also be used metaphorically to signify an important or influential woman in other realms.

Example sentences with  皇后
皇家 (huáng jiā)

The Chinese word '皇家' is used to refer to anything associated with a king/queen or a royal family in general. This could be anything from royal family members, royal palaces, royal heritage, to symbols of royal culture and majesty. Like English, it is applied extensively in literature, discussions, and everyday language.

Example sentences with  皇家
皮肤 (pí fū)

The Chinese word '皮肤' can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to its English equivalent 'skin.' It is commonly used to refer to skin on human body and can also be used metaphorically. For example, in expressions regarding someone's facial skin condition.

Example sentences with  皮肤
皮革 (pí gé)

The Chinese word for leather, '皮革', is used to describe a durable and flexible material created by tanning animal rawhide and skins. It is often used in the context of fashion (like leather jackets), furniture (such as leather sofas), or accessories like leather wallets. It carries a similar connotation of luxury and durability in both languages.

Example sentences with  皮革

The Chinese word for salt is '盐' (yán). It is used in the same context as in English, it is a common seasoning used in food to enhance flavor.

Example sentences with  
监视器 (jiānshìqì)

In Chinese, 'monitor' is translated as '监视器'. It can be used in the same contexts as the English word, such as in the context of a computer monitor or someone who observes a process or situation. Like in English, it is a common technical word in computing and surveillance.

盒子 (hézi)

The Chinese word '盒子' represents the concept of a box in English. It can be used in numerous contexts such as describing a physical box, a dialogue box in computers or even a bounding box in graphical disciplines. Just like in English, '盒子' can be used metaphorically in Chinese too.

Example sentences with  盒子
盘子 (pánzi)

In Chinese, plate is translated as '盘子' (pánzi). It is commonly used to refer to a dish or flat, shallow container from which food is eaten or served. Just like in English, it is used in various contexts relating to meals or servings.

目击者 (mùjìzhě)

The Chinese term '目击者', pronounced as 'mùjìzhě', refers to a person who has personally seen something occur, especially a crime or accident. This word is commonly used in legal and criminal contexts, similar to its usage in English, and can also be used metaphorically in everyday conversation.

目标 (mùbiāo)

In Chinese, '目标' refers to a desired result a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve—a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just as 'goal' is used in English.

目的 (mùdì)

The Chinese word '目的' is used to indicate the aim or intention of an action or plan, similar to 'purpose' in English. It is a commonly used word in daily conversations and formal speeches, and can be used in various contexts.

目的地 (mù dì dì)

In Chinese, '目的地' is used to describe a place where someone is going, or a place where something is being sent or taken. It is often related to journey or travel and used in both formal and informal contexts.


In Chinese, '盲' (máng) is used to describe those who cannot see. It's similar to the English word 'blind'. This term can be used on its own or in various compound words to denote a type of disability or lack of sight.


In Chinese, '直' means straight. It is often used when describing a straight line or path. It can also be used in more abstract terms, such as a character trait when speaking about someone who is straightforward or direct in their speech or actions.

Example sentences with  
直到 (zhí dào)

'直到' is used as a conjunction in Chinese language. It is used to mark the end point of time or condition, similar to how 'until' is used in English. It implies that the action continues and then stops at the point specified.

直到那时 (zhí dào nà shí)
Until then

The Chinese phrase '直到那时' is used to refer to a future point in time, the same way 'until then' is used in English. It is often used in conversational and written language to describe an event or condition that will continue up to a certain time point in future.

直升机 (zhíshēngjī)

The Chinese word '直升机' (zhíshēngjī) is used to refer to what is known in English as a 'helicopter'. It is utilized in the same contexts as the English word — to reference any type of aircraft that achieves flight using rotors instead of wings. Just as in English, it can be used when talking about various types of travel, military operations, emergency services and more.

直接 (zhíjiē)

The Chinese word '直接' is used in a similar context as 'direct' in English. It could mean that something or someone is straight ahead, it may also express the doing of something in the most efficient way, without anything or anyone else involved or included. It further suggests to be honest and straightforward in relationships with others.

相似 (xiāng sì)

The Chinese word '相似' is used in situations where two or more things have a likeness or are comparable in some ways. It could refer to physical appearance, properties, features, characteristics or natures. It can be used in various contexts, just like its English equivalent 'similar'.

相信 (xiāng xìn)

The Chinese word '相信' is pronounced as 'xiāng xìn'. It is used exactly the same way as 'believe' in English. It can imply trusting in someone or something, or accepting something as true. For instance, you can use '相信' to express your belief in someone's abilities, or your acceptance of a specific idea or concept.

相关 (xiāng guān)

The Chinese term '相关' is very often used to describe a relationship or connection between two concepts, people, or objects. It can be used in various contexts such as in the phrase '这两个问题是相关的' or 'These two problems are related'. It is a commonly used word in both written and spoken Mandarin.

Example sentences with  相关
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