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lùn wén

English translation of 论文


In Chinese, 'essay' is translated as '论文' (lùn wén). This term could be used in almost the exact same contexts as in English. For instance, students would write a '论文' for their coursework, and a researcher might publish a '论文' about their latest findings.

Example sentences using: 论文


wǒ zhèngzài xiě wǒ de lùnwén.

English translation of 我正在写我的论文。

I am writing my thesis.

The speaker is currently engaged in the process of writing their thesis.


nǐ de lùnwén zuò de zěnme yàng le?

English translation of 你的论文做得怎么样了?

How's your thesis coming along?

The speaker is asking the person about the progress of their thesis.


zhè cì de lùnwén zhǔtí shì shénme?

English translation of 这次的论文主题是什么?

What is the theme of this thesis?

The speaker is asking about the theme or main subject of the current thesis.


qǐng tígōng guānyú zhè piān lùnwén de fǎnkuì.

English translation of 请提供关于这篇论文的反馈。

Please provide feedback about this thesis.

The speaker requests feedback about a thesis.


tā de lùnwén huòdéle hǎopíng.

English translation of 他的论文获得了好评。

His thesis received positive reviews.

The man's thesis has earned positive feedback.


lùnwén xūyào zài xià zhōu tíjiāo.

English translation of 论文需要在下周提交。

The thesis needs to be submitted by next week.

The due date for the thesis submission is the following week.


tā wèi wánchéng lùnwén ér áoyè.

English translation of 她为完成论文而熬夜。

She stayed up late to finish her thesis.

The speaker is sacrificing sleep to complete her thesis.


tā tōngguòle lùnwén dábiàn.

English translation of 她通过了论文答辩。

She passed her thesis defense.

The woman successfully defended her thesis during a formal presentation.


zhè piān lùnwén de yánjiū fāngfǎ ràng rén yǎnqián yī liàng.

English translation of 这篇论文的研究方法让人眼前一亮。

The research method in this thesis is eye-opening.

The methodology used in the thesis is impressive, unexpected or innovative.


wǒ de lùnwén bèi kāndēng zài xuéshù qīkān shàng.

English translation of 我的论文被刊登在学术期刊上。

My thesis was published in an academic journal.

The speaker's thesis was selected to appear in a scholarly publication.

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