Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

生气 (shēng qì)

In Mandarin, '生气' is used to express the feeling of anger or dissatisfaction towards something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts. For example, you can say '我生气了' which means 'I am angry'.

生活 (shēng huó)

'生活' is the Chinese word for 'life'. With the combination of the words '生', which means 'birth' or 'existence', and '活', which means 'living' or 'activity', it signifies the existence and activities that make up life. This word is used broadly, in the same contexts that we would use 'life' in English, such as talking about daily life (日常生活), life expectancy (预期寿命), or life lessons (生活教训).

生物学 (shēng wù xué)

In Chinese, 生物学 is used to refer to the study of life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development, and evolution. It is used in the same way the English word 'biology' is used.

生病 (shēng bìng)

The Chinese word '生病' is used to describe a person who is not in good health. Just like the usage of 'sick' in English, it is often used when a person feels ill or has a disease. It can be used in various contexts including conversations, medical scenarios, etc.

Example sentences with  生病
生的 (shēng de)

The Chinese word '生的' is often used to describe food that is uncooked or is in its natural state. It can also be used to refer to something that is in its original, unaltered form.

Example sentences with  生的
生长 (shēng zhǎng)

The Chinese word for 'grow' is '生长'. This is most often used in the context of natural growth, usually in reference to plants, but can be extended to denote growth or development in general, such as in business or personal development contexts.

用户 (yònghù)

In Chinese, '用户' is primarily used to specify 'user', specifically referring to someone who uses services, resources, objects, or facilities for a certain purpose. This term can be commonly used in the field of technology, software systems, social media etc. where the user interacts with a certain product or service.

田野 (tián yě)

In Chinese, '田野' (tián yě) is used to refer to a field. It can be related to a field of crops, an open land, or any open space that can be utilized for agricultural or other purposes.


The Chinese character '由' has similar uses to the English word 'by'. It can be used to represent the action performed by the subject, similar to how 'by' is used in passive sentences. Note that '由' can also have other interpretations depending on the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  
由...组成 (Yóu... zǔchéng)

In Chinese, the word 'consist' is translated as '由...组成', which is often used to describe the components or elements of something. For instance, if you want to say 'The team consists of 5 people', you can say '团队由5人组成'.

电子 (diànzǐ)

The Chinese word '电子' refers to the same concept as the English word 'electronic'. It is used to describe things that are made or done with electronics or electronic equipment, such as electronic devices, electronic music and electronic books, etc.

Example sentences with  电子
电影 (diàn yǐng)

This is a generic term for movie. It is used broadly just as the English term is.

Example sentences with  电影
电影院 (diàn yǐng yuàn)

The Chinese word '电影院' translates to 'cinema' in English. It is used in the same setting as in English, referring to a place where films are shown publicly in specially designed buildings. It is most often used when discussing favorite movies, planning to watch a movie, or talking about weekend activities.

电梯 (diàn tī)

The word '电梯' is commonly used in Chinese to describe the machine known as an elevator or lift in English. These are used in buildings to transport people or goods between floors vertically.

电气 (diàn qì)

In Chinese, '电气' is used to refer to something related to electricity. It's used in various contexts such as electrical engineering (电气工程), and electrical equipment (电气设备). It is also used in a broader sense in areas related to power generation, electronics, and more.

Example sentences with  电气
电视 (diànshì)

The Chinese word for television is 电视 (diànshì). It is a common word used in daily life. Just like in English, it can be used to refer to the electronic device that people use to watch shows, movies, news, etc. It also refers to the industry producing these shows.

电缆 (diàn lǎn)

The Chinese term for cable is '电缆'. It is most commonly used in the context of electricity and technology, referring to a thick wire or bundle of wires inside a plastic or rubber cover, which is used to carry electronic or telephone signals. Example: '可以帮我检查电缆连接吗?' which means 'Can you help me check the cable connection?'

Example sentences with  电缆
电脑 (diànnǎo)

In Chinese, the word '电脑' is used to refer to a computer. The term is commonly used in everyday language. While it directly translates to 'electric brain', it is used in the same context as 'computer' is used in English.

电话 (diàn huà)

The Chinese word for telephone, '电话' (diànhuà), is used in the same way as in English. It refers to both the device and the act of making a call. For example, '请接电话' (qǐng jiē diànhuà) means 'please answer the phone'. You can also use it to say '我要打电话给他' (wǒ yào dǎ diànhuà gěi tā) which means 'I want to call him'.


The Chinese word for 'male' is '男'. It is a commonly used word in the Chinese language and just like in English, it is used to refer to the gender of a person. It can be used alone to refer to a male person or in combination with other words to form terms like '男孩', which means 'boy'. The word also forms part of compound words in various contexts.

Example sentences with  
男人 (nán rén)

In Chinese, '男人' is used to represent a mature male or a man. It can be used to refer to an adult male in general, or in some contexts, to a boyfriend or husband. It is a commonly used term in daily conversation and in written Chinese.

男孩 (nán hái)

The Chinese word for 'boy' is '男孩'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, referring to a young male person, typically a child or teenager. It can be combined with other words to form compounds. For example, '好男孩' means 'good boy'.

男朋友 (nán péngyǒu)

This term is used to refer to a male partner in a romantic or sexual relationship. It is commonly used in spoken and written Mandarin Chinese. For example, 我的男朋友很帅 means 'My boyfriend is very handsome'.


The Chinese word '画' is used to mean 'draw', 'sketch', or 'paint'. Similar to English, it can be used in multiple contexts including drawing a picture or drawing a conclusion.

画家 (huàjiā)

The Chinese word '画家' is used to refer to a person who paints as a profession. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as discussing art, professions, or hobbies. Like many professions in Chinese, it combines a verb and a noun - in this case, '画' (draw/paint) and '家' (a suffix indicating an expert).

画画 (huà huà)

In Chinese, 'draw' is '画' and 'drawing' is '画画'. It is used to describe the action of creating pictures, diagrams or patterns, usually with a pen or pencil, but also with other mediums. It is commonly used in context like '我喜欢画画' which means 'I like drawing'.

Example sentences with  画画

The word '留' in Chinese refers to the act of staying in a particular place, similar to in English. It can be used in various contexts such as staying in a city (留在城市), staying at home (留在家), or staying behind (留下).

留下 (liú xià)

In Chinese, '留下' is used to represent the idea of something remaining or staying behind. It can be used to express that a person or object stays in a place. It is frequently used in both casual and formal contexts.

Example sentences with  留下
疯狂 (fēngkuáng)

The Chinese word '疯狂' (fēngkuáng) is commonly used to describe someone or something that is intensely enthusiastic, excited, or wild. It can also mean someone who is mentally unstable. It can be used similarly to how 'crazy' is used in English. For instance, you could say '他对音乐有疯狂的热情' which means 'He has a crazy passion for music'.

Example sentences with  疯狂
疾病 (jí bìng)

The Chinese word for disease is '疾病'. This word is often used in a similar way as in English, referring to a particular abnormal condition, a disorder of a structure or function, that affects part or all of an organism. It can be used in various contexts, such as in medical and health-related topics.

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