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lǐng zǐ

English translation of 领子


The Chinese word '领子' is used to denote the word 'collar' in English. It is commonly used in clothing context such as in shirts, dresses or coats. The term is broadly used all across China.

Example sentences using: 领子


Tā de chènshān lǐng zǐ hěn gānjìng.

English translation of 他的衬衫领子很干净。

His shirt collar is very clean.

This sentence is about the cleanliness of someone's shirt collar.


Qǐng nǐ bǎ nǐ de lǐng zǐ lā zhí.

English translation of 请你把你的领子拉直。

Please straighten your collar.

This phrase is a request for someone to straighten up the collar of their clothing.


Wǒ wàngjì tàng wǒ de lǐng zǐ le.

English translation of 我忘记烫我的领子了。

I forgot to iron my collar.

This sentence is expressing that an individual forgot to iron their shirt collar.


Tā de lǐng zǐ xiù yǒu měilì de tú'àn.

English translation of 她的领子绣有美丽的图案。

Her collar is embroidered with beautiful patterns.

This sentence is describing the collar of someone's shirt that has beautiful embroidery patterns.


Lǐng zǐ de dàxiǎo xūyào héshì.

English translation of 领子的大小需要合适。

The size of the collar needs to be suitable.

This sentence emphasizes that the size of a collar should be a suitable fit.


Lǐng zǐ shì hóngsè de.

English translation of 领子是红色的。

The collar is red.

It is a simple statement indicating the color of the collar.


Lǐng zi shàng zhān yǒu yóu zì.

English translation of 领子上沾有油渍。

There is an oil stain on the collar.

This sentence explains that there is a stain of oil on the collar of the clothing.


Wǒ xǐhuān zhè jiàn chènshān de lǐng zǐ.

English translation of 我喜欢这件衬衫的领子。

I like the collar of this shirt.

This sentence expresses the speaker's preference for the collar of a specific shirt.


Wǒ yīnggāi rè tàng zhè gè lǐng zǐ.

English translation of 我应该热烫这个领子。

I should iron this collar.

It is a statement where the speaker has to iron a piece of clothing especially the collar.


Zhè jiàn chènshān de lǐng zǐ shì yíng guāng de.

English translation of 这件衬衫的领子是荧光的。

The collar of this shirt is fluorescent.

In this sentence, the speaker is referring to the glowing quality of a shirt's collar.

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