Chinese Chinese

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Chinese.

典型 (diǎn xíng)

The Chinese word '典型' is used similarly to the English word 'typical', to describe something that is representative of a type. This could apply to a wide range of contexts, including types of behaviour, phenomena, objects, persons, etc. So, you could use '典型' in sentences like '他是个典型的学生' (He is a typical student).

Example sentences with  典型
养老金 (yǎng lǎo jīn)

The Chinese word for 'pension' is '养老金' which, in the context of employment, refers to the income an individual receives after retirement. It is a social security system where workers accumulate pension during their working years and receive it after retirement. This term is widely used in both informal and formal context.

Example sentences with  养老金
内容 (nèi róng)

The word '内容' in Chinese is used to refer to the subject matter or topics covered in a book, speech, movie, or some form of communication. It is used in a similar context as the English word 'content'. It can also refer to satisfaction or comfort in a similar way to English.

内心 (nèi xīn)

The Chinese word '内心' is used to mean 'inner' in English. It is often used when referring to someone's inner thoughts, feelings, and state. It could also be used to refer to something that lies within a material structure, analogously to how we use 'inner' in English.

Example sentences with  内心
内旋 (nèi xuán)

In Mandarin Chinese, the term for 'pronation' is '内旋'. This term is mainly used in the context of movements involving rotation, particularly in sports science and anatomy. It can describe the natural movement of the foot that occurs during foot landing while running or walking, or the inward rotation of the forearm which causes the palm to face downwards.

Example sentences with  内旋
内部 (nèi bù)

The Chinese word '内部' translates to 'internal' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the inside or interior of something, often in more formal or technical contexts. It can be used in various phrases and sentences, similar to its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  内部
再次 (zài cì)

在中文中,'再次' 是一种常用表达方式,指的是某件事情的重复或继续出现。它可以用在各种情境中,既可以讨论做同样的事情,也可以讨论想再次经历某种感觉或体验。

再见 (zài jiàn)

The Chinese word '再见' is used similar to how 'bye' is used in English. It is typically used as a farewell or when parting from other people. It can be used both in formal and casual situations.

最初 (zuì chū)

The Chinese word '最初' is similar to the English word 'initially'. It is often used in the beginning of a sentence to indicate the initial or starting point of an event or action. E.g. 最初,我不喜欢这部电影. (Initially, I did not like this movie.)

Example sentences with  最初
最后 (zuìhòu)

The Chinese word '最后' is used in a similar way as the English word 'last'. It can be used to refer to the final person or thing in a series, the final point or the end of a time period, or in several other situations where something comes after all others.

最多 (zui4 duo1)

In Mandarin Chinese, '最多' means 'most'. This word is a common way to express 'the greatest amount', 'the highest degree' or 'majority' of something in multiple contexts. For example, if you wanted to say 'he eats the most', you could say '他吃的最多'. Notice how '最多' is used after a verb and its object to signify a superlative degree in the action.

最大 (zuì dà)

最大 or 'zuì dà' is used in Chinese language to represent the largest or biggest amount/degree in some aspect. Its usage is generally the same as 'maximum' in English. It could refer to the greatest extent, the upper limit, the highest degree, or most extreme.

Example sentences with  最大
最好 (zuì hǎo)

In Chinese, '最好' is used to represent the superlative degree of good, which is equivalent to the English word 'best'. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing the quality of things, results of a competition, or personal preferences, etc. Just like how 'best' is used in English.

最好的朋友 (zuì hǎo de péng yǒu)
Best friend

In Chinese, '最好的朋友' is used to describe a person's closest friend. This term is used in both formal and informal contexts. It can be used among peers and also between family members to express the deep bond of friendship.

最小 (zuì xiǎo)

The Chinese word '最小' represents the smallest or least possible amount or degree, the same as 'minimum' in English. It is often used in contexts like mathematics, statistics, and everyday life to compare quantities.

Example sentences with  最小
最少 (zuì shǎo)

The Chinese word '最少' is generally used when referring to the minimal amount or degree of something, similar to how 'least' is used in English. It can be used in a range of contexts, whether talking about quantities, degrees, frequencies etc.

最终 (zuì zhōng)

In Chinese, we use '最终(zuì zhōng)' to convey the meaning of 'eventually.' It implies that something happens after a long time, or after a series of other events. It is often used in narratives to illustrate a conclusion or result.

最近 (zuìjìn)

In Chinese, '最近' is utilized in a similar context as the English word 'recently'. It is generally used to refer to a state or event that has occurred in the close past. It can be used in both conversational and formal settings.

最近的 (zuì jìn de)

The Chinese word '最近的' is used in contexts similar to the English word 'recent' and can refer to something happening or appearing a short time ago. However, it can also refer to physical proximity, similar to 'nearest' in English.

to write

In Chinese, the character '写' is used for the verb 'to write'. It can be used in various contexts similar to English such as writing a letter ('写信'), writing a book ('写书'), or writing a message ('写消息').

写作 (xiězuò)

In Chinese, '写作' stands for 'writing'. It is commonly used to refer to the act of writing, such as in a school or professional context. This can be used to describe writing anything from books, articles, essays, and other types of documents.

军事 (jūnshì)

In Chinese, '军事' refers to anything relating to the armed forces or war. It can be used in complex terms like '军事行动' (military action) or '军事力量' (military power). Just like English, it can also be used to describe a person's demeanor or strategy, for example, '他的军事头脑' (his military mind).

Example sentences with  军事
军队 (jūnduì)

The Chinese word for 'army' is '军队'. It is typically used in the same context as in English, referring to a large, organized group of soldiers who form part of a country's military forces. For example, you can say '中国的军队' which translates to 'China's army'.

农场 (nóng chǎng)

In Chinese, '农场' is used to describe an area of land, as well as the buildings on it, which is used for growing crops and rearing animals. The word is often used in a similar context as it is in English, referring to agricultural activities and industries.

农民 (nóngmín)

The word '农民' in Chinese is used to denote a person engaged in farming or agriculture. The term is being used the same way as in English. For example, they might say '那个人是一个农民' which translates to 'That person is a farmer'.

Example sentences with  农民
冠军 (guàn jūn)

In Chinese, '冠军' is used to denote the title of the top performer in a competition, usually in sports. Similar to English, it can be used in both singular and plural forms to describe both the event and the person or team that wins it.

冬天 (dōng tiān)

In Chinese, '冬天' is used to describe the season winter. It can be used in many contexts, such as '我喜欢冬天', which means 'I like winter'. The use of this word is not limited to any certain rule and can be used whenever referring to the season winter.

冬日仙境 (dōng rì xiān jìng)
winter wonderland

The Chinese term '冬日仙境' is used to convey the same sense of a magical, snowy landscape that is implied by the English term 'winter wonderland'. It is used in the same contexts, such as describing beautiful, snowy scenes in literature, poetry, song lyrics, or casual conversation. This term conveys a sense of awe and admiration for the beauty of winter.

Example sentences with  冬日仙境
冬青 (dōng qīng)

冬青 traditionally symbolizes peace and joy. The leaves are prickly and they stay green all year round which made them popular as decorations during the winter season, especially during Christmas holidays.

Example sentences with  冬青

In Chinese, '冰' is used in the same way 'ice' is used in English. It typically refers to the frozen state of water, and can be used literally or metaphorically. For example, in a literal sense, one might say '这个冷饮有很多冰' ('This cold drink has a lot of ice'). In a metaphorical sense, it may be used to convey the hardness or coldness of a material or an item.

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