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liú xià

English translation of 留下


In Chinese, '留下' is used to represent the idea of something remaining or staying behind. It can be used to express that a person or object stays in a place. It is frequently used in both casual and formal contexts.

Example sentences using: 留下


Búyào wàngjì liúxià nǐ de liánxì fāngshì.

English translation of 不要忘记留下你的联系方式。

Don't forget to leave your contact information.

In this sentence, '留下' means leaving something behind, specifically contact information in this context.


Qǐng zài cǐ chǔ liú xià nǐ de qiānmíng.

English translation of 请在此处留下你的签名。

Please leave your signature here.

In this context, '留下' means 'to leave behind', specifically referring to a signature in this case.


Liúxià yī fèn fèn nǐ de xiào róng.

English translation of 留下一份份你的笑容。

Leave behind your smiles one by one.

This sentence is likely referring to taking photos to preserve memories of someone's 'smiles'. '留下' here means to 'leave behind' or 'preserve'.


Tā juédìng liúxià yī fēng yí shū.

English translation of 他决定留下一封遗书。

He decided to leave a suicide note.

In this instance, '留下' is used to express the action of 'leaving behind', notably a suicide note.


Tāmen zài zhèlǐ liúxiàle hěnduō měihǎo de huíyì.

English translation of 他们在这里留下了很多美好的回忆。

They left many wonderful memories here.

In this example, '留下' is used to show the action of 'leaving behind', in this case referring to memories.


Liúxià yīduàn wúfǎ wàngjì de lìshǐ.

English translation of 留下一段无法忘记的历史。

Leaving an unforgettable period of history.

In this context, '留下' denotes 'leaving behind', here referring to a period of history.


Liúxià nǐ de mèngxiǎng, ràng tā zhànfàng.

English translation of 留下你的梦想,让它绽放。

Leave your dreams and let them bloom.

In this sentence, '留下' could express the idea of allowing one's dreams to remain and flourish.


Wǒ liúxiàle yī dào hǎokàn de xīyáng.

English translation of 我留下了一道好看的夕阳。

I left a nice sunset view.

Here, '留下' means to leave behind, in this scenario, it's a beautiful sunset view that is left behind.


Liúxià nǐ zài zhèlǐ de zújì.

English translation of 留下你在这里的足迹。

Leave your footprints here.

In this sentence, '留下' means 'leave behind'', in this context, it's referring to leaving footprints behind.


Zhǐyǒu shíjiān huì liúxià zhēnshí de dá'àn.

English translation of 只有时间会留下真实的答案。

Only time will leave the real answer.

In this sentence, '留下' is used to express the act of leaving something behind, in this case, it's referring to a 'real answer'.

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