Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

帮助 (bāng zhù)

In Chinese, '帮助' is frequently used in both formal and informal contexts. It can be used as a verb to indicate the act of helping others, it can also be used as a noun to suggest help or assistance. The appropriate usage is largely context-dependent.

常数 (cháng shù)

In Chinese, '常数' is used to refer to a value or a parameter that does not change. It is commonly seen in scientific, mathematical and technical contexts. It is similar to how 'constant' is used in English.

常见 (chángjiàn)

The Chinese word '常见' means 'common'. It is usually used to describe something that often occurs or is frequently seen in daily life. For example, '这是一个常见的问题' in English means 'This is a common question'.

常见的 (cháng jiàn de)

In Chinese, the word 'usual' translates to '常见的' (changjian de). This term indicates something common or frequently encountered in daily life or certain situations. It can be used in a similar context as in English, such as describing usual routines, places, things, or people.

Example sentences with  常见的
常规 (cháng guī)

The Chinese word '常规' is used to indicate something that is done regularly or habitually. This could be a task, procedure, or exercise that one does as part of their daily or common practice. It is used in various contexts such as work, studies, workouts or any other everyday activities.

常青 (cháng qīng)

The Chinese word '常青' is used to describe trees or plants that stay green throughout the year. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically to describe things which are enduring or constantly fresh or self-renewing.

Example sentences with  常青
帽子 (mào zi)

The term cap in Chinese is '帽子'. It can be used in sentences just like 'cap' in English. For example, '他的帽子挺漂亮' or 'His cap is pretty.' Just like in English, it represents a certain type of headwear.

Example sentences with  帽子
干净 (gān jìng)

The Chinese word for 'clean' is '干净'. It can be used in situations where you'd use 'clean' in English. For example, you can use it to describe someone's appearance, a tidy room, or even to order food without certain ingredients i.e. '干净' of something.

Example sentences with  干净
干燥 (gān zào)

The Chinese word '干燥' refers to the state of being free from liquid or moisture. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as to describe weather, skin conditions, or even a sense of humor. In Chinese, we would say '气候很干燥' (the climate is very dry) or '皮肤很干燥' (the skin is very dry).

平台 (píng tái)

In Chinese, '平台' is used to describe a horizontal surface raised above the level of the surrounding area. It can represent a physical space, like a train platform or a stage, but also an abstract concept such as a social media platform (社交平台). It can also be used in business context to mean a platform for sales or services.

Example sentences with  平台
平均 (píng jūn)

The Chinese word '平均' translates to 'average' in English. It is most commonly used to indicate the mean of a set of values, or express the concept of something being intermediate or mean. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as mathematics, when assessing a rating or grade or describing characteristics or qualities.

Example sentences with  平均
平的 (píng de)

The word '平的' in Chinese is commonly used to describe an surface without raised areas or depressions. It can be used to refer to a physical flat surface or also metaphorically to describe a lack of variety or change in a situation or plot in a story, comparable to the usage in English.

Example sentences with  平的
平衡 (píng héng)

In Chinese, the term '平衡' refers to 'balance'. It can be used in various contexts, such as physical balance, emotional balance or financial balance. It can be used to describe a situation where different things exist in equal or correct amounts. For example, it can be used to describe a well-balanced diet (平衡饮食) or a balance of power (力量平衡).

Example sentences with  平衡
平静 (píng jìng)

The Chinese word '平静' is used to describe someone or something that is peaceful, quiet, and free from agitation or excitement. It can be used in various contexts, just like the English word 'calm'. It can refer to a person's state of mind, a quiet environment, or a peaceful scenario.


The Chinese word for 'year' is '年'(nián). It can be used in the same context as in English, such as stating years as in '2022年' means 'Year 2022', or in time duration such as '一年' which means 'one year'. It is a general term for 'year' and is used universally in Chinese.

年度 (nián dù)

In Chinese, '年度' is used similarly to the English word 'annual', referring to something that happens or is used once every year. It is often used in context of events, reports, meetings, etc. that occur or are prepared once a year.

Example sentences with  年度
年轻 (niánqīng)

The word '年轻' is most commonly used in Chinese to describe someone who is youthful or young in age. It can also be used to refer to something that is new or fresh. It is often used in both formal and informal contexts.

年龄 (nián líng)

In Chinese, the word for 'age' is '年龄'. It is used to denote how old someone or something is. For example, to say 'My age is 20', you would say '我的年龄是20'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, exactly like how we use 'age' in English.

Example sentences with  年龄
并入 (bìng rù)

The Chinese word '并入' is often used in the context of business or organization. It refers to the act of combining something to form a whole or including within a particular scope or range. It is the equivalent of 'incorporate' in English, often used when a new subsidiary is added to a corporation or new elements are incorporated into a strategy or plan.

Example sentences with  并入
幸运 (xìng yùn)

The Chinese word '幸运' is used in context to indicate good fortune or luck. It can either be used to describe a person's good luck or to remark on a positive event. Similar to English usage, it's a common term in daily conversation or written language.

Example sentences with  幸运
广 (guǎng)

In Chinese, '广' is a significant character that is commonly used to describe a wide or extensive area. It can stand alone or combine with other characters to form words that imply a extensive or large scope, scale or capacity.

Example sentences with  广
广告 (guǎng gào)

In Chinese, '广告' (guǎnggào) is used to denote 'advertising'. It is used in the same way as it is in English, to refer to the means of communication between the seller and the potential buyer. It can be used in sentences like '我看到一则减肥产品的广告' which translates to 'I saw an advertisement for a weight loss product'.

广播 (guǎng bō)

In Mandarin, 'radio' is translated as '广播' (guǎng bō). It is used in the same contexts as in English. For example, to listen to a radio station would be '听广播' (tīng guǎng bō).

广泛地 (guǎngfàndì)

广泛地 is used similar to how 'widely' is used in English. It can denote something that happens to a large scale, degree, or area. For instance, it can be used to describe a person who is '广泛地' respected, which means they are respected by many people or in many places. It is often used to talk about broad areas or widespread events.

庆祝 (qìng zhù)

The Chinese word '庆祝' is used to convey the act of acknowledging a significant or happy day or event with an enjoyable activity or special ceremony, similar to the English word 'celebrate'. It is often associated with festivities, joyous gatherings, and commemorative occasions.

Example sentences with  庆祝
庇护所 (bìhùsuǒ)

The Chinese word '庇护所' is used to describe a place providing temporary accommodation, a refuge, or protection from danger or distress, similar to how 'shelter' is used in English. It could refer to something as small as a tent or as large as a building or facility, depending on the context it is being used.

Example sentences with  庇护所

The Chinese word for 'bed' is '床'. It is used in much the same way as in English, to refer to the piece of furniture used for sleep and relaxation. It can be combined with other words too, such as '床单' which means 'bed sheet', '床垫' meaning 'mattress', '床架' meaning 'bed frame'.


The Chinese word '应' is used similarly to the English word 'ought'. It's used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions, expressing what would be ideal or emphasizing what one desires to happen. It is also used in formal contexts.

Example sentences with  
应用 (yìng yòng)

In Chinese, '应用' is used in the same way as 'apply' in English - as in using for a specific purpose. It can also refer to the practical use or relevance of something, the key context being the association with utilization of an available resource. Please note that the term would differ if 'apply' is used in the context of 'apply for a job', which is '申请'.

应该 (yīng gāi)

应该 (yīng gāi) is a Chinese word that is used to express obligation, advisability, expectation, or probability, corresponding to 'should' in English. It is used as a modal verb in a sentence before another verb. For example, ‘你应该去看医生,’ means 'You should go to see a doctor.'

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