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mò shēng rén

English translation of 陌生人


陌生人 (mòshēngrén) is often used in Chinese to refer to someone you do not know. It can be used in a variety of contexts, much like stranger in English. For example, you can say 'he is a stranger to me' - “他对我是一个陌生人” (Tā duì wǒ shì yīgè mòshēngrén).

Example sentences using: 陌生人


Wǒ bù rènshí zhège mòshēngrén.

English translation of 我不认识这个陌生人。

I do not know this stranger.

This sentence can be used when you are pointing out someone who you don't know.


Mòshēngrén zǒu jìnliǎo fángjiān.

English translation of 陌生人走进了房间。

A stranger walked into the room.

This sentence describes a situation where an unknown person enters a room.


Zhège mòshēngrén láizì nǎlǐ?

English translation of 这个陌生人来自哪里?

Where is this stranger from?

This sentence can be used when you want to ask about the origin of an unknown person.


Mòshēngrén kāishǐ shuōhuàle.

English translation of 陌生人开始说话了。

The stranger started to talk.

This sentence describes an event where a stranger begins to speak.


Mòshēngrén kàn qǐlái hěn jǐnzhāng.

English translation of 陌生人看起来很紧张。

The stranger looks very nervous.

This sentence can be used when you observe that an unknown person looks nervous.


Mòshēngrén zuò zài nàgè jiǎoluò lǐ.

English translation of 陌生人坐在那个角落里。

The stranger is sitting in that corner.

This sentence describes a situation where a stranger is sitting in a corner.


Mòshēngrén líkāile wǒmen de shìxiàn.

English translation of 陌生人离开了我们的视线。

The stranger left our sight.

This sentence describes a situation where a stranger departs from your visual range.


Nàgè mòshēngrén chīle wǒmen de shíwù.

English translation of 那个陌生人吃了我们的食物。

That stranger ate our food.

This sentence describes a situation where an unknown person consumes your food.


Mòshēng rén gěi le wǒ yī běn shū.

English translation of 陌生人给了我一本书。

The stranger gave me a book.

This sentence describes a situation where you receive a book from a stranger.


Wǒ wúfǎ lǐjiě nàgè mòshēngrén de xíngwéi.

English translation of 我无法理解那个陌生人的行为。

I can't understand that stranger's behavior.

This sentence can be used when you find an unknown person's behavior ununderstandable.

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