Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

底部 (dǐ bù)

In Chinese, '底部' is used to describe the lowest part or the base of something. It puts emphasis on the relative location of an item within a physical space or an abstract concept. For example, '底部' can be used when referring to the bottom of a webpage, a physical object or even a ranking.

Example sentences with  底部
废墟 (feito)

The Chinese word '废墟' (feito) translates to 'ruin' in English. It is usually used to refer to a building or place that is in a state of decay or destruction, often as a result of some catastrophic event or long-term neglect. Similar to its English equivalent, '废墟' can be used both literally and figuratively. For instance, you can use '废墟' to describe a once-grand building now in ruins, or metaphorically to refer to a person's life or career that has been ruined.

Example sentences with  废墟
度假村 (dù jià cūn)

The Chinese word '度假村' is often used to describe a place which is commonly visited for holidays or relaxation. It could be a seaside place, a mountain area or any place that provides leisure and entertainment facilities.

Example sentences with  度假村
座位 (zuò wèi)

The Chinese word '座位' is used to denote a place for someone to sit, such as in a car, in a theater, or in a classroom. It is a common Chinese word and is used in the same contexts as the English word 'seat'. Please note that word order may vary in different sentence structures in Chinese.

延期 (yán qī)

The Chinese term '延期' is usually used in a context where an existing timeline or a due date needs to be pushed back, effectively needing an extension. For example, a student might ask a professor for a '延期' if they need more time to finish an assignment.

延迟 (yán chí)

The Chinese word '延迟' is commonly used to indicate a delay or postponement of some kind, often in the context of time or schedule. It is used in various situations alike how 'delay' is used in English. For example, it can be used to describe a delayed flight, a delayed project or even a delay in the plan.

Example sentences with  延迟
建立 (jiàn lì)

The Chinese word '建立' is used in the context of establishing, setting up or building something, it could be an institution, principle, or relationship. The usage is context-dependent and it carries the same significance as the English word 'Establish'.

Example sentences with  建立
建筑 (jiànzhù)

In Chinese, '建筑' refers to a structure with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory. It is often used in relation to buildings both large and small, and can refer to the process and product of construction. It can also extend to mean any man-made structure.

建议 (jiàn yì)

In Chinese, '建议' is used to express 'suggest' or 'recommend'. It is commonly used in both literal and formal situations when making a proposition or giving advice. For example, if a friend is feeling unwell, you may '建议' him or her to see a doctor.

建设 (jiàn shè)

The Chinese word for 'construction' is '建设', often used in contexts pertaining to building or creating infrastructures. It can refer to any kind of construction, from building houses to roads to office skyscrapers. Apart from 'construction', it could also loosely translate to 'building' or 'establishment'.

Example sentences with  建设
建造 (jiàn zào)

The Chinese word '建造' refers to the English term 'build'. The word is commonly used to describe the process of constructing structures such as buildings, roads, and other types of physical structures. Similar to its English counterpart, '建造' can also be used in a metaphorical sense to describe the process of developing or creating something over time.


In the Chinese language, '开' is a translation of the English word 'on' and it is primarily used to state that something is turned on or in operation. Its usage can be similar to the English use of 'on' as in examples like 'the light is on' or 'the computer is on', where in Chinese we may say '灯开了' or '电脑开了'.

Example sentences with  
开关 (kāi guān)

The English word 'switch' is translated to Mandarin Chinese as '开关'. The word 开关 is usually used to refer to a mechanism that interrupts the flow of current in an electrical circuit or changes the level of power in a circuit. It suggests the concept of shifting, transforming or varying between different states or conditions.

Example sentences with  开关
开发 (kāi fā)

The Chinese word '开发' is equivalent to 'develop' in English. It is typically used to refer to the process of creating or improving something such as a new product, idea, system, or area of land. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as technology (software development), real estate (land development), or education (skill development).

Example sentences with  开发
开始 (kāi shǐ)

The Chinese word '开始' is used similar to the English word 'start'. It is used when we want to initiate or begin something whether it is an event, an action or a project. For example, '我们开始吧' means 'Let's start.'

开幕 (kāi mù)

In Chinese, '开幕' is used to describe the beginning or start of an event, scene, or situation, akin to 'opening' in English. It is often used in formal contexts such as the opening of a meeting, an art exhibition, or a new building.

Example sentences with  开幕
开放 (kāi fàng)

In Chinese, '开放' has several meanings, most of which align with the English word 'open'. It's a versatile word that could mean both physically 'open', such as open a door, and mentally 'open', such as an open-mind. The term could also be used to describe something that is in an 'open' state, like an open park. Its use would generally depend on the context in which it's used.

引用 (yǐn yòng)

The Chinese word '引用' is usually used in the context of referring to a statement or speech from someone else. It's often used in academic papers, reports, essays, and articles. As in English, it is also used in the context of repeating a segment of a conversation or text by a person other than the original author or speaker.

Example sentences with  引用
弯曲 (wān qū)

The Chinese word '弯曲' is used to describe something that is curved or not straight, similar to 'bend' in English. It can be used to describe physical objects, like a bend in the road, or metaphorical ideas, like a bend in a plan.


The Chinese word '弱' logically corresponds to the English word 'weak'. It is used in sentences where it represents a weaker state or quality, showing a lack of strength or conviction. It could be used to describe weak coffee, a weak argument, or a physically weak individual.

Example sentences with  
弱点 (ruòdiǎn)

The Chinese word '弱点' is used to refer to a weakness or shortcoming of something or someone. It can be used to describe physical, mental, or strategic weaknesses. This word is often used conversationally in describing personal feelings, strategies in business or games, and critical analyses.

Example sentences with  弱点
强壮 (qiáng zhuàng)

The Chinese word '强壮' corresponds to 'strong' in English. It is often used to describe someone being physically strong or robust. But it can also be used metaphorically to describes something as being powerful or potent.

强大 (qiang da)

The Chinese word '强大' (qiang da) is used as an adjective to describe someone or something that has great power, influence, or capability. It is often used in various contexts such as physical strength, influence, capabilities, etc. For example, it can be used to describe a powerful country, a powerful engine, a powerful person, etc.

Example sentences with  强大
强烈地 (qiáng liè de)

The Chinese word '强烈地' is often used to describe something that is intense or powerful, in a similar manner to how 'strongly' is used in English. For example, it may be used to describe strong emotions, opinions, or sensations.

强调 (qiángdiào)

In Chinese, '强调' is used to emphasize the importance of something or to accentuate something. It can be used in similar contexts as it would be in English, to stress the significance or importance of a particular object, idea, or concept.

Example sentences with  强调

The word '当' in Chinese is used in a similar context as 'when' in English. However, it is more often used when linking two related actions or events, such as indicating the cause and effect, condition and result, or time and event.

当...的时候 ( shi hou)

The Chinese phrase '当...的时候' is an equivalent to the English word 'while'. It is most commonly used to indicate during the time that or at the same time as something else is happening.

当前 (dāng qián)

The Chinese word '当前' is often used to describe something happening now or at this moment in time, basically the current state or situation. It can be used in various contexts, such as talking about current affairs (当前事务), current situation (当前局势), etc.

当地 (dāng dì)

The Chinese word '当地' is used similarly as 'Local' in English. It could refer to anything that is from or in a particular place, referring to a specific location or area. It's commonly used in a variety of contexts, such as '当地人' meaning 'local people', '当地食品' meaning 'local food', '当地文化' meaning 'local culture' etc.

当然 (dāng rán)

The Chinese word '当然' is used in contexts referring to things that are certain or unquestionable. It can be used in both questions and statements. It often expresses consent or agreement in casual conversation.

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