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English translation of 流


In Chinese, '流' (liú) captures the essence of how things move smoothly and continuously in a certain direction, just like 'flow' in English. It is widely used in various contexts, such as '流星' (liú xīng) meaning 'shooting star', with the flow referring to their rapid movement across the sky. Another example includes '流感' (liú gǎn) referring to 'flu' delineating how rapidly and widely the disease can spread.

Example sentences using:


Tā de huàyǔ liúchàng fēicháng.

English translation of 他的话语流畅非常。

His words flow very smoothly.

The context of '流' here denotes the smooth progression or 'flow' of words from someone.


Dìxiàshuǐ xiàng dī chù liú.

English translation of 地下水向低处流。

Groundwater flows to lower places.

The sentence talks about the movement or 'flow' of groundwater towards lower areas.


Jiāngshuǐ búduàn de wǎng dōng liú.

English translation of 江水不断地往东流。

The river keeps flowing eastward.

This sentence simply describes an objective fact about the direction that a river flows.


Nǐ de yǎnlèi liú xià lái le.

English translation of 你的眼泪流下来了。

Your tears are falling.

Tears fall from the eyes when one is crying. In this context, the word '流' represents the action of 'falling' or 'dropping'.


Zhè shǒu gē liúchuánle hěn jiǔ.

English translation of 这首歌流传了很久。

This song has been spread for a long time.

This sentence means that the song has been disseminated or spread for a long period over a wide area. '流' in '流传' is used to imply 'spreading'.


Zhè héshuǐ chángnián liúdòng.

English translation of 这河水长年流动。

The river flows all year long.

In this context, '流' is used to describe the constant movement of water in a river.


Xuèyè zài wǒmen shēntǐ zhōng liútōng.

English translation of 血液在我们身体中流通。

Blood circulates in our bodies.

Here '流' represents the circulation or flow of blood within our bodies.


Hàn liú jiā bèi.

English translation of 汗流浃背。

Sweat is soaked behind.

It's a traditional Chinese four-character phrase. That means sweat is flowing down the back very much.


Xiǎo xī chánchán liúshuǐ.

English translation of 小溪潺潺流水。

The brook babbles.

In this Chinese sentence, '流' simply represents the running of water in a brook.


Tā bìngle, bítì liú ge bùtíng.

English translation of 他病了,鼻涕流个不停。

He is sick and his nose keeps running.

In this context, '流' is used to describe the action of 'running nose'.

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