Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.


The Chinese word for 'book' is '书', pronounce as 'shū'. In Chinese, it is prominently used the same way as in English, to refer to a collection of pages bound together containing text for reading. It can be used in a variety of contexts including textbook (教科书), notebook (笔记本), etc.

书桌 (shū zhuō)

The Chinese word 书桌 is used to refer to a piece of furniture with a flat surface and typically with drawers, at which one can read, write, or do other work. It is used in much the same way as the English word 'desk'.


The Chinese word for 'buy' is '买' (mǎi). It is used in a similar context as it is in English. For example, '买东西' (mǎi dōngxī) means 'buy things'. It's usually followed by the object that you are purchasing.

Example sentences with  
买家 (mǎi jiā)

The Chinese word for 'buyer' is '买家', which is used to refer to a person or an entity that purchases goods or services. This word is commonly used in e-commerce and retail industries, as well as in common lifestyle conversations in China. It is important to note that context may alter the use of this word, as it is in any language.

乳房 (rǔ fáng)

The Chinese word for 'breast' is '乳房' (rǔ fáng). It is used in the same contexts as the English word, referring to the upper ventral region of an animal's torso, particularly that of mammals, including humans. It is often used in scientific, medical, or formal contexts.

Example sentences with  乳房
争议 (zhēng yì)

The Chinese word '争议' is used to represent any disagreement, argument or debate, similar to the English word 'dispute'. It is used across all forms of written and spoken Chinese and can be used both formally and informally.

争论 (zhēnglùn)

The Chinese word for 'argue' is '争论'. It can be used in a variety of contexts just like the English word. For instance, it can be used to describe a heated debate between two people over a contentious issue or simple disagreements on minor matters. Usage of this word in a sentence is similar to its English counterpart.

事件 (shì jiàn)

The Chinese word '事件' translates to 'incident' in English. It is used in Mandarin just like how 'incident' is used in English. It refers to an event or occurrence, especially one that is significant or disturbing. For example, you can use it in sentences like '发生了一起严重的事件' which means 'A serious incident happened'.

事务 (shì wù)

In Chinese, 'affair' means '事务'. It can be used to refer to matters in general or specific events that people need to deal with. Depending on the context, it can also have various other meanings. Just like in English, this word can be used in many different situations across various domains such as politics, business, personal relationships, etc.

Example sentences with  事务
事实 (shì shí)

In Chinese, '事实' stands for 'fact'. It is used in a similar way to the English usage of 'fact'. It's used in daily conversation and writing to express something that is true or has really happened. An example sentence: 这就是事实. (This is a fact.)

事情 (shì qíng)

The Chinese word '事情' or 'matter' is used broadly to refer to an affair, a thing, or an event happening in life. It can be used in various contexts to denote an abstract or concrete concept or event. For example, it can be used to talk about personal matters, matters of the heart, political matters, and so forth.

事故 (shì gù)

The Chinese word '事故' is used to refer to an unexpected and undesirable event, usually occurring suddenly and causing injury or loss. It is used in a similar context as the English word 'accident'. For example, in the sentence 'He met with an accident', '他出了事故'.

Example sentences with  事故

In Chinese, '二' is used to represent the number two. It is usually used in counting or showing quantity. For example, '二十' means 'twenty' and '二月' means 'February'. In Chinese culture, the number '二' can also imply stupidity in informal language, especially when describing people.


The Chinese word for 'cloud' is '云', pronounced 'yún'. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground. In the digital context, it can also refer to 'cloud computing' or 'cloud storage', referred to us '云计算' or '云存储'.

Example sentences with  
互动 (Hùdòng)

The Chinese word '互动' is often used in the context of communication and exchange between two or more individuals or things. It often refers to mutual or reciprocal action or influence. Just like in English, it can be used in a lot of contexts such as social interaction, user interaction, etc.

互联网 (hù lián wǎng)

In Chinese, '互联网' is used to describe the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is used in both formal and informal context, and can be found extensively in environments where discussions of technology and communication happen.


The Chinese word for 'five' is '五', pronounced as 'wǔ'. It's a basic counting number. You might use it when ordering food, asking for five of something, discussing dates and times, and so on. Traditional Chinese culture often places significance on the number five, as there are five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water).

交付 (jiāo fù)

In Chinese, “deliver” translates to “交付” (jiāo fù). This word can be used in similar contexts as in English, such as delivering a package or delivering a speech. However, do note that Chinese language is context-based and “交付” might not be applicable in all scenarios.

Example sentences with  交付
交换 (jiāo huàn)

The Chinese word '交换' is used to describe the process of giving one thing and receiving another in return, similar to the English word 'exchange'. It can be used in many contexts such as exchange of goods, ideas, or pleasantries.

Example sentences with  交换
交易 (jiāo yì)

The Chinese word for 'deal' is '交易'. Much like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as business, trade, transaction, or even in casual situations like bargaining in a market. It is a commonly used word in daily life.

交流 (jiāo liú)

The Chinese word for communication is '交流'. It can be used in various contexts just like in English, to refer to the exchange of information between people through speaking, writing or using some other medium. It can also be used to describe the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.

交通 (jiāo tōng)

In Chinese, ‘交通’ refers to the means of transport or the system of transport. It is a common word used in conversations about travel. It can also refer to the process of transport or to traffic when used in the context of moving goods, people, or vehicles.

Example sentences with  交通
产品 (chǎn pǐn)

The Chinese word for 'product' is '产品' (chǎnpǐn). It is used the same way as in English, referring to a thing or person that is the result of an action or process. In business terms, it can refer to a thing produced or for sale. It can also refer to a thing or person that has been produced or influenced by a particular process or circumstance.

享受 (xiǎngshòu)

The Chinese word '享受' similar to 'enjoy' in English, is used when one is having a pleasurable experience. It can be used in many contexts such as enjoying a meal, enjoying a trip, etc. It might also be used to describe the enjoyment of an abstract concept like freedom or peace.


The Chinese character '亮' is used to refer to anything that is bright or shines, such as a light, color, or the sun. It can be used literally in the context of visible brightness, or metaphorically to describe a bright or clear concept or idea.

亲爱的 (qīn'àide)

The Chinese word '亲爱的' is used to refer to someone whom you feel affection for, similar to the English word 'dear'. It can be used at the beginning of a letter to address the reader, or as a term of endearment for partners, family members, and close friends. Please note, however, that in Chinese, '亲爱的' does not serve the secondary meaning of 'expensive' as 'dear' does in English.

亲自 (qīn zì)

In Chinese, '亲自' is used to express the English term 'personally.' This word is often used to detail something that someone has done by themselves, or decisions they have made without any influence or help from others. Chinese people use this phrase to signify individual responsibility and direct involvement in something.

Example sentences with  亲自

The Chinese word for 'person' is '人'. This word is used in the same manner as in English, to refer to an individual human being. It is a general term and can be applied to a man, woman, or child. Additionally, it can be used in a number of contexts to say things such as 'a person of interest', 'a person who cooks', or 'a nice person'.

人们 (rénmen)

In Chinese, '人们' is used in a very similar way to 'people' in English. It is a plural word that refers to multiple individuals. It can be used in sentences like '人们喜欢音乐' which means 'People like music'.

人口 (rén kǒu)

The Chinese word for 'population' is 人口 (rén kǒu). It is most commonly used to represent the total number of people in a specific place such as a country, city, or town. For example, 我们国家的人口是多少?means 'What is the population of our country?'

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