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nüè dài

English translation of 虐待


The word '虐待' in Chinese is used to describe the act of treating someone with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly. It can also refer to misuse of something in a harmful way. Depending on the context, it may describe a wide range of harmful processes, activities or actions from physical, emotional, psychological abuse to substance misuse.

Example sentences using: 虐待


Nüèdài zǒng shì shānghài tārén

English translation of 虐待总是伤害他人

Abuse always hurts others

This sentence expresses that abuse invariably harms others.


Nüèdài dòngwù shì wéifǎ de

English translation of 虐待动物是违法的

Animal abuse is illegal

This sentence states a legal stand against animal abuse.


Zhànzhēng chángcháng bànsuí着 nüèdài

English translation of 战争常常伴随着虐待

War often comes with abuse

This phrase emphasizes how war frequently involves abuses.


Nüèdài értóng shì yánzhòng zuìxíng

English translation of 虐待儿童是严重罪行

Child abuse is a serious crime

This is a statement declaring that child abuse is a grave offense.


Tā chángcháng zāoshòu nüèdài

English translation of 他常常遭受虐待

He often suffers from abuse

This sentence describes a person who is frequently abused.


Wǒmen yīnggāi fǎnduì nüèdài lǎorén

English translation of 我们应该反对虐待老人

We should oppose elderly abuse

This sentence encourages opposing the abuse of older individuals.


Nüèdài dòngwù shì lìng rén yànwù de

English translation of 虐待动物是令人厌恶的

Animal abuse is disgusting

This sentence expresses strong disapproval about animal abuse.


Nüèdài tārén shì bù dàodé de

English translation of 虐待他人是不道德的

Abusing others is immoral

This sentence emphasizes the immorality of abusing others.


Xǔduō rén duì nüèdài wú dòng yú zhōng

English translation of 许多人对虐待无动于衷

Many people are indifferent to abuse

This sentence discusses how many people remain insensitive to abuse.


Nüèdài wèntí xūyào jiějué

English translation of 虐待问题需要解决

The issue of abuse needs to be addressed

This sentence states the need to handle the issue of abuse.

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