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mào zi

English translation of 帽子


The term cap in Chinese is '帽子'. It can be used in sentences just like 'cap' in English. For example, '他的帽子挺漂亮' or 'His cap is pretty.' Just like in English, it represents a certain type of headwear.

Example sentences using: 帽子


Nǐ de màozi diào xiàláile.

English translation of 你的帽子掉下来了。

Your hat has fallen down.

This sentence informs someone that his/her hat has fallen down.


Wǒ zuì xǐhuan de màozi diūle.

English translation of 我最喜欢的帽子丢了。

I lost my favorite hat.

This is a statement expressing the speaker's discontent about losing their favorite hat.


Màozi zài nǎ'er?

English translation of 帽子在哪儿?

Where is the hat?

This is a question asking for the location of a hat.


Zhège màozi tèbié shìhé nǐ.

English translation of 这个帽子特别适合你。

This hat suits you very well.

This sentence is a compliment stating that the hat suits or looks good on the person addressed.


Nǐ jiànguò wǒ de màozi ma?

English translation of 你见过我的帽子吗?

Did you see my hat?

This is a question asking someone if they have seen the speaker's hat.


Tā dàizhe yī dǐng piàoliang de màozi.

English translation of 她戴着一顶漂亮的帽子。

She wears a beautiful hat.

This sentence describing a woman wearing a beautiful hat.


Wǒ mǎile yī dǐng xīn màozi.

English translation of 我买了一顶新帽子。

I bought a new hat.

This is a statement expressing the speaker's action of buying a new hat.


Màozi bèi fēng chuī zǒule.

English translation of 帽子被风吹走了。

The hat was blown away by the wind.

This sentence describes a situation where a hat is blown away by wind.


Bàba zǒng shì dàizhe nà dǐng lǎo màozi.

English translation of 爸爸总是戴着那顶老帽子。

Dad always wears that old hat.

This sentence describes a habit of the speaker's father who always wears a particular old hat.


Zhège màozi tài dàle.

English translation of 这个帽子太大了。

This hat is too big.

This sentence is a description about a hat being too large.

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