Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

意图 (yì tú)

The Chinese word for 'intention' is '意图'. It is often used to refer to a person's plan or objective. For example, '他的意图是什么?' translates to 'What is his intention?'. It is used contextually in the same way as the English word 'intention' and is common in both spoken and written Chinese.

Example sentences with  意图
意思 (yì sī)

In Mandarin, '意思' directly translates to 'mean'. It can be used in various contexts such as asking someone's intention, defining a term, or describing a characteristic. It is as versatile as the English word 'mean'.

意见 (yì jiàn)

In Chinese, '意见' is used to indicate someone's thoughts or beliefs about something, similar to how 'opinion' is used in English. This word can be used in both formal and informal contexts and can be used in a variety of ways, such as expressing a friends' opinion about a movie or providing your opinion at a business meeting.

意识 (yì shí)

The Chinese word '意识' captures the idea of awareness. It is used in the Chinese language to describe the state of being conscious or aware of something. Just like in English, it could refer to self-awareness, awareness of others, or awareness of the environment or situation.

Example sentences with  意识
意识到 (yì shí dào)

In Chinese, '意识到' ('realize') is used when an individual comes to an understanding or becomes aware of something. It is commonly used in sentences to show the process of noticing or understanding new information.

意面 (yì miàn)

The Chinese word for pasta is '意面' which directly translates as 'Italian noodles'. This term is used broadly to refer to different types of Italian pasta dishes in Chinese-speaking regions.

愚蠢 (yú chǔn)

The Chinese word '愚蠢' (yú chǔn) is an adjective used to describe someone who lacks intelligence or common sense. It is used similarly to the English word 'stupid', and can be used in a wide range of contexts, from informal conversation to written text.

Example sentences with  愚蠢
感兴趣 (gǎn xìngqù)

In the Chinese language, '感兴趣' is used to express interest in something or someone. It is a common word used in daily conversation and is used in a similar context as the English word 'interested'. It can be used in sentences such as '我对音乐非常感兴趣', which translates to 'I’m very interested in music'.

感激 (gǎn jī)

The Chinese word '感激' means gratefulness. It is often used to express deep appreciation or thankfulness toward a kind action or gesture made by others. Similar to its usage in English, '感激' can be used in a wide range of scenarios, from expressing gratitude for a friend's assistance to acknowledging the support of people in difficult times.

Example sentences with  感激
感知 (gǎn zhī)

The Chinese word '感知' is used to refer to perception. This term is often used in formal contexts such as scientific, psychological, and philosophical discussions. It can also be used in more casual contexts to convey a person's sense of understanding or awareness about something.

Example sentences with  感知
感觉 (gǎnjué)

The Chinese word '感觉' refers to a perception or emotional state, similar to the English word 'feeling'. It can be used in a range of contexts, such as describing physical sensations (like touch or taste), emotional states (like happiness or sadness), or impressions about a situation. It is commonly used in everyday conversations.

愤怒 (fènnù)

In Chinese, 愤怒 (fènnù) is used to describe intense feeling of displeasure, annoyance, or hostility. Just as in English, it can be used to indicate both the temporary emotional state and the lasting disposition. It can be used in a wide variety of contexts.

Example sentences with  愤怒
愿意 (yuàn yì)

In Chinese, '愿意' is equal to 'readily' in English. It is often used in conversational contexts to express eagerness, willingness, or readiness towards something.

愿望 (yuàn wàng)

The Chinese word '愿望' is similar to the English word 'wish'. In English, 'wish' can be used as a noun to express a strong desire, hope, or aspiration. Similarly, '愿望' in Chinese can be used as a noun to represent hope, or a strong desire for something. However, it can't be used as a verb like 'wish' in English. The verb form of 'wish' in Chinese would be '希望'.

慈善 (cí shàn)

In Chinese, the word charity is translated as 慈善 (cí shàn). It can be used in any context where the word 'charity' is used in English. For example, 慈善机构 (cí shàn jī gòu) means charity organization, 慈善事业 (cí shàn shì yè) means charity work, and 慈善捐款 (cí shàn juān kuǎn) means charity donation.


