Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.


In Chinese, the word '后' is used to indicate the back of something, or to represent the opposite of front. It can also mean behind or after, depending on the context. It is a common word with multiple uses and is found in many phrases and expressions.

后悔 (hòuhuǐ)

The Chinese word '后悔' refers to feeling sorry or sadness for something one has done or failed to do, just like 'regret' in English. It is used in similar contexts, whether in sentences such as 'I regret not going to the party' (我后悔没有去那个派对) or 'She regrets her decision' (她后悔她的决定).

Example sentences with  后悔
后果 (hòu guǒ)

The Chinese word '后果' translates to 'consequence' in English. In the Chinese language, '后果' is used to denote the result or outcome born from a particular action/action. Much like the English 'consequence', it can be used both in positive and negative senses. However, it is usually used in a more serious or formal context.

Example sentences with  后果
后者 (hòuzhě)

In Chinese, '后者 (hòuzhě)' is used to refer to the second of two things or people that have been mentioned previously, similar to how 'latter' is used in English. It is typically used in formal or written contexts.

Example sentences with  后者
后面 (hòu miàn)

In Chinese, '后面' refers to the position or state of being at the back of something or someone. It's used similarly to the English usage of the word 'behind', and can be employed in a variety of contexts such as in terms of physical location or in terms of ranking or order (as in 'behind' someone in a line).


The Chinese word '向' is used similar to the English word 'toward'. It indicates the direction in which something or someone is moving or facing. It can be used in various contexts, such as a person moving toward a place or the attitude one shows toward another.

向前 (xiàng qián)

The Chinese word '向前' is used in a similar context as 'forward' in English. It's an essential term when giving or receiving directions. It can be used literally, as in go forward, or metaphorically, like moving forward with one's life.

否则 (fǒu zé)

The Chinese word '否则' is used in the same context as 'else' in English. It is usually used in hypothetical situations or to introduce the alternative or remaining items after considering all other possibilities.

含义 (hán yì)

The Chinese word '含义' translates to 'meaning' in English. It is used to express the significance or purpose of a term or phrase, just like in English. It can be used in various contexts, such as understanding the '含义' of a specific Chinese character, a sentence, or a concept. Therefore, it plays a crucial role in efficient and effective communication.

Example sentences with  含义
to listen

The Chinese word '听' stands for 'to listen'. It is frequently used in spoken and written Mandarin, signifying the act of actively paying attention or giving heed to sounds or speech. It can be used to form composite words or phrases, such as '听音乐' (listen to music) or '听讲座' (listen to a lecture).

听力 (tīng lì)

In Chinese, the term '听力' is used to denote the physical ability to hear. It often refers to auditory sense and is used in various contexts, including medical, auditory testing, or language learning, where it refers to listening comprehension.

Example sentences with  听力
启用 (qǐ yòng)

In Chinese, '启用' is a verb which denotes an action to make something operational or active. It is usually used in contexts where you describe the start of something, primarily in technological or systematical settings.

Example sentences with  启用

The Chinese word for 'suck' is '吸'. It has a similar usage to English where it refers to drawing into the mouth by contracting the muscles of the lips and mouth to create suction. However, it turned more figurative senses than the English like to suck sb's blood, it means to exploit or overcharge someone.

Example sentences with  
吸引 (xī yǐn)

The Chinese word '吸引' is used to express attracting someone or something. It is commonly used in various scenarios, from describing attractiveness of people or objects, to gravitational attraction, to describing someone or something that is appealing or attention-grabbing.

Example sentences with  吸引

The Chinese term '吹' is the equivalent of the English word 'blow'. It is used in similar contexts as in English. You may use it when referring to the act of blowing air out of your mouth or blowing out a candle. Moreover, it is also applicable in context like blowing a whistle. However, be careful when using it as it may not represent all English contexts of 'blow'.

Example sentences with  

The Chinese word '吻' is used to express the physical act of affectionately kissing someone, as in English. It can be used in contexts referring to both platonic and romantic love, and just like English, it can also refer to a light touch or brush against something in a metaphorical sense.

Example sentences with  
告诉 (gàosù)

告诉 is used similarly as 'tell' in English. It can be used to communicate information, news, or knowledge to someone. It has wide applications and can be usually found in daily conversation in Chinese

员工 (yuán gōng)

In Chinese, '员工' refers to an individual who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business. It is widely used in business, corporations, and companies to refer to their workers.


In Chinese, the word '周' is used to indicate a period of seven consecutive days. It's similar to how the term is used in English, with the week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.

周围 (zhōu wéi)

The Chinese word '周围' is used to convey the meaning of 'around' as in surrounding or in the vicinity. It is used both in literal and figurative sense. It can describe the location of something or someone in physical space, or refer to the surrounding circumstances or environment.

周期 (zhōu qī)

In Chinese, the word '周期' is used to describe a period of time, similar to the English usage of the term 'period'. This can pertain to any duration of time that is specific and recurring. It is utilized widely in both day-to-day conversation and formal context.

周末 (zhōu mò)

The word '周末' is used in Chinese much in the same way 'weekend' is used in English, to refer to Saturday and Sunday or the last two days of the week. You can use it in sentences like '这个周末我会去购物' meaning 'I will go shopping this weekend'.

Example sentences with  周末
味道 (wèi dào)

The Chinese word for taste is '味道', which is mainly used to describe the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the feeling or experience from a situation or event.

呼吸 (hū xī)

In Chinese, '呼吸' is used to refer to the act of breathing or a single breath, similar to its use in English. It is often used in contexts relating to health and exercise, and can also be a metaphor for life or vitality.

Example sentences with  呼吸
命令 (mìnglìng)

The Chinese word '命令' is used in a similar context to the English word 'command'. It can refer to an order or instruction given by a person in charge. It can be used in a variety of contexts including in a military setting, computer programming, or when giving orders to a person or group. It's important when using this word to remember it conveys a sense of authority and power.

Example sentences with  命令
和平 (hé píng)

The Chinese word '和平' means 'peace'. It's often used in contexts related to the absence of war or violence, harmony in personal relations, or serenity and tranquility. It's a commonly used word in Chinese, much like its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  和平
咖啡 (kāfēi)

In Chinese, coffee is referred to as '咖啡' (kāfēi). It's a commonly used term in daily life as the beverage is quite popular in China. It's used in similar contexts as in English, like discussing favourite drinks or choices at a café or restaurant. You could say '我想喝咖啡', which means 'I want to drink coffee'.

Example sentences with  咖啡
咨询 (zīxún)

The Chinese word '咨询' is used the same as English 'consult'. It refers to asking someone, such as an expert or a professional, for information or advice. It is often used in medical, legal, or any professional context where one person has the information that another person needs.

Example sentences with  咨询

The word '咬' in Chinese is primarily used in the context of biting something with one's teeth. It can be used for both humans and animals. For instance, a dog might '咬' a bone or a person might '咬' an apple. It is a common verb used in everyday conversations.

Example sentences with  
哥们 (gē men)

In Chinese, '哥们' is a casual way to call a close male friend, similar to 'dude' in English. It connotes an intimate and informal relationship similar to brotherhood, often used among peers.

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