Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

我们的 (wǒ men de)

The Chinese word for 'our' is '我们的'. It is used to denote something that belongs to us. In sentences, it usually comes before nouns in the same way 'our' is used in English. Unlike English, possession in Chinese does not change the noun following it.

我们自己 (Wǒmen zìjǐ)

The Chinese phrase '我们自己' (Wǒmen zìjǐ) is used in the same way English speakers use 'ourselves.' It can be used to refer to the speaker and the people with them collectively and also to place emphasis on the group of people involved. It's often used in the reflexive sense to express self-action or to stress the subject. For example, we might say, '我们必须自己做这件事' which means 'we must do this thing ourselves.'

Example sentences with  我们自己
我的 (wǒ de)

The Chinese word '我的' is used to denote possession or ownership, similar to how 'my' is used in English. It can be used before a noun directly to show the ownership. For example, '我的书' is 'My book'.

Example sentences with  我的
我自己 (wǒ zìjǐ)

In Chinese, '我自己' is pronounced as 'wǒ zìjǐ'. It is used exactly as it is used in the English language. It is a reflexive pronoun used when the subject and the object of the sentence are the same person.

戒指 (jiè zhǐ)

In Chinese, the word 'ring' is translated to '戒指'. This word is usually used to describe a circular piece of jewelry that is typically worn on a finger. For example, you can say '这是我祖母的戒指' which means 'This is my grandmother's ring'.

Example sentences with  戒指
战争 (zhànzhēng)

The Chinese word for war is '战争'. It is used in a similar context as the English word 'war', representing a state of armed conflict or a prolonged conflict between states or nations. It would be used in the context of historical events, such as the World Wars (世界大战), or in discussing the concept or effects of war (如战争的影响).

Example sentences with  战争
战斗 (zhàn dòu)

The Chinese word for fight is '战斗' (zhàn dòu). It refers to a struggle or competition between people or groups. This could refer to a physical confrontation, such as a boxing match, or a metaphorical one, like a political fight. This term is often used in contexts such as sports, politics, or disputes.

房地产 (fángdìchǎn)

In Chinese, '房地产' refers to property consisting of land or buildings. It can be used in many contexts such as: real estate market (房地产市场), real estate industry (房地产业), and real estate development (房地产开发).

房子 (Fángzi)

In Chinese, '房子' (Fángzi) translates directly to 'house'. It is commonly used in the same way as in English, to refer to a dwelling or place of residence. You could use it in a sentence like '这是我的房子' (Zhè shì wǒ de fángzi), which means 'This is my house'.

房间 (fáng jiān)

The word '房间' in Chinese is used to refer to any enclosed space within a building, typically separated by walls or partitions from other parts. It can refer to a living room, bedroom, bathroom, etc. - any room you might have in a house or building.

所有 (suǒyǒu)

In Chinese, '所有' is used to represent 'all' or 'every.' It can be followed by a noun to express 'all (of the)' or 'every.' For instance, '所有的人' refers to 'all (of the) people'.

所有者 (suǒ yǒu zhě)

In Chinese, '所有者' is used to refer to someone who owns or possesses something. It can be used in the context of saying, for example, 'he is the owner of the house' (他是房子的所有者) and may refer to both tangible and intangible possessions.

扇子 (shàn zi)

In Chinese, 'fan' translates to '扇子(shànzi)'. It is used both for something that is used to create a cooling air current, especially a handheld item often made of paper or fabric on a folding frame, and an object made in the shape of a segment of a circle, typically out of paper or fabric, that is waved so as to cool the person holding it.

Example sentences with  扇子

In Chinese, the word 'hand' is translated to '手'. It's used in the same way as in English, to refer to the end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb. It's also used metaphorically in various expressions and idioms showing different nuances.

手套 (shǒu tào)

The Chinese term for 'glove' is '手套'. This term is used in the same way as in English, to refer to a covering for the hand that typically has separate sections for each finger. It can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from fashion and clothing to sports and cold weather gear.

