Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

接收 (jiē shōu)

The Chinese word '接收' is typically used in the same contexts as 'receive' in English. It is used in reference to getting or accepting something that has been sent or given to you. This could be a letter, message, object, or even a transmission.

接近 (jiē jìn)

In Mandarin Chinese, '接近' (jìejìn) means 'approach'. It is used to express the idea of coming near or closer to something in a physical, emotional, or metaphorical way. Similar to English, this word can be used in a wide variety of contexts and circumstances. From describing someone walking towards someone else (physically approaching), to talking about the implementation of a strategy (a metaphorical approach).

控制 (kòngzhì)

The word '控制' in Chinese is used in the same context as 'control' in English. It can be used to depict domination or power over something or about managing and regulating activities. For instance, '控制你的情绪' means 'control your emotions'.


In Chinese, the word '推' is used to refer to the action of applying force to something, typically with one's hand, in order to move it away from oneself. This can be used in literal physical contexts, as well as metaphorically in discussions of abstract concepts like ideas and arguments.

推荐 (tuī jiàn)

The Chinese word '推荐' is mainly used to suggest someone or something to be appropriate or suitable for a specific task, role, or purpose. It can also be used to mention a product, person, or concept favorably, indicating qualities or abilities that are particularly noteworthy.

Example sentences with  推荐
描述 (miáoshū)

The Chinese word '描述' is used similar to the English term 'describe'. It is often used when talking about detailing something or someone in words, or giving a detailed account in speech or writing.

提交 (tí jiāo)

The Chinese word '提交', pronounced 'tí jiāo', is used in the context of submitting something, usually documents or a form. It can be used in a variety of settings such as office contexts, education, or online when filling out forms or applications.

提供 (tígōng)

In Chinese, '提供' is used in a similar way to 'provide' in English. It can refer to providing a service, information, or materials to someone. It's often used in formal or business contexts. For example, 提供服务 (tígōng fúwù) means 'provide service'.

提到 (tí dào)

In Chinese, 提到 is a word that retains the similar context of mention in English. It is usually used when referring to bringing up a topic or referencing something or someone in a conversation or written context.

提升 (tíshēng)

In Chinese, '提升' (tíshēng) is commonly used to express the concept of 'lift', especially in the context of improving or promoting something. It is often seen in various scenarios such as personal improvement or business growth.

Example sentences with  提升
提示 (tí shì)

The Chinese word '提示' is used in similar ways to the English word 'prompt'. It can be used to refer to a hint or indication about something, as well as in computing references to an instruction or signal to the user to input something. It's also used in the context of urging or inciting someone to do something instantly.

提议 (tí yì)

In Chinese, '提议' is most commonly used to express the concept of a 'proposal' or 'suggestion' in English. It is usually used in formal settings such as business, politics, or academia.

提醒 (tíxǐng)

The Chinese word '提醒' is most commonly used in conversation when one person wants to remind another of something they may have forgotten. It can be used both casually and formally. It has the same usage as the English word 'remind'.

Example sentences with  提醒
提高 (tí gāo)

In Chinese, '提高' refers to the action of increasing or improving something. It's similar to the English word 'raise', which could be used in terms of raise in salary, raise in grade, raise in standard. These all can translate into '提高'.

揭示 (jiē shì)

The Chinese character '揭示' is used similarly to the English word 'reveal'. It is mostly used when talking about unveiling or exposing something that was previously unknown or hidden. It can be used in various contexts such as in story telling, science or discovery circumstances.

Example sentences with  揭示
搜索 (sōusuǒ)

The Chinese word '搜索' is widely used in various contexts, similar to the English word 'search'. It can be used to explain the act of finding information in files, databases, or other digital sources, or searching for a person or thing in the real world. It is common in both conversational and written Chinese, making it a useful word for students to learn.

Example sentences with  搜索
携带 (xié dài)

In Chinese, '携带' literally translates to 'carry.' It is often used when referring to carrying a physical object such as a bag or other personal possessions. It can also be used in an abstract sense to denote carrying or bearing responsibilities.

摇摆 (yáo bǎi)

In Chinese, '摇摆' is used much like 'swing' in English. It can refer to the action of moving back and forth, such as a pendulum or a swing at a playground. It can also represent the action of making a big change, like the swing of public mood.

Example sentences with  摇摆
摩托车 (mótuōchē)

摩托车 is the Chinese translation for the English word 'motorcycle.' This is commonly used in China, similar to English, to refer to a two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by a motor and has no pedals.

撒谎 (sā huǎng)

The word '撒谎' in Chinese is used when referring to the act of not telling the truth. It can be used in various contexts similarly to how 'lie' is used in English. For instance, in the phrase '不要撒谎' which means 'don't lie'.

Example sentences with  撒谎

In Chinese, '撕' is how the English word 'rip' is translated. It denotes tearing or pulling something with immense force. It is used in similar contexts as it is used in English language, but it is mostly used for tearing paper or fabric apart.


The Chinese word for 'crash' is '撞'. This is a verb where it can be used in context to describe an accident or collision, like a car crash, or metaphorically to describe a sudden failure like a system crash.

Example sentences with  
操作 (cāo zuò)

The Chinese word for operation is '操作'. It is used in many contexts such as in business, medical, military and scientific research. For instance, in a software context, '操作' can refer to manipulating the computer or its software to complete a task. In a surgical context, '操作' refers to the medical procedure.

to rub

The word '擦' is a commonly used Chinese verb. It corresponds to the English verb 'rub'. It can be used in various contexts like 'rub your hands together', 'rub your eyes', etc. It's also used metaphorically in some idioms and phrases. For example, '生活总会给你擦一下', which means 'life will always give you some rubs' implying life always gives you some trials and tribulations.

Example sentences with  
支付 (zhī fù)

The Chinese word '支付' refers to the act of giving money in exchange for goods or services, equivalent to the English term 'pay'. It is widely used in daily conversations, in a shopping context or for online transactions.

支持 (zhī chí)

The Chinese word '支持' is used similarly to the English word 'support'. It can be used both in the context of providing emotional or moral support, and in the context of providing physical support. For example, one can '支持' a friend who is going through a difficult time, or a pillar can '支持' a building.

收入 (shōu rù)

The Chinese word '收入' which means 'income' is commonly used in financial and economic contexts to refer to the money that an individual or business receives in exchange for providing goods, services, or through investing capital. It represents the gain that is made by providing labor or the use of resources.

收养 (shōuyǎng)

The Chinese word '收养' (shōuyǎng) is used when referring to the act of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the act of taking and using something as one's own, similar to the English term 'adopt'. This term is widely used in both formal and informal contexts.

收藏 (shōucáng)

In Chinese, '收藏' is used to describe a group of objects acquired and kept for aesthetic, cultural, research or historical value. It can also mean the act of collecting various types of objects, similar to the interpretation of 'collection' in English.

Example sentences with  收藏
收费 (shōufèi)

The Chinese term '收费' is used to express the concept of 'charge' in English. It is primarily used in contexts related to financial transactions, specifically when a certain fee or payment is required. The places you often hear this word are banks, stores, restaurants or wherever monetary transactions occur.

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