Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

橄榄球 (Gǎnlǎnqiú)

The term '橄榄球' is used in Chinese to refer to the sport of rugby. Rugby, a contact sport which originated in England, is popular in various regions worldwide. '橄榄球' can be used in any context where you might use 'rugby' in English, whether you're discussing the sport itself, the rules, teams, or tournaments.


In Chinese, '橙' is used to refer to the fruit and the color orange. Besides, it might be useful to know that the pronunciation and usage are almost similar to it's English counterpart. It's simple to use, you can say '这个橙子很好吃' for 'This orange is really tasty'.

橱柜 (chú guì)

In Chinese, the word for cabinet is '橱柜'. It is a noun that is usually used to refer to a piece of furniture with shelves, doors, and drawers that is used for storing or displaying items.

Example sentences with  橱柜

The Chinese word '欠' directly translates to 'owe' in English. It is most commonly used in sentences to indicate a debt or obligation, much like how 'owe' is used in English. It could be in the context of money, a favor, or other forms of obligation.

Example sentences with  
次要 (cì yào)

In Chinese, '次要' is used to refer to something less important or secondary in nature. It can be used in various context such as subjects, items, details etc. The usage is quite similar to its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  次要
欢迎 (huān yíng)

The Chinese word '欢迎' is used in contexts similar to the English 'welcome.' It is often used as a warm greeting to invite guests or newcomers. For instance, '欢迎你来到中国' means 'Welcome to China.'

欣赏 (xīn shǎng)

The Chinese word '欣赏' is used in the same way as 'admire' in English. It can be used to show respect and approval for something or someone and can also be used to express the enjoyment or appreciation of a work of art, beauty, or skill.

Example sentences with  欣赏
欲望 (yù wàng)

The Chinese word for 'desire' is '欲望' (yù wàng). It is used much like in English, to express a strong feeling of wanting something or wishing for something to happen. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including but not limited to, expressing a desire for a material object, a change in circumstances, or an experience. However, please be noted that the nuance may change according to the context.

Example sentences with  欲望

In Chinese, the word 'song' is translated as '歌'. It is commonly used just as the English word, referring to a short musical composition with words. It is used in various contexts related to music, performances, and entertainment.

歌手 (gē shǒu)

In Chinese, '歌手' is used to describe a person who sings, especially as their profession. It is used in the same way as the English word 'singer'. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing any performer in a musical context, including pop, rock, country, opera, and many more.

正义 (zhèng yì)

The term '正义' in Chinese is often used in various contexts just like it is in English. It can refer to administrative justice, moral justice, or even refer to righteousness. It is the concept of ethical rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, or it can be the fairness or rightful claims. It is used to assert fairness in a social context or analyzing a complex scenario.

正常 (zhèng cháng)

The Chinese word '正常' is equivalent to 'normal' in English. It is used to express usual or average state of most things in various contexts - psychologically, physically, socially, and many others. It could be used to describe regular conditions ranging from health status to weather conditions.

Example sentences with  正常
正常地 (zhèng cháng de)

The Chinese word '正常地' is used in a similar way to the use of 'normally' in English. It refers to something that is compliant with the standard, usual, regular, or customary. Can be used to refer to actions, conditions, or states performed or existing under normal circumstances.

正式 (zhèngshì)

The word '正式' in Chinese is used similarly to the English word 'formal'. It is used to describe something that is done in accordance with rules or standards, such as in formal language, formal dress, formal occasion. It is also used in context of official matters. Example: 正式的服装 means formal attire.

Example sentences with  正式
正确 (zhèngquè)

The Chinese word '正确' is used just as we use 'correct' in English. It can be used to describe something that is right or true. It can also be used to affirm a statement or to indicate that a decision or approach is the right one.

Example sentences with  正确
步骤 (bù zhòu)

In Chinese, '步骤' refers to a step or stage in a process. It can be used in the same context as in English such as step by step instructions or the steps to achieve a purpose.

武器 (wǔqì)

The Chinese word '武器' directly translates to 'weapon' and is used quite generally, similar to English. It can refer to both traditional weapons, such as knives and swords, as well as modern weapons like guns and bombs.


The Chinese word '死' is used in the same way as the English word 'dead'. It is used to describe a state of not being alive. It can be used for people, animals, plants, or anything that once had life. It can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is completely unresponsive or doesn't function anymore.

死亡 (sǐwáng)

In Chinese, '死亡' is used to refer to the cessation of life. It can be used in many contexts just like in English, such as natural death, accidental death, etc. This term is widely used in literature, daily conversation, and news reporting among other scenarios.

毁灭 (hui3 mie4)

In Chinese, '毁灭' is used to denote the action of destroy exactly as it is in English. It's more often used in the context of causing significant damage or completely ruining something, either physically or metaphorically, such as a place, an object or even an idea or relationship. Like in English, it can be used both literally and figuratively.

母亲 (mǔqīn)

The word '母亲' (mǔqīn) is a fairly formal word for mother in Chinese. It is often used in contexts where respect is particularly emphasized, such as in written works and formal conversation. For a more familiar term often used for mother in daily conversation, the word '妈妈' (māmā) is used.


The Chinese word '每' translates to 'every' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, meaning each one in a group without exception. It often combines with other nouns in sentences to express 'every day', 'every person', 'every year', etc.

每个 (měi gè)

The Chinese word '每个' stands for 'each'. It is used in equivalent contexts in Chinese language as 'each' in English, indicating every individual in a group or series without exception. For example, '每个人' means 'each person'.

Example sentences with  每个
每个人 (měi gè rén)

The Chinese phrase for 'everyone' is '每个人'. It is utilized in the same context as its English counterpart. It is suitable for formal and informal contexts, and it encompasses all individuals in a group, regardless of the group's size.

每周 (měi zhōu)

The Chinese word '每周' translates to 'weekly' in English. It is used to describe an event or action that takes place every week. It can be used in a similar context as in English, for example: '每周會議' which means 'weekly meeting'.

Example sentences with  每周
每日 (měi rì)

The Chinese word '每日' is used similarly to the English word 'daily'. It is an adjective that describes something that happens or is done every day. For instance, '每日的工作' means 'daily work' or '每日的活动' refers to 'daily activities'. It can also be used as a standalone noun to refer to a daily newspaper, such as '每日新闻'.

Example sentences with  每日

The Chinese character '比' is used similarly to 'than' in English to compare two things. for example, 'A比B大' can be translated as 'A is bigger than B'. Unlike english, '比' is placed between two objects being compared and not after like in English.

Example sentences with  
比特 (bǐ tè)

In Chinese, the word '比特' is commonly used in the field of information technology and computing to represent the smallest unit of data. It is also a transliteration from the English word 'bit', and is used in similar contexts.

比率 (bǐ lǜ)

The '比率' (bǐ lǜ) in the Chinese language is used to describe the quantitative relationship between two units. It could be between people and objects or two different counts of the same object. It is often used in mathematics, statistics, and financial sectors.

Example sentences with  比率
比赛 (bǐ sài)

In Chinese, '比赛' refers to a competition or contest, typically involving physical endeavor. It can also refer to a contest between runners, horses, vehicles, etc. to see which is the fastest, as in a running race or a car race.

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