Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

安全 (ān quán)

The Chinese word '安全' is used to describe safety or security. It can be used in various contexts, such as personal security, information security and national security, to convey the state of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes.

安定 (ān dìng)

In Chinese, 'settle' translates to '安定'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as settling in a new home, settling down to start a family, or settling one's mind. It carries the idea of establishing stability or creating a peaceful state.

Example sentences with  安定
安慰 (ānwèi)

The Chinese word '安慰' is used to describe a sense of comfort or solace, similar to how 'relief' is used in English. It is often used in situations where someone is feeling better or more comfortable after a period of difficulty or discomfort.

Example sentences with  安慰
安装 (ān zhuāng)

The Chinese word '安装' is often used to describe the act of setting up or installing a software or equipment. It is mostly used in the context of technology like installing a program on a computer. However, it can also refer to the installation of things in general, like installing a new air conditioner.

Example sentences with  安装
安静 (ānjìng)

In Chinese, '安静' represents the English word 'quiet'. It is mainly used in Mandarin in the same contexts as 'quiet' might be used in English - for example, to describe a lack of noise, or a calm, tranquil atmosphere. It can describe anything from environment to people to situations, and is often used in requests or commands for less noise or disturbance.

完全 (wán quán)

The Chinese word '完全' is often used just like 'completely' in English. It can be used in various contexts and sentences and commonly used to emphasize the totality or fullness of a situation or condition. For instance, '我完全同意' translates to 'I completely agree'.

完全地 (wán quán de)

The Chinese word '完全地' can be used in many of the same contexts as the English word 'fully'. It can be used to describe a state of completion or thoroughness, often as an adverb modifying a verb, such as 'completely understand' (完全地理解).

Example sentences with  完全地
完成 (wán chéng)

The Chinese word '完成' is used in the context of finish, complete, or accomplish in English. It can be used to describe both the action and the state of completion. For example, in the sentence '我完成了这个任务', it means 'I have finished this task'.

完美 (wán měi)

The Chinese word '完美' is used to describe something that is flawless or has reached an ideal state. It can be used in similar contexts to the English word 'perfect', such as describing objects, performances, people's appearances and etc. For example, '这是一场完美的表演' means 'This is a perfect performance'.

完美地 (wán měi de)

The Chinese word '完美地' is an adverb, used to describe doing something in a perfect manner. It can be used in various contexts, but is often used to describe performing an action or behavior without any mistakes or flaws.

Example sentences with  完美地
宏伟 (hóng wěi)

The Chinese word '宏伟' is used to describe something that is impressive because of size, appearance or other quality. It can be used to describe buildings, scenery, plans, and efforts. English phrase 'grand view' translates to '宏伟的景色' in Chinese.

Example sentences with  宏伟
官方 (guān fāng)

The Chinese term '官方' is often used to describe something that is formally approved or authorized by an authority or public body. It's used in contexts where something is recognized by an institution, be it a government, organization, or other formal entity, much like its usage in English.

定义 (yì dìng)

The Chinese word '定义' refers to a clear and exact statement or description of the nature, scope, or meaning of something, essentially its definition. It can be used in various contexts, such as defining the parameters or qualities of an object, an idea, or even a concept. For its usage, it typically appears before the noun it is defining.

实例 (shí lì)

The word '实例' in Chinese carries the same meaning as 'instance' in English. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as in law to refer to an individual occurrence, or in programming to refer to a realization of a particular class or object. It is a commonly used word in technology and business discussions.

实施 (shí shī)

The Chinese term for 'implement' is '实施'. It is most often used in the same contexts as in English, meaning to put a plan, decision, or agreement into effect. The term can be used in various scenarios, such as in business strategies, government policies, laws, and more.

Example sentences with  实施
实现 (shíxiàn)

The Chinese word '实现' (achieve) is used in the context of fulfilling a goal or realizing a dream. It can be used in various sentence structures depending on the scenario. Like in English, it is a verb.

Example sentences with  实现
实用 (shí yòng)

The Chinese word '实用' can be used to describe tools, ideas, programs, etc., that are practical, useful and sensible. It connotes functionality and applicability.

Example sentences with  实用
实质的 (shí zhì de)

In Chinese, '实质的' is frequently used to describe something that is large in size, value, or importance. It can also refer to something that is strong, rich, or significant in nature. Like English, this word can be used in various contexts including but not limit to substantial evidence (实质的证据), substantial improvement (实质性的进步), and substantial amount (大量的).

实践 (shíjiàn)

The chinese word '实践' is used similarly to how 'practice' is used in English. It refers to the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as contrasted with theories related to it. It can also refer to repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.

实际 (shí jì)

The Chinese word '实际' is used similarly to the English word 'actual', referring to an existing state of affairs or the fact of something. It is commonly used in a variety of contexts, such as in describing actual circumstances, actual results, or actual situations. It can be used in both formal and informal conversations.

实际上 (shíjì shàng)

In Chinese, '实际上' (shíjì shàng) is used to indicate the reality of a situation despite what was previously believed or said, it works similarly to 'actually' in English. It's mostly used to correct or contradict what was said before or to add emphasis to a point.

实验室 (shí yàn shì)

In Chinese, '实验室' is the term used to refer to a laboratory or lab. It can be in a school, university, or a professional scientific research environment. You will use this term when you want to talk about a place where scientific experiments, observations or research are conducted.

审查 (shěn chá)

The Chinese word '审查' is the equivalent of the English word 'review'. It is used to describe the process of looking at or considering again an item, idea or piece of work to check its quality or to think about it deeply. '审查' is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts, and could be used in situations such as reviewing a book, a paper, a performance etc.

Example sentences with  审查
客人 (kè rén)

The Chinese word '客人' is used to refer someone who is invited or paying to stay in a place, such as a house, hotel or any other place similar to how the English word 'guest' is used. It is often used in both formal and informal context.

客户 (kèhù)

In Chinese, '客户' (kèhù) is used to refer to a person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company. It is used in the same context as 'client' in English and can be found in both formal and casual situations.

客观 (kè guān)

In Chinese, '客观' is used to indicate something is considered without bias, or based on facts rather than feelings or opinions. It can be used to describe a viewpoint, fact, or analysis that is objective.

Example sentences with  客观
宣布 (xuan1 bu2)

The Chinese word '宣布' is used in the same way as the English word 'announce'. It is used when you want to formally or officially tell people about something, or make it known publicly. It is commonly used in both spoken and written Chinese, in a variety of contexts, including news reports, public speeches, and formal writing.

Example sentences with  宣布
室友 (shì yǒu)

In Chinese, roommate is translated as '室友'. It is used to refer to a person who shares a room or apartment with another. The term is commonly used among students in universities and colleges who often share their living quarters with fellow students.

害怕 (hài pà)

The Chinese word '害怕' is used to indicate that something frightens you or makes you feel worried. It is fairly a common word and it is often used in daily conversation to express the feeling of scared or afraid.

Example sentences with  害怕
害羞 (hàixiū)

The Chinese word '害羞' is used to describe someone who is not confident and does not want to be noticed, especially in social situations. It can be used in the same context as the English word 'shy'.

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