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lù jìng

English translation of 路径


In Chinese, '路径' is used quite similarly to the English 'path'. It can refer to a physical trail or route to be followed, or metaphorically refer to a course of action or way of achieving something. For instance, in exploring one's career 'path', the term 'career path' can be translated to '职业路径'.

Example sentences using: 路径


Wǒ de diànnǎo shàng zhǎo bù dào gāi lùjìng.

English translation of 我的电脑上找不到该路径。

I can't find the path on my computer.

This is a statement indicating that the speaker could not locate a particular path (directory/file path) on their personal computer.


Zhège lùjìng hěn fùzá.

English translation of 这个路径很复杂。

This path is complex.

This phrase explicitly describes a path as being intricate or complicated.


Wǒ xuǎnzéle yītiáo xīn lùjìng.

English translation of 我选择了一条新路径。

I've chosen a new path.

This sentence is expressing that the speaker has opted for a fresh course or direction.


Qǐng jìxù yánzhe zhège lùjìng zǒu.

English translation of 请继续沿着这个路径走。

Please continue to follow this path.

This is an instruction for the listener to keep walking along a particular path.


Bùyào líkāi ānquán de lùjìng.

English translation of 不要离开安全的路径。

Don't leave the safe path.

This sentence is advising the listener not to deviate from a path that is deemed safe.


Wǒ shèdìngle yīgè xīn de xiàzài lùjìng.

English translation of 我设定了一个新的下载路径。

I set a new download path.

This sentence is specifying that the speaker has established a new path (like a directory/file path) for downloads.


Nàgèrén zǒu de lùjìng shì cuòwù de.

English translation of 那个人走的路径是错误的。

The path that person took is wrong.

This statement points out that the course or direction that a certain individual followed is incorrect.


Lùjìng tài cháng, wǒ jì bù zhù.

English translation of 路径太长,我记不住。

The path is too long, I can't remember it.

This phrase suggests that because the path (could be a route, or a directory/file path) is too lengthy, the speaker finds it hard to commit it to memory.


Wǒmen de juédìng jiāng juédìng wǒmen de lùjìng.

English translation of 我们的决定将决定我们的路径。

Our decisions will determine our path.

This sentence suggests that the choices one makes will ultimately shape their course or direction in life.


Nǐ zhīdào zhège lùjìng ma?

English translation of 你知道这个路径吗?

Do you know this path?

This is a question asking if the addressee is familiar with a particular path being referred to.

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