Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

消防员 (xiāo fáng yuán)

The Chinese word '消防员' refers to an individual who is part of the emergency services responsible for responding to fires and a range of other emergencies. They are specifically trained in firefighting and often provide medical aid as well.

涉及 (shè jí)

The Chinese word '涉及' is used similarly to the English 'involve'. It can be used to describe situations where something is part of an action, event or situation. It can also be used to emphasize that a situation, activity, or process includes a particular factor or thing.

淋浴 (lín yù)
the shower

The Chinese word for shower is '淋浴'. It will often be used in the same context as its English counterpart, it means the act of bathing underneath a spray of water.

淘气 (táoqì)

淘气 is a Chinese adjective often used to describe someone, especially a child, who is active, playful, and tends to break rules for fun. It has a neutral or slightly negative connotation but is usually used in a non-severe or affectionate context. For example, a parent may call their child 淘气 when they are being mischievous.


In Chinese, '深' is used to describe something profound or having great depth, similar to how 'deep' is used in English. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing physical depth (of a hole, water, etc.), emotional depth, or even the complexity of a subject matter.

Example sentences with  
深度 (shēn dù)

The word '深度' in Chinese is used to denote the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something. It can also be used to indicate the intensity or severity of a situation, the complexity of a topic, or the level of understanding or insight about something. For instance, it can be used in contexts such as deep water ('深水'), depth of understanding ('理解的深度'), or depth of a crisis ('危机的深度').

深深地 (shēn shēn de)

In Chinese, '深深地' means deeply and can be used in various contexts and sentences. Commonly used in adjective phrases or adverbial contexts, it serves to emphasize the depth or intensity of a state or action.

混乱 (hùnluàn)

The Chinese word '混乱' refers to a state of disorder or confusion, quite similar to the English word 'mess'. It can be used to describe both tangible situations like a messy room, or more abstract situations like a messy situation or a confused mind.

Example sentences with  混乱
混合 (hùnhé)

The Chinese word '混合' is used to express the meaning of various elements combined together. It can be used to describe different kinds of substances, ideas, people, etc., mixed or blended together. For example, it can be used to describe a mixed crowd, mixed emotions, or a mixed salad.

混合物 (hùnhéwù)

The Chinese term '混合物' is used to describe a combination of different things. In English, this is translated to 'mixture'. This word can be used in various contexts such as chemistry to describe the blending of different substances, or in cooking to describe different ingredients combined together.

Example sentences with  混合物
添加 (tiānjiā)

In Chinese, '添加' is a commonly used verb which means to add. This could refer to adding a number in a mathematical context, adding more objects to a collection or even metaphorically adding more information to a discussion.

Example sentences with  添加
清楚 (qīngchu)

In Chinese, '清楚' (qīngchu) is used to describe something that is clear, distinct, or understood easily. It can be used both for visible objects and abstract concepts like instructions or ideas. Therefore, it can be used in sentences like '他说得很清楚' which means 'He speaks very clearly' or '我看得非常清楚' which translates to 'I can see it very clearly.'

清理水 (qīnglǐ shuǐ)
clean the water

In Chinese, 'clean the water' is translated as '清理水 (qīnglǐ shuǐ)'. It refers to the action of purifying, filtering, or cleansing water to make it safe and suitable for use. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as environmental conservation, household chores, or industrial processes.

Example sentences with  清理水
温度 (wēn dù)

In Chinese, the word for temperature is '温度'. It encompasses both the concepts of heat and cold, much like the English word. It is often used in daily conversation, in the contexts of weather, health, and scientific discussions.

温暖 (wēn nuǎn)

The Chinese word '温暖' is used to describe a sense of warmth or comfort. It could refer to physical warmth, like a warm cup of tea, or emotional warmth, like the feeling of being loved and cared for.

Example sentences with  温暖
温柔地 (wēn róu de)

The Chinese word '温柔地' is an adverb, often used to describe something done with kindness or tenderness. Similar to the English meaning, it can be used to describe people, actions, or characteristics that are soft, gentle, or tender. For instance, one might speak, act, or touch '温柔地'.

Example sentences with  温柔地
游客 (yóu kè)

The Chinese word '游客' is used to refer to tourists or visitors, much like its English equivalent. It is commonly used in travel-related contexts and is used to refer to people traveling to different locations for leisure or sightseeing.

游戏 (yóu xì)

The Chinese word '游戏' is used to refer to 'game' in English, which may denote playful, entertaining activities, or competitive ones which have rules and objectives. It can refer to both physical (sports) games and digital or video games, as well as board and card games. It is a common term and can be used in most contexts that the English word 'game' is used in.

游泳 (yóu yǒng)
to swim

The Chinese word '游泳' translates to 'to swim' in English. It is often used to describe the activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs. It can be used in various contexts, whether you are referring to swimming as a sport, leisure activity, or a survival skill.


The word '湖' refers to a large area of water surrounded by land, equivalent to 'lake' in English. It is commonly used to refer to both natural and artificial lakes. Notably, '湖' is often used in names of specific lakes.

Example sentences with  

The word '滑' translates to 'slide' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as 'slide down a hill' or 'the screen slides open'. It indicates the smooth movement of an object, often due to gravity or some sort of momentum, and can also refer to a surface that allows this sliding movement to take place.

Example sentences with  

In Chinese, the word '满' (mǎn) is used to describe something being full, complete or whole, whether it is physical, such as a full cup of water or more abstract, like a fulfilled life. It can be used in various contexts like '满满的爱' which means 'full of love', and '满星' meaning 'full stars'

满意 (mǎn yì)

The Chinese word for satisfaction is '满意'. It is used similarly as it is in English to convey a sentiment of contentment or fulfilment, whether in circumstances or in achieving goals and desires. It can be used in various contexts in sentences, providing a descriptive element of emotion or gratification.

Example sentences with  满意
漂亮 (piàoliang)

The Chinese word '漂亮' directly translates to 'pretty' in English. It is used similarly to English, to describe something or someone that is attractive or pleasing in appearance. Similar to English, it can be used for people, objects, or even to describe a good result or satisfactory outcome.

演员 (yǎn yuán)

This term can be used to refer to both male and female actors in a movie, similar to the term 'actor' in English.

Example sentences with  演员
演示 (yǎn shì)

The word '演示' in Chinese is used to refer to an act of presenting a topic or issue, especially in a formal setting. It can be used in various contexts like business, education, public speaking, and so on.

演讲 (yǎn jiǎng)

The Chinese word '演讲' stands for 'speech'. It is frequently used in the context of public speaking, such as political speeches, award acceptance speeches, or presentations. It can also be used to refer to the ability or act of speaking.

潜力 (qián lì)

In Chinese, '潜力' directly translates to 'potential'. It is often used in the same contexts as the English word; for example, to talk about the unseen capacity or latent qualities within an individual, system or object. It can be used in daily conversations, business discussions, educational settings, etc.

Example sentences with  潜力
潜艇 (qiántǐng)

The Chinese word '潜艇' is used just like the English word 'submarine'. It refers to a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. It is often used in the context of naval warfare, research, and exploration of the ocean depths.

激动 (jī dòng)

The translated Chinese word '激动' can be used in various contexts such as when you feel a strong feeling of happiness or enthusiasm. Just like in English, it can also refer to the state of being aroused or stimulated to a high degree.

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