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nèi xīn

English translation of 内心


The Chinese word '内心' is used to mean 'inner' in English. It is often used when referring to someone's inner thoughts, feelings, and state. It could also be used to refer to something that lies within a material structure, analogously to how we use 'inner' in English.

Example sentences using: 内心


Tā de nèixīn chōngmǎnle yíhuò.

English translation of 她的内心充满了疑惑。

She is full of doubts in her heart.

This sentence expresses that the subject, 'she', is full of doubts or uncertainty within her 'heart' or internal feelings.


Wǒ de nèixīn shēnchù yǒu yīgè mìmì.

English translation of 我的内心深处有一个秘密。

There's a secret deep in my heart.

This sentence implies that the speaker has a secret deeply buried in their 'heart' or personal feelings.


Tā nèixīn chéngshòu zhe jùdà de tòngkǔ.

English translation of 他内心承受着巨大的痛苦。

He is suffering immense pain in his heart.

This phrase denotes that 'he' is experiencing a lot of internal or emotional pain.


Nǐ zhēn de liǎojiě zìjǐ de nèixīn ma?

English translation of 你真的了解自己的内心吗?

Do you really understand your own heart?

This sentence is a question that asks whether one truly understands their own feelings or intentions.


Tā nèixīn de kǒngjù kāishǐ xiǎnxiàn.

English translation of 她内心的恐惧开始显现。

Her inner fear began to show.

This phrase expresses that the fear in 'her' heart or mind is starting to manifest or show itself.


Tā de nèixīn chōngmǎnle zuì'è gǎn.

English translation of 他的内心充满了罪恶感。

His heart is filled with guilt.

This sentence expresses that 'he' is filled with guilt in his mind or heart.


Tā nǔlì yǐncáng nèixīn de bēishāng.

English translation of 她努力隐藏内心的悲伤。

She tried hard to hide the sadness in her heart.

This sentence describes that 'she' is making an effort to conceal the sadness or grief in her mind or heart.


Nèixīn de shēngyīn gàosù wǒ yào qù zuò.

English translation of 内心的声音告诉我要去做。

The voice in my heart tells me to do it.

The phrase means that one's instinct or inner voice is telling them to pursue an action.


Zài tā de nèixīn, tā fēicháng xǐhuan tā.

English translation of 在他的内心,他非常喜欢她。

In his heart, he likes her very much.

This sentence expresses that 'he' has strong positive feelings or affection for 'her' deep in his heart or mind.


Tāmen de nèixīn dōu chōngmǎnle xīwàng.

English translation of 他们的内心都充满了希望。

Their hearts are all filled with hope.

This phrase indicates that every person in the group has a lot of hope or optimism within their hearts or minds.

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