Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

备用 (bèi yòng)

The Chinese translation '备用' directly means to prepare for use. It is often used in the context where additional, extra, or backup items are needed. For example, a spare tire or spare parts.

复制 (fù zhì)

The Chinese word '复制' is used similar to the English word 'copy'. It can be used when referring to making an identical or close copy of something, whether it be a physical object or in digital context such as copying text or a file.

Example sentences with  复制
复杂 (fùzá)

The Chinese word '复杂' (fùzá) is used in similar contexts as the English word 'complicated.' It can describe a situation, problem, or process that is difficult to understand or analyze because it involves many different factors or aspects. It can also describe something with many interconnected elements or parts.

Example sentences with  复杂
夏天 (xiàtiān)

The Chinese word for summer, '夏天', is used similarly to English, representing the warmest season of the year, which is typically from June to August in the Northern Hemisphere. '夏天' can be used in various contexts such as seasons discussion, weather description or planning summer events.

外国的 (wàiguó de)

The Chinese term '外国的', pronounced as 'wàiguó de', is used to describe something related to or originating from a different country outside of China. In Chinese culture, this term characteristically encompasses foreign cultures, people, languages, and goods.

外套 (wàitào)

The Chinese word for coat is 外套 (wàitào). It is a common term used to describe a type of clothing that is typically worn over other garments during colder weather. This word can be used in various contexts, similar to its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  外套
外貌 (wàimào)

The Chinese word '外貌' is often used to describe a person or thing's external look or physical traits. It is used in the same contexts it would be used in English. For example, '他的外貌非常吸引人' would translate to 'His appearance is very attractive'. Similar to English, it can be used to refer to the aesthetic aspect of non-living objects as well.

Example sentences with  外貌
外部 (wài bù)

The Chinese word '外部' is used to refer to something on the outside, or beyond the boundary or limit of something. It is used in the same context as the English word 'external'. For example, you might use it to refer to external factors or the outside of a building.

外面 (wài miàn)

The Chinese term '外面' is used in the same context as the English word 'outside'. It can refer to the physical exterior of a place or an outward appearance. It is a common term in daily conversation used to describe location.

多样性 (duō yàng xìng)

The Chinese word '多样性' is used to convey the idea of variety, diversity, or multiplicity. It can refer to a range of different things, such as variety in food, culture, ideas, etc. It can be used similarly to how we use 'variety' in English phrases.


In Chinese, the word '夜' refers to the period of time when the sun is below the horizon and it's dark outside. This can be known as nighttime. It is commonly used in daily conversations and can be seen in various contexts, depending on the phrases it is used with.


In Chinese, the word '大' denotes something that is large in size. It is widely used in various contexts, just like 'big' in English. It could refer to physical size, volume, quantity or even extensiveness. For instance, it can be used to refer to big cities, big houses, big deals, big ideas, etc.

大厅 (dàtīng)

The Chinese word '大厅' directly translates to 'hall' in English. It is commonly used for places like an entrance hall or a lobby in a building, hotels or a large room for gatherings, entertainment, or other events.

Example sentences with  大厅
大声 (dà shēng)

The Chinese word for 'loud' is '大声'. It is used similarly to the English word 'loud', to describe sounds that are strong or intense. Often it's used in the context of someone talking or music playing loudly, among other scenarios.

Example sentences with  大声
大多数 (dà duō shù)

The Chinese word '大多数' is an adverb, similar to the English term 'mostly'. It is commonly used to describe when something happens or is true in most cases, but not all. For example, when you want to express that most people in a group have a certain opinion or characteristic.

Example sentences with  大多数
大学 (Dà xué)

The Chinese word for university is '大学', pronounced as 'Dà xué'. It is used in much the same way as in English, to refer to institutions of higher learning. The term '大学' can be used for general references to a university or to refer to a specific one when followed by the institution’s name.

大概 (dà gài)

The Chinese word '大概' is used in the same context as 'roughly' in English. It's used to give an approximate value or estimation. For instance, in measuring quantities, time, or describing non-specific, general scenarios. Just like in English, it could be used at the beginning or end of a statement to denote uncertainty or approximation.

Example sentences with  大概
大脑 (dà nǎo)

The Chinese word for 'brain' is '大脑' (dà nǎo). It is used similarly to the English term, referring to the organ in the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity. It can be used in a wide range of contexts, from medical and scientific to everyday conversation.

大象 (dà xiàng)

The Chinese word '大象' is used to refer to the large mammal known as an elephant. It can be used in similar contexts as the English word, such as discussing an elephant's size, beauty, or the role they play in the wild.


The Chinese character for 'day' is '天'. In Chinese, it refers to a calendar day or daytime. It is also often used in compound words relating to time or weather conditions, such as 'today' (今天), 'tomorrow' (明天), or 'sunny' (晴天).

Example sentences with  
天使 (tiānshǐ)

The Chinese word '天使' directly translates to 'angels' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, depicting a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence.

Example sentences with  天使
天文学 (tiān wén xué)

In Chinese, '天文学' is the term used to refer to the scientific study of celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. It is used in the same context as the English word 'astronomy'.

天气 (tiānqì)

The word '天气' is how we say 'weather' in Chinese. It is used in the same context as it is in English. For example, you can say '今天天气怎么样?' which means 'What's the weather like today?'.

Example sentences with  天气
天空 (tiān kōng)

The term '天空' is used in Chinese to refer to the expanse of space that is visible when one looks upwards, the part of the atmosphere and outer space visible from the earth. It is commonly used in different contexts such as weather statements, poetry, and metaphysical discussions.

太阳 (tài yáng)

In Chinese, '太阳' is used to represent 'sun'. This term is often applied in various contexts related to the sun, such as '日出' (sunrise), '日落' (sunset), '阳光' (sunlight), and so on.

夫妻 (fū qī)

The Chinese word '夫妻' is used to represent a married man and woman, or a romantically involved pair. In short, it refers to a couple. It is used in similar contexts as the English word 'couple', meaning two individuals who share a romantic or sexual relationship.

失望 (shī wàng)

The Chinese word '失望' is used to express a feeling of sadness or dissatisfaction when one's hopes or expectations are not fulfilled. It is also used to describe someone who is feeling let down by someone or something.

Example sentences with  失望
失败 (shī bài)

The Chinese word '失败' is equivalent to the English word 'fail'. It could refer to failing in general, such as in an endeavor or a task. It is often used in various contexts, including in casual conversations, literary writing, and business reports, often conveying a setback or disappointment.


The Chinese word for 'head' is '头'. It is used similar to English, referring to the top part of the body where the brain, eyes, nose, and mouth are located. It can also be used metaphorically to mean 'leader' or 'the start of something'.

头发 (tóu fǎ)

The Chinese word for hair is '头发'. It refers to all the individuals strands growing from the skin of a person or animal. In context, it can be used similarly to 'hair' in English. For example, brushed my hair can be translated to '梳理我的头发'.

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