Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

收集 (shōu jí)

The Chinese word '收集' (shōu jí) is used to indicate the action of gathering or collecting something. It can be used in the context of gathering information, collecting objects, or even gathering people for an event. In a sentence, it can be used as '我正在收集邮票' which translates to 'I am gathering stamps'.

改进 (Gǎijìn)

In Chinese, '改进' refers to the enhancement or betterment of something already established. It can be used in a variety of scenarios from professional work to personal development, and implies a progressive change towards something better. It carries a positive connotation and suggests growth and development.

攻击 (gōngjí)

In Chinese, '攻击' ('gōngjí') is used to describe an aggressive action, which can be either physical or verbal, against a person or object. This can be used in many contexts including but not limited to military, sports, or in a debate setting. It conveys a sense of initiating a hostile action with the intent to harm or overpower.


The Chinese word '放' is used similar to the English word 'lay', which can be used to mean 'place' or 'put down'. It can be used in various contexts just like in English, though certain idiomatic usages might not translate directly.

Example sentences with  
放松 (fàngsōng)

The Chinese word '放松' is used similarly to the English term 'relax.' It can be used to express the idea of letting loose, calming down, or simply taking a breather. It is typically used when someone has been overworked or stressed and needs to take the time to return to a calming state.

政府 (zhèngfǔ)

In Chinese, '政府' is a noun, and it refers to the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state. It is used in various contexts, much like its English counterpart, to cover aspects like state governance, policies, and bodies of authority.

政治 (zhèng zhì)

In Chinese, the word '政治' is generally used to describe the activities related to the governance of a country or area, especially the debate among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. It can be used similarly to its English translation in sentences.

Example sentences with  政治
政治的 (zhèngzhì de)

The Chinese term for political is '政治的'. It can be used to describe something related to the government or public affairs of a country, such as political issues, political trends, political strategy, etc. In sentences, it can be used the same way as in English by placing it before the noun it modifies.

政策 (zhèngcè)

The word '政策' in Chinese is used to express the term policy. Like in English, it can be used in a variety of settings such as government policy, school policy, or company policy. It is most often used within the context of laws, guidelines, or regulations established by an authority.

故事 (gù shì)

In Chinese, '故事' (gù shì) refers to a story or a tale. It can be used to refer to both fictional and non-fictional narratives. The word consists of two characters: '故' which can mean 'cause' or 'reason', and '事' which means 'event' or 'matter'. When combined, these characters mean 'cause of an event' or 'reason for a matter' that conveys 'story'.

故意 (gù yì)

The Chinese word '故意' corresponds to 'deliberately' in English. It is used to refer to something done purposely or intentionally, often with a specific goal or outcome in mind. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts, across multiple subject matter.

效果 (xiào guǒ)

The Chinese word '效果' is used to describe the result or outcome of a certain action or situation. It is often used in a similar context as the English word 'effect'. For example, you may use '效果' to describe the effect of a medication, a strategy, or a specific approach in a particular situation. It is used in both formal and informal contexts.

效率 (xiào lǜ)

In Chinese, the word '效率' (xiào lǜ) is used in similar contexts as 'efficiency' in English. It's often used to describe the productive use of resources such as time, energy, or materials. Whether in a conversation about work, economics, or daily life, '效率' is a common word applied in discussions where the focus is on getting maximum output with minimum wasted effort or expense.

Example sentences with  效率
敏感 (mǐn gǎn)

In Chinese, '敏感' has a similar usage as 'sensitive' in English. It is most commonly used to describe someone's feelings or attitudes that are easily hurt or affected. It can also refer to a matter or issue that requires caution due to its delicacy, or to describe something responsive to slight changes such as skin or an instrument.

Example sentences with  敏感
救世主 (jiù shì zhǔ)

The word '救世主' is used in Chinese to refer to a person who saves people from danger or evil. It is often used in religious contexts. However, it can also be used metaphorically to refer to someone who has a significant positive impact on a difficult situation.

