Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

国会 (guó huì)

The Chinese word '国会' is used to refer to a formal meeting where people come together to discuss issues or make decisions, in particular, this term is often used to encompass the legislative body of political system in some countries. For instance, in the US political system, '国会' represents the bicameral federal legislative body, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

国外 (guó wài)

The Chinese word '国外' is the literal translation of the English word 'abroad'. This phrase is often used in sentences when referring to countries outside of China. Like in English, it can refer to simply being out of the country or going overseas for a trip or for studying.

Example sentences with  国外
国家 (guó jiā)

The Chinese word for 'country' is '国家'. This word is used in a similar context as in English when referring to the geographical or political entity of a nation. It can be used in various sentence structures, and is often combined with other words to describe the individual characteristics or cultural aspects of a nation.

国家的 (guó jiā de)

The Chinese word '国家的' corresponds to 'national' in English. It is an adjective to describe something that belongs or relates to a nation as a whole. It is commonly seen in contexts or phrases such as national culture (国家的文化), national laws (国家的法律), etc.

国王 (guó wáng)

The word '国王' in Chinese is used to refer to a male ruler of a nation or territory, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth. It is widely used in historical and modern contexts, often equivalent to the English term 'king'.

国际 (Guójì)

In Chinese, '国际' (Guójì) is used to express the concept of being international. It is often used in the same contexts as it is in English - such as 'international affairs' (国际事务), 'international relations' (国际关系) and so on. Its usage is not restricted and you can use it in both formal and informal contexts.

图书馆 (tú shū guǎn)

The Chinese word for library is '图书馆'. It is a place where collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music are kept for public use or borrowing. The term can be used in sentences like 'I am going to the 图书馈' which translates to 'I am going to the library'.

图像 (tú xiàng)

The Chinese word for 'image' is '图像'. It is often used in contexts related to visual or digital imagery, similar to its use in English. It can be found in phrases like 'digital image' (数字图像) or 'image processing' (图像处理).

图片 (tú piàn)

The Chinese word '图片' is used to refer to any kind of visual representation such as a photograph, painting, drawing, or other graphical presentation. It is used similarly to the English word 'picture'. It can be used in various contexts such as in a photo album (相册中的图片), on a website (网站上的图片), or a picture book (图片书).

Example sentences with  图片
图表 (tú biǎo)

In Chinese, '图表' is often used in contexts of data presentation or recording information visually. It can be used in many instances such as bar chart, pie chart, line chart, and so on. It is a common term in academic, research and business fields.

Example sentences with  图表

The Chinese word '圆' (yuán) translates to 'round' in English. It is often used to describe the shape of objects. For instance, a round table in Chinese would be referred to as '圆桌' (yuán zhuō).

Example sentences with  
土地 (tǔ dì)

The Chinese word '土地' can refer to two possible meanings depending on the context. It can refer to soil or earth in a general sense, or it can also specifically denote geographic areas categorized as land or property. Depending on the context, it could be used to refer to farmland, territorial land, etc.

土壤 (tǔrǎng)

In Chinese, dirt is translated as 土壤 (tǔrǎng). This term is used just like in English to refer to soil or earthy matter, especially when loose. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as discussing gardening, nature, or in metaphors and idioms.

Example sentences with  土壤
土豆 (tǔ dòu)

The Chinese word '土豆' literally translates to 'earth bean', which makes sense considering potatoes grow underground. It's commonly used in daily life and in many Chinese dishes, just like potatoes are used in many types of cuisine around the world.

Example sentences with  土豆
圣诞老人 (shèngdàn lǎorén)
santa claus

In Chinese, Santa Claus is referred to as '圣诞老人' which direct translation is 'Christmas Old Man'. It is widely used during the holiday season in similar context as in English, referring to the jolly old man who delivers gifts to children.

Example sentences with  圣诞老人
圣诞节 (shèng dàn jié)

In Chinese, '圣诞节' is used to represent the holiday celebrated on December 25th, just as 'Christmas' is in English. It can be used in several contexts such as wishing someone a merry Christmas, or discussing holiday plans.

Example sentences with  圣诞节

The Chinese word '在' is used to express the state or action of being located in a place or exact location. It is equivalent to the English preposition 'in'. The word '在' is also used to indicate an action that is currently happening, similar to the English present progressive tense (e.g., I am doing something).

在...下面 (zài...xiàmiàn)

This Chinese word '在...下面' translates to 'under' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, usually for indicating the position or location of something that is beneath or covered by another thing. For example, 在桌子下面 (under the table).

在...之上 (zài...zhī shàng)

In Chinese, '在...之上' is used to indicate something is on top of something else. This phrase is quite literal and can be used in the same way as 'upon' in English, to refer to something being above or over another object or concept. However, it is often used in more formal contexts or literary language.

Example sentences with  在...之上
在...之中 (zài...zhī zhōng)

The Chinese word '在...之中' can be used in many contexts just like in English. It can refer to being in the middle of a group of people or things, or it can refer to being part of a larger category or group. It can also be used to indicate that something is being shared by a group of people, or that it is the subject of a common action or effect.

在...之内 (zài...zhī nèi)

The Chinese phrase '在...之内' is equivalent to 'within' in English. It is used to indicate that something is inside or contained in another thing. It is widely applicable in various contexts, such as time, space, range, etc.

在...期间 (zài...qījiān)

The Chinese word '在...期间' is used in a similar way as 'during' in English. It's used to indicate something that happens within a particular period of time. You place it before the time or event that something happens. For example, 在冬天期间 (during the winter).

在哪里 (zài nǎlǐ)

The word '在哪里' in Chinese is used to inquire about the position or place of the subject matter similar to how 'Where' is used in English. It can be used in middle or at the end of sentences. It is commonly used in questions to ask about location.

地区 (dìqū)

The Chinese word '地区' is used to denote a particular geographic area. It could be used to describe a town, city, state, country, or even a part of the world. The use of '地区' is pretty similar to how the English word 'region' is used.

地图 (dìtú)

In Chinese, the word for map is '地图' (pronounced as 'dìtú'). It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.

地址 (zhǐ dì)

The Chinese term for 'address' is '地址' (zhǐ dì). It's commonly used exactly like its English counterpart - when providing locations for physical destinations, mailing correspondence or electronic (web, email) resources.

Example sentences with  地址
地方 (dì fāng)

The Chinese word '地方' refers to a place or location and can be used in various contexts, exactly as the English word 'place' is used. It can specify an area, point, or location in space or it can refer to a part or section of a structure or a city, country, region, or location.

地板 (dìbǎn)

The Chinese word for 'floor' is '地板' (dìbǎn). It is used in the same context as in English. For example, to denote the surface of a room on which one stands. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically, like in saying 'sweep the floor'.

地毯 (dìtǎn)

The Chinese word for carpet is '地毯' (dìtǎn). It is a noun that can be used in a variety of contexts, much like the English word 'carpet'. It refers to a floor or stair covering made from thick woven fabric, typically shaped to fit a particular room.

Example sentences with  地毯
地狱 (dì yù)

In Chinese, '地狱' stands for 'hell'. It is often used in contexts discussing afterlife, punishment, and suffering, similar to how 'hell' is used in English. For instance, '他觉得他置身在地狱。' (He felt that he was in hell.) It can also be used figuratively in everyday conversation to describe extremely unpleasant situations or experiences.

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