手指 (shǒuzhǐ)

手指 is the Chinese word for 'finger'. It is usually used in the same contexts as the English word. For example, one might use it to refer to the digits on the hand. Like in English, it can be used figuratively in certain expressions or phrases.

Example sentences with  手指
手术 (shǒu shù)

In Chinese, '手术' refers to 'surgery'. It is a noun typically used in medical scenarios, referring to the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, often with the use of surgical instruments. The term can apply to different areas such as '心脏手术' meaning 'heart surgery'.

手机 (shǒu jī)

The Chinese word '手机' is equivalent to mobile in English, which could mean a mobile phone or mobile device. It is widely used in daily conversation and in written language.

Example sentences with  手机
手臂 (shǒu bì)

In Chinese, 'arm' is translated as '手臂' (shǒu bì). It can be used in various contexts just like in English. For example, '我的手臂受伤了' means 'My arm is injured'.

Example sentences with  手臂
手艺 (shǒu yì)

The word 'craft' translates to '手艺' in Chinese. '手艺' refers to the skills of making things by hand. It can also mean one's skill or ability in a particular field. It emphasizes the careful, skillful manipulation of materials to create a desired result. Examples can include pottery, sewing, carpentry, and more. This can also apply metaphorically to non-physical skills, such as 'the craft of writing'.

Example sentences with  手艺
手表 (shǒu biǎo)

In Chinese, the word '手表' directly translates to 'hand table', but it represents the English word 'watch'. Watches are commonly used tools for measuring time in Chinese-speaking cultures, similar to English-speaking cultures.

打击 (dǎ jī)

In Chinese, '打击' (dǎ jī) means hit. This is often used in the same contexts as in English, like hitting a target or physically hitting something or someone. However, it can also express a metaphorical or emotional hit, such as a damaging circumstance or piece of news.

打印 (dǎ yìn)

The word '打印' in Chinese is used similarly to the English 'print'. It is mostly used in the context of printing out a document or something similar, making a text or image visible on paper or other appropriate medium through a device, usually a printer.

Example sentences with  打印
打扰 (dǎ rǎo)

The Chinese word for 'bother', '打扰', is often used when someone is intruding into someone's space or time and asking for their attention. It can also be used more casually for times when you are asking for a person's time or interrupting what they are doing. Just like in English, it can be used both in a serious and more casual, informal way.

Example sentences with  打扰
打算 (dǎ suàn)

The Chinese word '打算' is often used to express an intention or plan to do something in the future. It can be used in both informal and formal situations. You can use it just like you would use the English word 'intend'.

Example sentences with  打算
打赌 (dǎ dǔ)

The word '打赌' in Chinese, is used in the same context as 'bet' in English. It can refer to an agreement between two parties where the one proved wrong about an uncertain outcome will do or pay something. It can be used in various situations, like betting on a game's result or a friendly wager.


The Chinese word '扔' translates to 'throw' in English. It is used in a similar manner as the English word, but it primarily refers to physically throwing or discarding something. It can be used in sentences such as '扔掉垃圾' which means 'throw away the trash'.

执行 (zhí xíng)

The Chinese word '执行' is used similarly to the English word 'perform'. It can refer to the act of doing something, usually in the context of carrying out a task, fulfilling an order or implementing a policy. For instance, '执行任务', meaning 'perform a task'. It's often used in formal or official contexts.

Example sentences with  执行
扩展 (kuò zhǎn)

The Chinese word '扩展' is used in several contexts exactly like 'extend' is in English. It means to expand on an area, increase the scope or to include more relevant specifics. For example, it is used in terms like 'extend an invitation', 'extend a deadline', 'extend a range' etc. It also implies proliferation or propagation of existing objects or subjects.

Example sentences with  扩展
扬声器 (yáng shēng qì)

The Chinese word for speaker is '扬声器'. It's used in pretty much the same way as in English, to refer to the sound producing device in electronic equipment. Just like English, it can also be used to refer to a person who is speaking, particularly in public, but a more appropriate translation in this context might be '演讲者' (speaker as a person).

Example sentences with  扬声器
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