Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

曲调 (qǔ diào)

The Chinese word '曲调' is equivalent to the English word 'tune'. It is generally used to describe a sequence of musical notes, which is pleasing when played or sung. Similarly, it can also refer to adjusting a musical instrument so it produces the correct sound, quite similar to its English counterpart usage.

Example sentences with  曲调
更多 (gèng duō)

The Chinese term '更多' is mostly used to express the concept of 'more' in English. It's used when you want to indicate a greater or additional amount or degree of something.

更好 (gèng hǎo)

The Chinese word '更好' is used similarly to the English word 'better' and can be used in a comparative context. It can be placed before nouns or adjectives to indicate a superior quality, preference or improvement. This word also can be used broadly in social, professional and grammatical contexts.

更少 (gèng shǎo)

The Chinese word '更少' is often used to express 'less' or 'lesser' in English, often used to compare quantities, sizes, extents or amounts. It forms part of a comparative in sentences where you want to express a degree that is below average or below the general level.

Example sentences with  更少
替代 (tì dài)

In Chinese, the word '替代' is generally used to describe the concept of choosing another option or something different from the usual. Just like 'alternative' in English, it can refer to alternative routes, alternative methods, alternative plans, etc.

Example sentences with  替代
替换 (tì huàn)

The Chinese word '替换' is used to describe the action of substituting one thing for another, similar to the English word 'replace'. It could be used in various contexts such as system replacement, object replacement, or person replacement.

Example sentences with  替换

In Chinese, the word for month is 月 (yuè). It can be used in various contexts similar to English. For example, it's often used to indicate a specific time or date. You might find it in phrases like 上个月 (last month), 下个月 (next month), or 几月 (which month).

月亮 (yuè liàng)

The word '月亮' is used in Chinese just like 'moon' is used in English. It refers to the natural satellite orbiting our planet. It can be used in various contexts, like for instance to refer to the time of the month since a lunar month is one cycle of the moon, or metaphorically to describe something beautiful or romantic.

to have

In Chinese, '有' is used to express possession, existence, or being in a certain state. Similarly to English, it can be used in situations such as 'I have a book' (我有一本书) or 'There is a car over there' (那边有一辆车). It can also be used to indicate a certain condition, such as 'I'm busy' (我有忙).

有些 (yǒu xiē)

In Chinese, '有些' is the translation of 'somewhat' and is often used to describe a certain degree or extent of something. It can be used in various contexts to express that something is to some extent but not completely. It's positioned before adjectives or verbs to express the degree or extent.

Example sentences with  有些
有价值的 (yǒu jiàzhí de)

In Chinese, '有价值的' (yǒu jiàzhí de) is used to describe something that has worth or merit, whether that's financial, emotional, or otherwise. You might use it to describe a valuable commodity, a valuable lesson, a valuable experience, and so on.

有帮助 (yǒu bāng zhù)

In Chinese, the term '有帮助' refers to something or someone that provides aid or assistance, similar to how 'helpful' is used in English. It's used in various contexts, whether in terms of people, objects, or advice, which all may bring some form of benefit or assistance.

Example sentences with  有帮助
有意识 (yǒu yì shí)

The Chinese word '有意识' is used similar to the English word 'conscious'. It denotes the state of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you. For instance, you can use it to describe someone who is not only physically awake, but also mentally aware of their surroundings and their actions.

Example sentences with  有意识
有效 (yǒu xiào)

The Chinese term '有效' is usually used to denote something which is effective, useful, or successful in producing a result. It is frequently used in a wide variety of contexts, including science, business, and everyday conversation, similar to how 'effective' is used in English.

Example sentences with  有效
有效地 (yǒuxiào de)

In Chinese, '有效地' (yǒuxiào de) is a common translation for 'effectively'. It's an adverb and often used to modify verbs, showing that something has been done in an efficient or productive way. However, due to the complexity and context-dependency of languages, it might be interpreted or used slightly differently in some circumstances.

Example sentences with  有效地
有时 (yǒu shí)

The Chinese word '有时' is used to express non-constant circumstances or events, similar to English word 'sometimes'. It is used to represent occasions or situations that occur occasionally but not always.

有用 (yǒuyòng)

The Chinese word '有用' is used to describe something that is helpful or beneficial, much like the English word 'useful'. It can be applied to objects, knowledge, skills, and many other things that contribute in some way. For example, 汉语非常有用 means 'Chinese is very useful'.

Example sentences with  有用
有组织的 (yǒu zǔ zhī de)

The Chinese word '有组织的' is used when describing items, people or events that are well planned, or systematically arranged in a manner that is considered efficient. This word can be used in both formal and informal settings. For example, you can use it to describe an organized meeting or an organized person.

有经验的 (yǒu jīng yàn de)

The Chinese phrase '有经验的' is used exactly as the English word 'experienced'. It is usually used before nouns to describe someone who is skillful in a particular field or job because he or she has done it for a long period. For instance, an experienced doctor would be '有经验的医生'.

Example sentences with  有经验的
有罪 (yǒu zuì)

The Chinese word '有罪' is pronounced 'yǒuzuì' and it literally translates to 'have guilt'. It is used in the same context as in English: to express responsibility for a wrongdoing or crime. It can also be used to describe a guilty feeling or conscience.

有能力的 (yǒu nénglì de)

'有能力的' is used to describe someone who has the power or ability to do something. It can be used in various contexts, such as '他是个有能力的领导' meaning 'He is a capable leader.'

有趣 (Yǒuqù)

The Chinese word '有趣' is used to describe something that is interesting or fun, or that which attracts one's attention or curiosity. Its usage is similar to the English word 'interesting', making it a common adjective in conversations, writings or expressions.

有限 (yǒu xiàn)

The Chinese word '有限' is used to describe something that is not infinite or unlimited, but has certain boundaries or restrictions. It can apply to a variety of contexts, such as resources, abilities, time, etc.

Example sentences with  有限
朋友 (péngyou)

This is a common word used to refer to a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. In Chinese, it is often used to express the concept of friendship.

Example sentences with  朋友
朋友们 (péngyǒumen)

This term is the plural form of '朋友'. In Chinese, '们' is a commonly used plural marker for pronouns and nouns referring to people.

Example sentences with  朋友们
朋友圈 (péngyǒu quān)
circle of friends

In Chinese, '朋友圈' (péngyǒu quān) is a term that refers to a user's social network on platforms such as WeChat. It represents a social community made up of one's friends. This phrase can be broken down into two parts: '朋友' means 'friends' and '圈' means 'circle' or 'community'. It is commonly used to discuss what is happening in one's social network or to refer to social media posts.

朋辈 (péngbèi)

This term is used to refer to a person who is equal to another in age or position. It is a common term to describe the relationship among friends of the same age group.

Example sentences with  朋辈
服务 (fúwù)

In Chinese, '服务' (fúwù) is a noun and verb which refers to 'service' in English. It is used in a variety of contexts such as customer service (客户服务), or service industry (服务行业). Despite the context, the word retains its implications of help, assistance, or benefit being provided by one party to another.


The Chinese word '朝' is used much like 'towards' in English. It is used to indicate the direction or positioning of something moving or facing towards a particular point or object. Note that the usage in some complex sentence structures may vary.

Example sentences with  
木制的 (mù zhì de)

The Chinese word '木制的' stands for 'wooden' in English, implying something constructed out of wood. It is used to describe anything made from wood, like a wooden chair (木制的椅子), a wooden table (木制的桌子), or a wooden house (木制的房子). Not to be mistaken with the word 'wood' (木头), which talks about the material itself.

Example sentences with  木制的
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