Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

姐妹 (jiěmèi)
The sister

The word '姐妹' in Chinese is used to refer to a girl or woman in relation to other daughters of her parents. It can be used to address a female sibling, or even, in some contexts, a very close friend who is like a sister. It is often used in familial and close-knit social contexts.

委员会 (wěiyuánhuì)

In Chinese, '委员会' is widely used in various contexts. It denotes a body of people elected or appointed to serve as administrators, legislators, or advisers. It can be used to refer to committees in both formal and informal settings, such as government committees, school committees, or other working groups. Translated directly, it means 'committee'.

委托 (wěi tuō)

In Chinese, '委托' can be used in various settings. You can use it when you assign a task to a person or when you're describing a contractual agreement where one party agrees to perform a task for another. It is broadly used in business and legal scenarios.

Example sentences with  委托
姜饼 (jiang1 bing3)

In the Chinese language, '姜饼' is used to refer to the sweet, spiced baked treat often associated with the Christmas season, similar to the way 'gingerbread' is used in English. It can be found in many forms such as gingerbread houses, cookies and more. It is a direct translation, with '姜' meaning 'ginger' and '饼' meaning 'bread' or 'cake'.

Example sentences with  姜饼
娱乐 (yú lè)

The Chinese word for entertainment is '娱乐'. This word is used in various contexts just like in English, referring to any activity which provides amusement or enjoyment. It could range from listening to music, watching movies, playing games, or any hobbies that makes one's free time enjoyable.

Example sentences with  娱乐
婚姻 (hūn yīn)

In Chinese, the term '婚姻' refers to the social or legal concept of marriage. It is used much in the same way as the English word 'marriage', referring to the union between two individuals and the relation between them. It is often used in any discussions about family, relationships, or social policies.

婚礼 (hūnlǐ)

The Chinese word '婚礼' is used to refer to the ceremony of marriage, just like in English. It's commonly used in various sentences, and can be combined with other Chinese characters to form related words, like '婚礼仪式' (wedding ceremony) or '婚礼礼物' (wedding gift).

Example sentences with  婚礼
婴儿 (yīng'ér)

The Chinese word for 'baby' is '婴儿'. It is used in the same context as we use 'baby' in English, to refer to a very young child, especially one newly or recently born. Its usage is widespread and is commonly used in everyday conversation.

媒体 (méitǐ)

In Chinese, 'media' is translated as '媒体' (méitǐ). It is used in similar contexts as in English, referring to the various means of communication that reach or influence people widely, such as newspapers, television, and the internet.

嫌疑人 (xián yí rén)

The Chinese word for 'suspect' is '嫌疑人'. This term is often used in legal and crime-related contexts to refer to someone who is suspected of committing a crime. Similar to English, it can be used as a noun to describe a person under suspicion, or as a verb, to express doubt or mistrust.

Example sentences with  嫌疑人

In Chinese, the term '字' (zì) is used to refer to a word. As in English, it can be used to refer to a single character or a combination of characters that together express a singular idea. One key difference in Chinese is the absence of spaces between words, which can make identifying individual '字' more challenging for beginners.

字幕 (zì mù)

In Chinese, '字幕' implies the lines or text that appear at the bottom of visual content - like films, television programmes, or video games - to translate dialogues, commentaries, or narrative from one language to another. It helps viewers to understand the content if they are unfamiliar with the language being spoken.

字符串 (zì fú chuàn)

In Chinese, the term '字符串' is commonly used in the field of computer science and programming specifically to refer to a sequence of characters or a string.

Example sentences with  字符串
字面上 (zì miàn shàng)

'字面上' is a Chinese adverb that is used to emphasize that something is true exactly as it is written or said. It is used to stress that something is not an exaggeration, metaphor, or figure of speech.

Example sentences with  字面上
存在 (cún zài)

The Chinese word '存在' is used in various contexts similar to the English word 'exist'. It primarily conveys the idea of something or someone being present, being in a particular place or condition. You can use it in sentences to state your existence, or the existence of ideas, feelings or objects in the physical or metaphorical world.

存款 (cún kuǎn)

The Chinese word '存款' is most commonly used to refer to funds placed into a secure account for safekeeping or a financial investment purpose. It can be used in various contexts like bank transactions, or other situations where something of value is placed into a secure environment.

Example sentences with  存款
季节 (jìjié)

In Chinese, '季节' is used to describe a significant period of the year characterized by certain weather conditions, temperature, or other natural phenomena. It is used similarly as 'season' in English, but can't be used to indicate sport seasons or TV show seasons.

孤独 (gū dú)

The Chinese word for 'lonely' is '孤独'. It is used in much the same way as in English, to describe a person who is alone, particularly when this is not desired or causes sadness. An example sentence would be: 我感到很孤独, meaning 'I feel very lonely.'

Example sentences with  孤独
学习 (xué xí)

“学习” is a common Chinese word used to express the activity of acquiring knowledge. It is often used in sentences to express the act of studying, learning, or educating oneself. It's a very popular word in an academic or educational context.

学位 (xuéwèi)

In Chinese, '学位' is often used to refer to a degree, usually an academic credential awarded by a university or college. It is used in the context of education, indicating the level of knowledge or expertise in a specific field. For instance, '本科学位' means 'undergraduate degree' and '硕士学位' means 'master’s degree'.

学期 (xué qī)

In Chinese, 'term' is often translated to '学期' which refers to a specific period of time in an academic year during which lessons are held. The same word is also used in legal and technical contexts.

学校 (xué xiào)

The Chinese word '学校' directly translates to 'school' in English. It is used in the same context as the English term, referring to an educational institution. This term can be used to describe all levels of education, from primary school '小学' to secondary school '中学' to university '大学'.

学生 (xué shēng)

In Chinese, '学生' represents a learner, especially a person who is studying at school, college, or university. It is used much the same way as 'student' is used in English.

学院 (xuéyuàn)

The term '学院' is used to refer to colleges or universities in China. It applies to institutions of higher learning offering both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Just like in English, it can be used in any context involving higher education, such as discussing which '学院' one attends, classes taking place in a '学院', etc.

孩子 (hái zi)

孩子 is used in many of the same contexts as 'child' in English. It can be used to refer to small, young kids or to someone's son or daughter, regardless of age. It is a commonly used and flexible term in Chinese.

孩子们 (hái zi men)
The children

In Chinese, '孩子们' is used to refer to more than one child or a group of children. It's often used in talking about children in general or when addressing a group of children.

宁可 (nìng kě)

'Rather' in Chinese is '宁可'. It presents a choice, like the English translation 'would rather' - the speaker prefers to do this thing, or prefers that one thing happens instead of another. It is often used in scenarios to make comparative judgment.


The Chinese word '它' is used much like the English pronoun 'it'. It can refer to an object, an animal or a concept. However, unlike in English, it is not used to refer to people. For humans, there are different pronouns.

Example sentences with  
它的 (tā de)

The Chinese word '它的' is the equivalent of the English word 'its'. It is predominantly used as a possessive adjective, standing in for inanimate and non-human objects or ideas. It commonly connects the subject of the sentence with characteristics, properties, or things belonging to it.

守卫 (shǒu wèi)

The Chinese word '守卫' is used in a similar context as the English word 'guard'. It refers to a person who protects a place, object, or another person, and can be used in both physical and abstract contexts. For example, it could mean a security guard, or metaphorically speaking, someone protecting their interests or beliefs.

Example sentences with  守卫
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