Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

地球 (dì qiú)

The Chinese word for 'earth' is '地球' (dì qiú). It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the planet we live on. It can be used in sentences like '我们都住在地球上' which means 'We all live on the earth'.

地质学 (dì zhì xué)

In Chinese, '地质学' refers to the study of the solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change over time. It can be used in various contexts including academic, scientific research, and industry discussions.

地面 (dì miàn)

The Chinese word '地面' refers to the surface of the earth that people walk on. It might be used to describe the ground outside, the floor in a house, or the bottom surface of any location. It is similarly used in phrases and sayings just like 'ground' in English.

场合 (chǎng hé)

The Chinese word '场合' is used to describe a special event or situation. It can be used in various contexts, similar to how 'occasion' is used in English. For example, it can be used to refer to occasions such as birthdays, weddings, or special events. It can also refer to 'occasion' in a more general sense, as in a suitable or appropriate time for doing something.

Example sentences with  场合
场景 (chǎng jǐng)

This term is used to signify a part of a film dealing with a specific event or series of connected events happening at one place and time.

Example sentences with  场景

The Chinese word '坏' is used similarly as 'bad' in English. It can be applied in many settings such as referring to quality (bad quality), behavior (bad behavior), or personal characteristics (he is a bad person).

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word for 'sit' is '坐'. It's used in the same general contexts as the English word. For example, you can use it to tell someone to sit down, to describe the act of sitting, or to indicate that something or someone is located somewhere.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '块' is used to refer to a piece or chunk of something, similar to how it's used in English. It could represent a piece of a cake, a piece of clothing, a piece of paper, or generally any object that can be divided into smaller units. Thus, it widely used in daily life.

坚固 (jiāngù)

The Chinese word for 'firm' is '坚固'. It is often used to describe something physically strong, stable or not easily changed. For example, when referring to a firm handshake or a firm belief, in Chinese, you would use '坚固' (jiāngù).

Example sentences with  坚固
坚持 (jiān chí)

The Chinese word '坚持' translates directly to 'insist', and is used similarly in sentences. In Chinese, it can also carry the connotation of perseverance or sticking with something despite difficulty. It's often used in the context of emphasizing willpower, determination, or persistence.

Example sentences with  坚持
坚果夹 (jiānguǒ jiá)

In Chinese, '坚果夹' is a term used for devices or tools designed to open nutshells. It can be used in both literal and metaphorical contexts, similar to how 'nutcracker' is used in English.

Example sentences with  坚果夹
坦克 (tǎn kè)

In Chinese, '坦克' refers to the heavy armored fighting vehicle carrying guns and moving on a continuous articulated metal track. It is used in the same way as the English word 'tank' - it can be used both in a military context or to describe a container or receptacle. It also has additional meanings, such as a criticism catcher or, by extension, a tough person.

Example sentences with  坦克
垃圾 (lā jī)

The Chinese word '垃圾' is used to refer to waste or rubbish, similar to the English word 'trash'. It can be used in various contexts such as household rubbish, or to describe something that is considered to be of poor quality or value.

Example sentences with  垃圾
城市 (chénɡshì)

The Chinese word for 'city' is '城市' (chénɡshì). It's used in the same way as in English, to refer to a large town, or a large populated area. For example, '我住在一个大城市' means 'I live in a big city'.

基因 (jī yīn)

In Chinese, '基因' is the exact translation of the English term 'gene'. It is often used in the fields of biology and genetics, representing the fundamental physical and functional units of heredity. Specific characteristics could be determined by '基因' in an organism.

Example sentences with  基因
基本 (jīběn)

The Chinese word for 'basic' is '基本' (jīběn). It is often used to describe something that is fundamental or primary in nature. For example, '基本语法' means 'basic grammar'. It can be used in various contexts, just like in English.

Example sentences with  基本
基本上 (jī běn shàng)

The Chinese word '基本上' is used similarly to the English word 'basically'. It is often used to signify something fundamental or the most important aspects of something. It can also be used to begin an explanation or statement. For example, you could say '基本上, 我们每天都会做运动', which translates to 'Basically, we exercise every day.'

Example sentences with  基本上
基础 (jī chǔ)

The Chinese word '基础' translates to 'base' in English. It is often used in the context of a foundation or starting point, similar to its use in English. For example, in sentences describing the basic or fundamental aspects of a subject.

基金 (Jījīn)

In Chinese, '基金' (Jījīn) is often used to refer to a pool of money that is collected and managed for a specific purpose. It is typically used in a financial or investment context, such as a mutual fund. The Chinese term consists of two characters: '基' (Jī), which usually is understood as basic or foundation, and '金' (Jīn), which translates to gold, a common metonym for money or wealth.

塑料 (sùliào)

In Chinese, 'plastic' is translated as '塑料' (sùliào). It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials that are used in a huge variety of applications.

Example sentences with  塑料

The word '塔' in Chinese is used to indicate a tall structure, either free-standing or forming part of a building such as a church or castle. It is often used to depict various types of structures with similar characteristics. This may include observational towers, radio towers, bell towers, and others.

填充 (tián chōng)

The Chinese word '填充' is similar to the English word 'fill'. It is used when we talk about filling in a form or filling up a glass with water, or in a more abstract sense, when we're filling up our time with activities. The usage of '填充' is versatile and largely depends on context, just like its English counterpart.


The Chinese word for 'wall' is '墙'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides or encloses an area. For example, '他的房子有两道墙,很宽敞。' which means 'his house has two walls, it’s spacious.'

增加 (zēng jiā)

In Chinese, the word '增加' corresponds to the English term 'increase'. It is often used in contexts such as expressing the growth or rise in quantity, degree, or size of things or concepts. It can be used in a variety of scenarios such as financial increase, value increase, etc.

增强 (zēng qiáng)

The Chinese word '增强' (pronounced 'zēng qiáng'), equivalent to 'enhance' in English, is used often in the context of improving or strengthening something. It can be applied to variety of scenarios such as enhancing one's skills, abilities, physical strength, or enhancing the properties of an object.

Example sentences with  增强
壁炉 (bì lú)

This Chinese word is used the same as the English word 'fireplace'. It refers to a structure designed to contain a fire, typically used for heating a dwelling or cooking.

Example sentences with  壁炉
声明 (shēngmíng)

The Chinese word for 'statement' is '声明', pronounced as 'shēngmíng'. It is a noun that is usually used in formal contexts to mean a method of expressing or making known one's stand, position or perspective on a particular matter. It can be used in the context of written and spoken communication.

声称 (shēng chēng)

In Chinese, '声称' is used as a verb and generally refers to stating or declaring something. It is used in contexts where one asserts a fact or a right strongly and firmly, in a manner that is not always capable of being proven.

声音 (shēng yīn)

In Chinese, the word for 'voice' is '声音'. It is used similarly to the English use of 'voice', can represent the sounds that are made when people speak or sing. It can also refer to the ability to express thoughts or feelings openly.

处理 (chǔ lǐ)

In Chinese, '处理' is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts. It could mean handling, dealing with, or processing something, depending on the context. For instance, it can be used to refer to handling a situation, dealing with a problem, or processing data. In general, it refers to the act of managing, manipulating or having an effect on something.

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