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mǒu chù

English translation of 某处


The Chinese word '某处' has the same usage as 'somewhere' in English. It is often used to denote an indefinite or unspecified location. The word combines '某' meaning 'some' or 'a certain' and '处' meaning 'place' or 'location'.

Example sentences using: 某处


Tā zài mǒu chù yíshī le yàoshi.

English translation of 他在某处遗失了钥匙。

He lost his keys somewhere.

In this sentence, '某处' means 'somewhere'. The speaker doesn't know or doesn't specify the exact location where the keys were lost.


Wǒ jìdé wǒ bǎ shū fàng zài mǒu chù.

English translation of 我记得我把书放在某处。

I remember that I put the book somewhere.

Here, '某处' is used to indicate an unspecified location where the speaker put the book.


Mǒu chù yǒu yī zhī xiǎo gǒu zài jiào.

English translation of 某处有一只小狗在叫。

Somewhere there is a dog barking.

In this context, '某处' indicates an unspecified location where a dog is barking.


Wǒmen yīnggāi qù mǒu chù dùjià.

English translation of 我们应该去某处度假。

We should go on a vacation somewhere.

In this sentence, '某处' stands for any location where the speaker suggests to go for a vacation.


Mǒu chù yǒu yī shǒu gē bùtíng de zài wǒ tóu nǎo zhōng bōfàng.

English translation of 某处有一首歌不停的在我头脑中播放。

Somewhere there's a song playing repeatedly in my head.

'某处' in this statement pertains to an unspecified place in the mind where a song is constantly playing.


Wǒ bìxū zài mǒu chù zhǎodào dá'àn.

English translation of 我必须在某处找到答案。

I must find the answer somewhere.

Here, '某处' pertains to an unspecified location where the speaker is determined to find the answer.


Tā shuō tā zài mǒu chù jiàn guò wǒ.

English translation of 他说他在某处见过我。

He said he had seen me somewhere.

In this context, '某处' refers to an unspecified place where the speaker was seen by another person.


Tā zài mǒu chù dú guò zhè piān wénzhāng.

English translation of 她在某处读过这篇文章。

She read this article somewhere.

Here, '某处' refers to an unspecified place where the speaker read the article.


Mǒu chù yǒu rén zài gēn wǒ shuōhuà.

English translation of 某处有人在跟我说话。

Somewhere, someone is talking to me.

'某处' in this sentence refers to an unspecified place where someone is talking to the speaker.


Mǒu chù de zhōng shēng qiāoxiǎng le wǔyè.

English translation of 某处的钟声敲响了午夜。

Somewhere, the chime of a clock struck midnight.

In this sentence, '某处' points to an unspecified location where a clock strikes midnight.

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