The Chinese word for 'slow' is '慢'. It is generally used to describe a not high speed. You can use it to describe anything that does not move or happen quickly such as a person, vehicle, process, or activity. Both in the literal sense (physical rapidness) and the figurative sense (level of productivity or improvement rate), this word can be used.

慢慢地 (màn màn de)

In Chinese, '慢慢地' is an adverb showing the manner of action which indicates something is being done at a slow speed or pace. It can be used in various contexts just like 'slowly' in English. It frequently follows the verb it modifies.

慷慨 (kāng kǎi)

The Chinese word '慷慨' refers to the act of giving or the willingness to give more than is expected. It can be used to describe someone who is generous in terms of sharing their time, money, resources etc. It can also refer to a generous act or gesture.

Example sentences with  慷慨
戏剧 (xì jù)

The Chinese word for drama, '戏剧', is used in much the same way as in English. It can refer to a TV, film, or stage production in the dramatic genre, involving conflict or contrast of character. It may also refer to a situation involving interesting or intense conflict

Example sentences with  戏剧
戏剧性 (xì jù xìng)

The Chinese word '戏剧性' is the direct translation of the English word 'dramatic'. It refers to situations or events that are sudden, exciting, surprising, or significant in some way. It can be used to describe all manner of things, including changes, performances, or even personalities. In general, it makes a situation or event seem more important or serious. For example, '他的回归充满了戏剧性' means 'His return is full of drama'.

Example sentences with  戏剧性
戏法 (xì fǎ)

In Chinese, 'trick' is translated as '戏法'. This word is generally used in the context of performing some skill or play, like magic tricks or some kind of deceptive skill. It's not commonly used to imply trickery in interpersonal relationships. So, usage is situational and context-dependent.

Example sentences with  戏法
成人 (chéng rén)

The Chinese word '成人' refers to an adult person who has reached a certain age, generally 18 years old, and legally considered as responsible for their own actions. This term is used in everyday speech in the context of age, maturity, or referring to products and content suitable only for adults.

Example sentences with  成人
成功 (chéng gōng)

The Chinese word for success is 成功. It is used to refer to the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, similar to the English word. It can be used in a variety of contexts just like in English, such as personal, academic, or professional success.

成功地 (chéng gōng de)

The adverb '成功地' in Chinese is used to describe the action or outcome of an action, referring to it being done with success or achieving a desired outcome. It is often used in sentences to describe actions that have been successfully completed, similar to its English equivalent 'successfully'.

Example sentences with  成功地
成员 (chéng yuán)

The Chinese word '成员' is used to indicate a person belonging to a specific group, organization, or a team. It is used similarly as 'member' in English.

成本 (chéngběn)

The Chinese term '成本' is used similarly to the English term 'cost'. It's used to express the amount of money that needs to be spent to buy, do, or make something. In context, it could be used in sentences like '这个项目的成本是多少?' which translates to 'What is the cost of this project?'.

成长 (chéng zhǎng)

The Chinese word '成长' is commonly used to describe the process of development or maturation, both in physical and non-physical context. It can be used to talk about the growth of a person, an entity, a company, etc. In sentences, it is often used with conjunctions and prepositions.


The word '我' is used in Chinese in the same way 'I' is used in English, to refer to oneself. It can be used in all circumstances where one would use 'I' in English.

Example sentences with  
我们 (wǒmen)

The Chinese word for 'we' is '我们'. It is used in the same way as 'we' in English, referring to a group of people that includes the speaker or writer. In a sentence, it can be used as the subject of a verb, similar to how you would use 'we' in English.

Example sentences with  我们
我们会见面 (wǒmen huì jiànmiàn)
We'll see each other

The English phrase 'we'll see each other' is used to express a future event where two or more people will meet or encounter each other. It usually implies a specific plan or arrangement made by the parties involved. In Chinese, '我们会见面' carries the same sense of future planning and arrangement. It's a phrase often used in everyday communication, especially when setting appointments or dates.

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