Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.


In Chinese, '猎' is used to illustrate the action of hunting. It can refer to hunting animals, or metaphorically, the pursuit of a goal or desire. It can be used in various contexts, often accompanied with other characters to form different phrases or idioms. For instance, '猎人' means hunter, '猎物' refers to prey.

猜测 (cāi cè)

The Chinese word '猜测' is used in a similar way as 'guess' in English. It can refer to forming an opinion or estimate about something without sufficient information or knowledge. It can be used in various contexts where one needs to make a presumption or prediction.


The Chinese word for pig is used similarly to how it is in English. It refers to the farm animal known for its snout and ability to be used in various dishes. In Chinese culture, the pig also has significance in the Chinese zodiac, representing traits such as honesty, determination, and indulgence.


The word '猫' (māo) translates to 'cat' in English. In Chinese, it is commonly used to refer to small, domesticated felines, similarly to English. It can also be part of other words or phrases. For example, '家猫' (jiā māo) is a house cat and '流浪猫' (liú làng māo) refers to a stray cat.

猴子 (hóu zi)

In Chinese, '猴子' is pronounced as 'hóu zi'. It is used to describe the animal monkey. It can be used just as the word 'monkey' is used in English, to refer to the specific animal, or used metaphorically to describe someone as naughty or mischievous.


The Chinese word '率' is used to denote a proportion, rate, or ratio. In terms of usage, it generally appears in the context of statistics, finance, economics, and mathematics, similar to how 'rate' is used in English.

玉米饼 (yù mǐ bǐng)

In Chinese, tortilla is translated as '玉米饼' which literally means corn cake. This word is used when referring to the thin flatbread often used in Mexican cuisine, made from finely ground maize (corn). '玉米饼' is a common food in Chinese-speaking regions and is often served with various fillings.


The Chinese character for 'play' is '玩'. It is used in a similar manner to the English word 'play', denoting an activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. The concept can extend to any activities that people find enjoyable, including playful interaction with objects or individuals, participation in games or sports, or engaging in artistic and literary activities.

玩具 (wánjù)

The Chinese word for toy is '玩具' which can be used in sentences like '这是我的玩具.' that translates to 'This is my toy.', In Chinese, '玩具' is used to refer to items designed to be played with, often by children. Just like in English, it can refer to anything from a small toy car to a large playground set.

玩家 (wán jiā)

The Chinese word '玩家' is used to describe a person who plays a game or participates in a sport. It is commonly used in contexts such as online games, board games, or sports.

环境 (huánjìng)

The word '环境' in Chinese is used to refer to the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. It can also refer to the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity.

现在 (xiàn zài)

In Mandarin, the word '现在' (xiàn zài) represents the concept of 'present' or 'now'. It is commonly used in statements of time to describe actions happening at the current moment. For example, in the sentence '我现在在看书' (Wǒ xiànzài zài kànshū), it translates to 'I am reading a book now.', expressing an action happening at the present time.

现实 (xiànshí)

The Chinese word for reality is '现实'. It is used in the context of expressing the state of things as they are in fact. It is used in similar ways as its English counterpart in sentences and phrases.

现实的 (xiàn shí de)

In Chinese, '现实的' is used to describe things that are real or practical rather than imaginary or visionary. It can refer to people, outlook, consideration, etc. For example, people are often urged to be '现实的' (realistic) during decision making, meaning they should consider practical constraints and possibilities.

Example sentences with  现实的
现金 (xiàn jīn)

The Chinese word '现金' is used very similar to how 'cash' is used in English. It refers to money in the physical form of currency, such as banknotes and coins. In context, you might use '现金' while purchasing items in a store, or when discussing financial topics.

Example sentences with  现金
玻璃 (bō li)

The Chinese word for glass is '玻璃'. Just like in English, it can refer to the material used to make windows, glasses, and other objects. It can also refer to a drinking glass. The context of the sentence usually indicates what specific meaning is intended.

Example sentences with  玻璃
班级 (bān jí)

In Chinese, '班级' is used to refer to a group of students studying together at a school. Similar to English, it can also be used to refer to the meeting of this group for a lesson. Note that Chinese also uses different words for 'class' depending on the context, for example in referring to social classes.


In Chinese, '球' refers to a spherical object that can be used in various games or sports. It can also refer to a specific ball used in a specific game, such as basketball (篮球), football (足球), etc.

理想 (lǐ xiǎng)

In Chinese, '理想' (lǐ xiǎng) is used to describe something as ideal, or the most suitable condition or situation. It is often used in the context of describing people, things, or situations that are considered to be the best or most perfect. It represents an optimistic expectation.

理解 (lǐ jiě)

The Chinese word '理解' is used when expressing comprehension or grasping the meaning, significance, or nature of something or someone. It is often used in a context where one person is gaining insight or comprehension of knowledge from text, another individual, or a situation. The word can be used in formal or informal settings and is common in both spoken and written Chinese.

理论 (li3 lun4)

The Chinese term '理论' can be used in the same context as 'theory' in English. It is used to refer to a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. It can be used in academic and scientific contexts.


The Chinese word for melon is '瓜'. It can be used in different contexts to refer to various types of melons such as watermelon (西瓜), muskmelon (香瓜), etc. It is also often used metaphorically in expressions or idioms.

瓶子 (píng zi)

The Chinese word for 'bottle' is '瓶子'. It is used the same way as it is in English, i.e., to refer to a container with a neck that is narrower than the body and a mouth that can be plugged, corked, or capped. It can be used in several contexts, such as a bottle of water (一瓶水), a bottle of wine (一瓶酒), etc.

Example sentences with  瓶子
甚至 (shèn zhì)

In Chinese, '甚至' is often used to express the degree of something. It can be used in a similar context as in English where 'even' is used to add emphasis or indicate an extreme case or instance. It is mostly used before the predicate and must be followed by the same subject or thing previously mentioned.


The Chinese word '甜' is used to describe something that has a pleasant taste like that of sugar or honey. It can be used to describe food, drinks, or even to describe someone's personality or moments in life.

生产 (shēng chǎn)

The Chinese word '生产' corresponds to the English word 'produce'. It is widely used in sentences. It signifies the act of making or creating something, generally on a large scale and usually through a natural process. In Chinese context it can be used to refer to things like food manufacturing or industrial production.

生存 (shēng cún)

In Chinese, '生存' refers to the act of surviving or to continue living under difficult or challenging circumstances.

Example sentences with  生存
生态学 (shēng tài xué)

The Chinese word '生态学' is typically used in academic related to environment studies. It encompasses the study of interactions among organisms and their environment, concerning about biodiversity, distribution, population, and behaviors. This term is frequently used in discussions regarding environmental policy and conservation efforts.

生成 (shēng chéng)

The Chinese word '生成' is used similar to the English word 'generate'. It means to cause something to exist or bring about, often used in realms such as science, technology, and mathematics. For example, when a user clicks a button on a program, it can 'generate' a report or when certain conditions are met, a system could 'generate' a warning or error.

生日 (shēng rì)

The Chinese word '生日' is used to convey 'birthday'. It is used in the same way as the English word 'birthday', referring to the anniversary of a person's birth. Much like in English, it can be combined with other words to form phrases such as 'birthday party' (生日派对) or 'birthday gift' (生日礼物).

Example sentences with  生日
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