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English translation of 密友

close friend

'密友' is a level up from a '好友'. This term is used to describe a best friend or someone you're really close to.

Example sentences using: 密友


Wǒ de mì yǒu xǐ huān guān kàn kē huàn diàn yǐng.

English translation of 我的密友喜欢观看科幻电影。

My close friend likes watching sci-fi movies.

This is a statement describing a friend's preference for a certain genre of movies. '密友' means close friend in Chinese.


Mì yǒu hé wǒ jīng cháng qù diàn yǐng yuàn.

English translation of 密友和我经常去电影院。

My close friend and I often go to the cinema.

This sentence describes a frequent activity with a close friend. Here, '密友' is used to mean close friend.

Mì yǒu gěi wǒ tuī jiàn le yī bù hǎo de diàn yǐng.

English translation of 密友给我推荐了一部好的电影。

My close friend recommended a good movie to me.

In this sentence, '密友' is referring to a close friend who suggests a movie.


Zuótiān de diàn yǐng, mì yǒu yě xǐ huān.

English translation of 昨天的电影,密友也喜欢。

My close friend also liked yesterday's movie.

This statement expresses the same sharing of opinion about a movie with a close friend or '密友'.


Mì yǒu zǒng shì zhī dào hǎo diàn yǐng.

English translation of 密友总是知道好电影。

My close friend always knows good movies.

This sentence praises a close friend, indicated by '密友', for their knowledge and taste in movies.


Wǒ hé mì yǒu zhèng zài kàn yī bù diàn yǐng.

English translation of 我和密友正在看一部电影。

My close friend and I are watching a movie.

This sentence describes a current activity with a close friend, referred to as '密友'.


Wǒ hé mì yǒu bù xǐ huān zuó wǎn de diàn yǐng.

English translation of 我和密友不喜欢昨晚的电影。

My close friend and I didn't like last night's movie.

This phrase expresses a shared dislike for a movie with a '密友' or close friend.


Mì yǒu duì diàn yǐng fēi cháng gǎn xìng qù.

English translation of 密友对电影非常感兴趣。

My close friend is very interested in movies.

Here, '密友' means a close friend and it outlines their deep interest in movies.


Wǒ hé mì yǒu jīng cháng yī qǐ kàn diàn yǐng.

English translation of 我和密友经常一起看电影。

My close friend and I often watch movies together.

This is an example of describing a shared hobby with a close friend, signified by '密友'.


Mì yǒu míng tiān yào hé wǒ yī qǐ kàn xīn de diàn yǐng.

English translation of 密友明天要和我一起看新的电影。

My close friend is going to watch a new movie with me tomorrow.

In this sentence, '密友' refers to a close friend with whom the speaker is planning a future activity.

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