Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

柠檬 (níng méng)

The Chinese word '柠檬' is used to refer to the citrus fruit known as 'lemon' in English. It is used in similar contexts as it is in English, such as cooking, baking, and as a flavoring for dishes and drinks.

标准 (biāo zhǔn)

In Chinese, '标准' is used similarly to English. It signifies a level of quality or attainment. It implies a norm, guideline, or principle, which can be universally accepted as the basis of comparison or assessment in any given field or circumstance. Examples could be performance 'standards', 'standard' procedures, or 'standard' size.

标志 (biāo zhì)

The Chinese word '标志' is used just like the English word 'sign'. It refers to any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that conveys a particular message. The message may be to provide information, an instruction, a warning, etc. In the same way, it can also mean an observable indication of a fact, event, or quality.

标记 (biāo jì)

In Chinese, '标记' is used to denote a symbol, sign, notation, or indicator that has been put in place to identify, differentiate, represent or characterize something or someone. It can be used in the context of 'making a mark' on a document, map, chart or any other surface. It can also refer to a distinct impression or characteristic feature. Moreover, it can signify tagging or attributing in a sense of labelling or branding.

Example sentences with  标记
标题 (biao ti)

The Chinese word for 'title' is '标题'. This can refer to the heading of a book, an article, or the name of a movie, etc. It is used in much the same way as the English word 'title', identifying the name or designation of something.

Example sentences with  标题

The Chinese word '树' is used to refer to a plant that is typically large, with branches extending from the trunk. It might be used in various contexts such as nature, environment, growth, and more. Much like English, it can be used both in a literal and metaphorical sense.

样本 (yàngběn)

The Chinese translation '样本' is used similarly to the English word 'sample'. It can refer to an example or specimen. It is often used in contexts like research, shopping (free samples), statistics, or music (audio samples).

Example sentences with  样本
根据 (gēn jù)

The Chinese word '根据' is used in the same context as 'according' in English. It often precedes the source or standard by which something is decided or judged. It's typically used in official, academic, or formal contexts.

框架 (kuàngjià)

The Chinese word '框架' is used to represent 'frame' in English. It is often used when mentioning frames for pictures or reference, structural systems or frameworks. Just like 'frame' in English, '框架' can imply physical and metaphorical meanings depending on the context. It is also frequently utilized in the tech sector when referring to software or systems 'framework'.

Example sentences with  框架
案例 (àn lì)

The Chinese word '案例' is used to refer to a particular occurrence or phenomenon that is used as an example of a class or group, most importantly in the field of studies. It can also refer to a legal case in courts. Just like in English, it can be used both in formal and informal speech.

桌子 (zhuōzi)

The Chinese word '桌子' refers to 'table' in English. It can be used in many of the same contexts. For example, you can say '这是我的桌子' to mean 'This is my table'. In Chinese, nouns do not have plural forms, so '桌子' can mean one table or many tables based on the context.


The word '桥' in Chinese is used in the same context as 'bridge' in English. It can be used to describe a physical structure that crosses over a river or a metaphorical connection between two things. It's a common noun and can be used in various situations.

Example sentences with  

In Chinese, '梅' refers to the fruit and the tree known as a plum in English. It is used in the same context as it's English counterpart. This is a common fruit in China and has cultural significance, often associated with resilience and perseverance because it blooms in winter. The word '梅' is also used in names, literature and art.

梦想 (mèng xiǎng)

In Chinese, 'dream' is translated as '梦想'. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to ambitions or aspirations. Often used with '的' (possessive particle) to indicate someone's dream, e.g. '他的梦想' (his dream).


The Chinese translation for the English word 'pear' is '梨'. This is a noun, typically used in the same way the English term would be used--to refer to the sweet or sour fruit. For example, you might use it when talking about your favorite fruits or asking if a store carries pears. It's a common word and would be understood by speakers of Mandarin Chinese.

梯子 (tī zi)

The Chinese word for ladder is '梯子'. It follows the exact same concept as in English, referring to a structure, often made from wood or metal, that has a series of steps between two vertical bars, used for climbing up or down something.

检查 (jiǎnchá)

In Chinese, '检查' means to check, inspect, or examine. It's used in many contexts similar to its English equivalent. For example, you can '检查' your work, luggage, or a patient if you are a doctor, to ensure everything is in order.

检查员 (jiǎncháyuán)

In Chinese, '检查员' means inspector and is used in similar contexts to English. It refers to a person who inspects something, especially for compliance with a specific set of standards. In various fields, including business, education, law enforcement, and public safety, there are inspectors.

Example sentences with  检查员

The Chinese word '棒' is used in a similar way as the English word 'stick'. It can refer to a long, thin piece of wood or other material. It can also figuratively represent persistence or determination, as in English. For example, 'stick to it' might be translated as '坚持'.

Example sentences with  
棒球 (bàngqiú)

In Chinese, the word for 'baseball' is '棒球', pronounced 'bàngqiú'. This is a common word in China for the sport loved and played by many. It's widely used in conversation and can be identified by any Chinese speaker. Like many Chinese words, it is a compound where each character has meaning - '棒' means stick or bat, and '球' means ball, so together they represent the physical components of a baseball game.

棕色 (zōng sè)

The word '棕色' is used in Chinese to describe the color brown. It is used the same way as it is in English, to describe objects or things which have a brown color. It could be used to describe hair color, furniture, earth, wood, etc.

Example sentences with  棕色
森林 (sēn lín)

The Chinese word '森林' is used to refer to a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth. It can be used in various contexts like talking about nature, wildlife, and environment. Similar to English, it can be combined with other words to create new terms like 'rainforest', which is '热带雨林' in Chinese.

椅子 (yǐ zi)

The word '椅子' in Chinese refers to any kind of seat with backrest, typically one for one person to sit on. It is frequently used in daily conversation just as 'chair' is used in English.

植物 (zhí wù)

In Chinese, '植物' is used to refer any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multi-cellular organisms that typically produce their own food from sunlight and are usually capable of growth and reproduction. It's used in the context of biology and everyday life to describe different types of vegetation.

楼上 (lóu shàng)

In Chinese language, '楼上' is used to represent the upper level or upstairs of a building. It is a commonly used term in everyday conversation, typically referring to a location in a multi-story building. Just like 'upstairs' in English, it can also metaphorically refer to a higher position or status. The word can also be used to politely indicate someone who has a higher standing or position.

Example sentences with  楼上
概念 (gàiniàn)

The Chinese word for 'concept' is '概念' (gàiniàn). It is generally used in the context of defining abstract ideas, principles or thoughts. It can be used in similar sentence structures as in English.

模型 (mó xíng)

In Chinese, the word '模型' is used in a very similar way to 'model' in English. It can refer to a representation or a simulation of a system that is often used in analyzing how the system works.

模式 (mó shì)

The Chinese word '模式' is the closest direct translation of 'pattern' in English. It is widely used in daily conversation and formal texts, resembling the usage in English. It is often used to refer to a particular way in which something is done or organized.

横过 (héng guò)

The Chinese word '横过' is often used to communicate the concept of moving or looking from one side to another, particularly in a sideways or diagonal way. It can refer to physically crossing over a space such as a room or street, as well as more metaphorical uses, representing moving across a range or spread of something.

Example sentences with  横过
樱桃 (yīng táo)

The word '樱桃' is used to refer to the fruit known as cherry in English. In China, cherries are liked by many for their sweet and sour taste. They are often consumed fresh or used in cooking for making desserts or sauces. '樱桃' can also metaphorically refer to young, attractive women, somewhat similar to the English use of 'cherry'.

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