Example sentences with  救世主
to teach

Teach, represented as '教' in Chinese, is commonly used in both spoken and written language. It is indeed primarily linked with structured educational settings, but it may also be used in more casual situations. This word can stand as a verb which implies to instruct or educate someone in a specific area of knowledge or skill.

教堂 (jiàotáng)

The Chinese word '教堂' refers to a place of worship for Christians, similar to the English word 'church'. It can be used in various contexts, whether it refers to the physical building itself, or the congregation of people within the Christian community.

教学 (jiāo xué)

In Chinese, the word for 'teaching' is '教学', which literally means 'teaching and learning'. This term is used quite commonly in the education sector to refer to the process of teaching or educating others, much like it is used in English.

Example sentences with  教学
教室 (jiàoshì)

The Chinese word for classroom is '教室'(jiàoshì). It is commonly used in the context of education and pretty much works in the same way as the English term for classroom. It can be used to refer to both, the physical room where teaching happens, and the division of students taught by one teacher.

Example sentences with  教室
教授 (jiào shòu)

In Chinese, '教授' is used to refer to a teacher of the highest academic rank in a college or university. Informally, it can also be used to a person who teaches or instructs in a specific subject or is a specialist in a specific area. Unlike the word 'professor' in English, '教授' does not convey any information about tenure.

教父 (jiào fù)

In Chinese, '教父' refers to the man who promises at a Christian baptism to help a child, and often to look after it if its parents die. It can also refer to a person who is influential or to a leader in a particular field.

教练 (jiàoliàn)

In Chinese, '教练' is used to describe a person who teaches and trains players in a particular sport. It can also refer to a person who gives private instruction in singing, acting, etc. However, it doesn't refer to a large, comfortable bus for carrying passengers on long journeys, which can also be a meaning of 'coach' in English. The correct context-based use will depend on surrounding words and phrases.

教育 (jiào yù)

The Chinese word for 'education' is '教育'. It is used in the same context as in English, describing the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. The term can be used in various contexts such as 'primary education', 'special education', 'distance education', etc.

教育的 (jiào yù de)

The Chinese word '教育的' is used to describe things that are related to teaching or learning. It can be used to describe subjects, experiences, materials, or activities that provide knowledge or skill improvement, much like the English word 'educational'.

Example sentences with  教育的

The Chinese word '敢' is very similar to the English word 'dare' in usage. It implies a sense of willingness to take on challenges or perform an action that requires courage. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts, either for positive encouragement or in situations that involve risk. However, while 'dare' can also be used to form a question to challenge someone in English, '敢' is not usually used in that way in Chinese.

Example sentences with  
散文 (sǎn wén)

The Chinese term '散文' translates to 'essay' in English. It represents a short piece of writing on a particular subject. In Chinese language, it can also refer to prose works in the broad sense, including essays, reports, and political commentary. It is commonly used in academic, literary, and journalistic contexts.

Example sentences with  散文

The Chinese term for 'number' is '数'. It can be used in the same context as the English word 'number', to represent or count quantitative values, order of items, or to indicate the place of something in a series or sequence. It is an essential term in the language as it is used in various situations and contexts such as in mathematics, statistics, numbering lists, etc.

数学 (shù xué)

In Chinese, 数学 (shù xué) refers to the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns, known as mathematics in English. It is a fundamental discipline in China's education system, used in various fields such as science, engineering, economics, and many more. The term 数学 can be used in various contexts just like mathematics in English, such as discussing a person's mathematical ability, specific mathematical theories, or the general discipline of mathematics.

数据 (shù jù)

In China, '数据' is a commonly used word in the field of technology and programming. It refers to a collection of facts, statistics, or information that are represented in various forms. You will often see '数据' used when discussing big data, data analysis, data storage or any other IT related topics.

数据库 (shù jù kù)

In Chinese, '数据库' is the term used to refer to a database. Much like in English, it is used predominantly in the context of information technology and computing. It may refer to both a physical database, like a gene database, or a digital database. It is a highly technical term that is extensively used in professions like software development, data management and analysis.

Example sentences with  数据库
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