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English translation of 面条


Noodles are a common food item in China, and there are many varieties from different regions.

Example sentences using: 面条


Wǒ māmā zuò miàntiáo hěn bàng.

English translation of 我妈妈做面条很棒。

My mother makes great noodles.

Here, the speaker praises their mother's noodle making skills. '做' means 'make', and '很棒' means 'great'.


Wǒ jiā chī miàntiáo.

English translation of 我家吃面条。

My family eats noodles.

This is a simple sentence describing a common food habit in a family. '我家' means 'my family', '吃' means 'eat', and '面条' is 'noodles'.


Miàntiáo shì wǒmen jiā de zuì ài.

English translation of 面条是我们家的最爱。

Noodles is our family favorite.

This sentence talks about a family's favorite meal - noodles. '最爱' means 'favorite'.


Wǒ gēn bàba qù miàntiáo diàn.

English translation of 我跟爸爸去面条店。

I go to the noodle shop with my father.

This sentence describes an activity between the speaker and their father. '面条店' means 'noodle shop'.


Wǒmen yījiārén yīqǐ chī miàntiáo.

English translation of 我们一家人一起吃面条。

Our whole family eats noodles together.

This sentence talks about a shared meal. '一家人' means 'the whole family', and '一起' means 'together'.


Wǒ de mèimei xǐhuān chī miàntiáo.

English translation of 我的妹妹喜欢吃面条。

My sister likes to eat noodles.

This sentence is conveying the sister's liking for noodles. '喜欢' means 'like'.


Guònián shí, wǒmen quánjiā dōu chī miàntiáo.

English translation of 过年时,我们全家都吃面条。

At New Year, our whole family eats noodles.

This sentence brings up a common tradition of eating noodles during Chinese New Year for longevity and prosperity.


Wǒ yéyé huì zuò miàntiáo.

English translation of 我爷爷会做面条。

My grandfather can make noodles.

This sentence talks about the grandfather's ability to make noodles. '会' means 'can' or 'be able to'.


Wǒ hé jiārén xǐhuān zài zhōumò zuò miàntiáo.

English translation of 我和家人喜欢在周末做面条。

My family and I like to make noodles on the weekend.

This phrase talks about a family activity during the weekend.


Māmā de miàntiáo shì quánjiārén de zuì ài.

English translation of 妈妈的面条是全家人的最爱。

Mother's noodles are the family's favorite.

This phrase expresses a family's love towards the mother's cooking, particularly her noodles.

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