Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

录音 (lù yīn)

The word '录音' is used in the context of recording something, most often audio in Chinese. It can refer either to the action of making a recording or the recording itself, similar to its English counterpart. This term is commonly seen in technological and entertainment contexts.

Example sentences with  录音
形式 (xíng shì)

The Chinese word '形式' is most commonly used to refer to the shape or form of something in a physical or metaphorical sense. It can also be used to denote the method or manner in which something is done. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts, including but not limited to physical shape, art form, form of government, and even grammatical forms.

形状 (xíngzhuàng)

The Chinese word '形状' directly translates to 'shape' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, and can refer to the physical form or appearance, arrangement or positioning of something. It can also sometimes be used metaphorically to refer to the condition or status of things.

Example sentences with  形状
影响 (yǐng xiǎng)

The Chinese word '影响' is commonly used in both formal and informal situations. Similar to English, it can be used as a verb or a noun, depending on the context. As a verb, it often means to influence or have an effect on something or someone. As a noun, it refers to the influence or effect that something or someone has.

很多 (hěn duō)

The word '很多' in Chinese is an adjective used to describe a large amount or number of something. It can be used in various contexts similar to the English word 'much'. For example, '我有很多书' translates to 'I have many books'.

很少 (hěn shǎo)

The Chinese word '很少' is similar to the use of 'rarely' in English. It is an adverb that describes an event or action that does not occur often. The placement of '很少' is usually before the verb in a sentence to denote the infrequency of the action. For example, '我很少看电视' means 'I rarely watch TV'.

很快 (hěn kuài)

In Chinese, '很快' is used quite similarly to 'soon' in English. It can be used in sentences to represent something that will happen in the near future. Moreover, it can also describe the rapidity of an action being performed.

很高兴认识你 (hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐ)
Nice to meet you

The phrase '很高兴认识你' in Chinese is a common greeting used when you meet someone for the first time. It's the equivalent of saying 'Nice to meet you' in English and is typically followed by a handshake or nod, depending on the level of formality.

律师 (lǜshī)

The Chinese word for lawyer is '律师'. It is used to refer to a person who practices or studies law; an attorney or a counsel. For example, '我的律师会处理这件事' means 'My lawyer will handle this matter'.

得分 (dé fēn)

In Chinese, '得分' primarily refers to the tally of points in a game or a test. It is often used in sports and game contexts, as well as in situations discussing test results or evaluating performance.

Example sentences with  得分
得到 (dé dào)

The Chinese word '得到' is a verb that corresponds to the English verb 'get'. It is used when one obtains, receives, or acquires something. Similar to English, in Chinese, the term also bears a general or vague meaning, and its specific translation often depends on the context.

Example sentences with  得到
微小 (wēi xiǎo)

The Chinese word for 'tiny' is '微小', which can be used in similar contexts as it is used in English. You could use '微小' to describe anything that is very small in size or amount including physical objects, changes, or differences.

Example sentences with  微小
微笑 (wēi xiào)

In Chinese, '微笑' is often used to describe a gentle or slight smile. It's a common word and can be used in various contexts, like when talking about people smiling, using it in greeting, or describing a person's demeanor. It is a positive word that often conveys a sense of happiness and pleasantness.

Example sentences with  微笑

In Chinese, the word '心' is used to represent the heart organ, but can also be used metaphorically to express feelings and thoughts. For example, '心疼' means to feel heartache or compassion for someone. It is a commonly used word in both formal and casual conversation.

心情 (xīn qíng)

The Chinese word '心情' carries a similar meaning to 'mood' in English. It is used to express the emotional state or feelings of an individual at a particular time. It can reflect a positive(happy, peaceful) or negative(angry, sad) state. The term is used in daily conversations or written Chinese and can be influenced by personal experiences or environment.

Example sentences with  心情
心理学 (xīn lǐ xué)

In Chinese, '心理学' refers to the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Much like its English counterpart, it is used to refer to the multi-faceted discipline that explores various aspects of human experience, including cognition, behavior, emotion, and mental processes.

Example sentences with  心理学
心理的 (xīn lǐ de)

The Chinese term '心理的' is the literal translation of the English word 'psychological'. It is used widely in the same context as in English, pertaining to the human mind and its functions. It can be used in situations that discuss mental characteristics, processes, and conditions. For example, in sentences describing psychological effects, behaviors, disorders, or studies.

Example sentences with  心理的
必要 (bì yào)

In Chinese, '必要' means 'necessary'. Just like in English, it is often used to indicate something that is needed or required. For example, you might say '学习是必要的' to say 'Learning is necessary'. It is often used in formal or semi-formal sentences.

Example sentences with  必要
必要地 (bì yào de)

In Chinese, '必要地' is an adverb and translates to 'necessarily'. It is often used when indicating something that is unavoidably true, essential, or a must due to certain circumstances or rules. 下雨的时候,必要地要带伞 (When it's raining, it's necessary to bring an umbrella).

Example sentences with  必要地
必须 (bìxū)

The Chinese word '必须' is used in a very similar way to the English word 'must'. It expresses an obligation or requirement. It is often used in formal contexts, such as in rules, laws, or official announcements.

忘记 (wàngjì)

The Chinese word for forget is '忘记' (wàngjì). It is a verb, generally placed before the object that was forgotten. In Chinese, you can use it the same way as you use 'forget' in English, for example 'I forgot my keys' can be translated to '我忘记了我的钥匙'.


The Chinese word for 'busy' is '忙' (máng). You can use it in sentences like '我很忙' (I'm very busy) or '他正在忙着做作业' (He is busy doing homework). It's often used in everyday conversation to describe a state of having lots to do and not having much idle time.

Example sentences with  

The word '快' in Chinese directly translates to 'fast' in English. It can be used to describe speed, like how quick someone is running or the speed of a car. However, it can also be used to express urgency, as in to hurry. For example, '你快走' - 'You go fast'.

快乐 (kuàilè)

In Chinese, '快乐' describes a state of joy or happiness. It can be used in almost all the same contexts as its English counterpart. For example, you can wish someone a '快乐的生日'(happy birthday), or mention '我很快乐' (I am happy).

快速 (kuài sù)

The Chinese word '快速' is the translation for 'quick'. It is used to describe something happening with speed or being done in a short amount of time. It can also be used to describe someone or something that moves fast.

快速地 (kuài sù de)

In Chinese, '快速地' is an adverb used to convey speed or swiftness in doing something, effectively equivalent to 'quickly' in English. It can be used in various contexts, often placed before a verb to describe the manner in which an action is performed.

忽略 (hūlüè)

In Chinese, '忽略' is a verb that conveys the act of not paying due attention to someone or something. It is typically used to express the disregard or overlook of certain objects, persons or matters, similar to the English word 'ignore'.

Example sentences with  忽略
怀孕 (huái yùn)

The Chinese word '怀孕' is used when referring to human beings or animals that have a developing baby, or babies, inside their body. This word is typically used in a medical or personal context. Note that the term remains the same regardless of the number of babies being carried.

怀疑 (huái yí)

The Chinese word '怀疑' which translates to 'doubt' in English is often used in both formal and informal contexts. It can refer to a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. Just like in English, it can be used as a noun or a verb depending on the context.

Example sentences with  怀疑
态度 (tài dù)

The Chinese word for 'attitude' is '态度', pronounced as 'tài dù'. It generally refers to a way of thinking or behaving, or a feeling against someone or something, just as in English. It's commonly used in everyday conversations and formal communication alike.

Example sentences with  态度
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