Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

木头 (mùtou)

In Chinese, '木头' is used to refer to wood or timber. It can be used in various contexts such as describing furniture, building materials, or the natural material from trees and plants.

未来 (wèi lái)

The Chinese word '未来' is often used to refer to the time after the present. Its usage is very similar to that of the English word 'future'. It could be used in various contexts such as discussing plans or prospects. For example, '我对未来充满了期待' means 'I am full of expectation for the future'.

本地的 (běn dì de)

The Chinese word for native, 本地的, is used similar to how 'native' is used in English. It can refer to a person born in a certain place or a characteristic of something belonging naturally to a certain area. It can also refer to the inherent characteristics or functionalities of objects, such as in software or technology forums.

本质上 (běn zhì shàng)

The Chinese word '本质上' translates to 'essentially' in English. It is used to indicate an intrinsic, fundamental nature or character of something or the basic or inherent features of something, or to emphasize the basic, fundamental, or intrinsic aspect of a point that someone is making.

Example sentences with  本质上
本身 (běn shēn)

In Chinese, '本身' means 'itself'. It is often used to refer to the inherent nature or characteristics of something or someone. It can be used in various contexts, similar to how 'itself' is used in English.

机会 (jī huì)

In Chinese, the term '机会' is associated with the opportunity or chance which is often guided by conditions, time, or circumstances. It can be contextually used like it is in English while expressing a favorable set of circumstances that presents itself as an opportunity.

机器 (jīqì)

The Chinese word for 'machine' is '机器' (jīqì). It is used in the same contexts as the English word 'machine'. It might refer to any type of mechanical apparatus or device, from a simple tool to complex computer systems. In sentences, it can be used as a noun to refer to a physical device or system.

机场 (jī chǎng)

In Chinese, '机场' is the word for 'airport'. This term is commonly used in formal and casual conversation to refer to an area where aircraft, such as planes and helicopters, take off and land. Different contexts may call for use of different synonyms, but '机场' is the most commonly used term for 'airport'.


The Chinese word '杀' is used much the same as the English word 'kill'. It can be used to express the act of killing or destroying lives. It's often used in the context of war, crime, or in idiomatic expressions.

杂志 (zá zhì)

The Chinese word for 'magazine' is '杂志'. This is a common noun used to refer to a publication that is generally published on a regular schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and contains a variety of content like articles, stories, photos, and advertisements. It is often used in contexts relating to reading, news and media.

Example sentences with  杂志
杂货 (zá huò)

The Chinese word for grocery is 杂货. This word is used to refer to a store where customers can buy food and other items used in the home. Just like the English term, it is a common and frequently-used word in day-to-day expressions and also in formal written Chinese.

权威 (quánwēi)

In Chinese, '权威' is used similarly to the English word 'authority'. It is typically used to refer to a person or organization that is believed to have a lot of knowledge or power in a particular field. For example, a leading scientist in a specific field could be referred to as a '权威'. This word has a strong tone, emphasing the power and knowledge of the person or organization it's referring to.

材料 (cái liào)

In Chinese, '材料' is used to refer to material. It can be used in the same context as in English, such as referring to the stuff or things needed for something, an ingredient, or the type of fabric for clothing. Much like its English counterpart, '材料' is quite versatile.

村庄 (Cūnzhuāng)

In China, an urban city is often divided by districts, and district is divided by communities, while for the rural region, it is cornomically divided by '村庄' (villages). There are also '村庄' in cities but now they basically refer to 'urban villages', measures to accommodate the massive population flowing in big cities.

Example sentences with  村庄

In Chinese, 'strip' is translated as '条'. It is often used to refer to a long, narrow piece of a thing, such as a strip of paper, fabric, or land. It is also used as a classifier for long, flexible objects such as dogs, snakes, pants, and roads.

条件 (tiáo jiàn)

The Chinese word '条件' is largely used similarly as 'condition' in English. It has a flexible usage and can refer to terms or prerequisites needed for a particular action or situation to occur similarly as in English. It can also be part of compound words that include terms such as 'physical conditions', 'conditions of an agreement', 'conditions for success', and so on.


In Chinese, '来' is a commonly used verb that symbolizes movement towards the speaker or towards a specified place or position. It can be used in various contexts, just like 'come' in English. '来' also has other usages in different settings, but generally, it conveys the concept of moving or progressing towards a location or a state.

来源 (lái yuán)

'来源’ is a Chinese word which translates to 'source'. In Chinese language, the term ‘来源’ is usually used to denote the origin or the starting point of something. For instance, it can be used to indicate the source of a news article, the source of a river, or the source of a piece of information.

极其 (jí qí)

The Chinese word '极其' is used to enhance the adjective or adverb that follows it, similar to how 'greatly' is used in English to emphasize the degree to which something is affected. It's commonly used in formal and written Chinese language.

Example sentences with  极其
极端 (jíduān)

The Chinese word '极端' is used to describe something that is extreme in its nature, such as behavior, attitudes, or situations. It is often used to point out significant or unusual circumstances that are far from what is considered normal or moderate.

Example sentences with  极端
杯子 (bēi zi)

The Chinese word for 'cup' is '杯子' (bēizi). It is a common and everyday word used to refer any type of cup or mug intended for drinking beverages. Like in English, it can also be used in compound words or phrases for specific types of cups or mugs.


The Chinese word '松' is used in the same contexts as the English word 'loose'. It can be used to describe loose clothing, loosely held objects or even abstract concepts such as loose standards or rules. It is a common adjective in Chinese.

Example sentences with  

In Chinese, '板' is a common word used to represent the English word 'board'. It can be used in various contexts such as 'blackboard', 'wooden board', etc. The usage can vary based on the word it is paired with. It's important to use it in context to convey the correct meaning.

枕头 (Zhěntou)

In Chinese, Pillow translates to '枕头' (Zhěntou). The word is often used to refer to the cushion support for the head, especially for sleeping or resting. It's frequently used in daily life, in settings like bedrooms, furniture shopping, etc.

果汁 (guǒ zhī)

In Chinese, '果汁' (guǒ zhī) is used to refer to any type of juice, specifically those derived from fruits. It can be used in various contexts, just like its English counterpart, referring to a drink made from the liquid content of fruits.

Example sentences with  果汁
某人 (mǒu rén)

In Chinese, '某人' means 'someone'. It's a singular term used to refer to a person whose identity is unknown or not stated. It is often used in the same contexts as the English word 'someone', such as in sentences like 'Someone is at the door.' ('有某人在门口。')

某处 (mǒu chù)

The Chinese word '某处' has the same usage as 'somewhere' in English. It is often used to denote an indefinite or unspecified location. The word combines '某' meaning 'some' or 'a certain' and '处' meaning 'place' or 'location'.

Example sentences with  某处
某物 (mǒu wù)

In Mandarin, '某物' is used to refer to something or an object in a vague way, without specifying exactly what the object or thing is. It is often used when the speaker either doesn't know the specific identity of the thing, or doesn't need to specify it. It is similar to the English usage of 'something'.

柔和 (róu hé)

The Chinese word for 'soft' is '柔和'. It is often used to describe things that are soft to touch or soft in nature. For instance, it could be used to describe the texture of a pillow, a person's character or demeanor, and even the gentle nature of light or sound.

Example sentences with  柔和
柜台 (guì tái)

The Chinese word '柜台' is often used in the context of a service or display counter. This may refer to a counter at a store, bank, or any other place where people are served. It can represent both the physical counter itself and the service area as a whole.

Example sentences with  柜台
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