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liè fèng

English translation of 裂缝


In Chinese, '裂缝' refers to a fissure, a line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, like a crack on a wall or mirror. It can be used metaphorically to describe people who have a weakness that could cause them to fail.

Example sentences using: 裂缝


lièfèng zhōng de guāngmíng

English translation of 裂缝中的光明

Light in the crack

This phrase represents the hope or positivity found even in difficult situations.


qiáng shàng de lièfèng

English translation of 墙上的裂缝

Crack in the wall

A visible defect that is used metaphorically to describe problems or shortcomings.


lièfèng zhōng shēngzhǎng de zhíwù

English translation of 裂缝中生长的植物

Plants growing in cracks

This is a symbol of resilience, depicting living beings flourishing even in the harshest conditions.


cóng lièfèng zhōng tòu chū de guāng

English translation of 从裂缝中透出的光

The light that leaks out from the crack

This phrase suggests a little bit of hope or brightness in the midst of a dark situation.


lièfèng zài kuòdà

English translation of 裂缝在扩大

The crack is expanding

It refers to a situation that is worsening or a problem that is increasing.


zhè lièfèng hěn shēn

English translation of 这裂缝很深

This crack is very deep

As a metaphor, it indicates a serious or profound problem.


lièfèng yīrán cúnzài

English translation of 裂缝依然存在

The crack still exists

It shows an unresolved situation or a problem that still persist.


zài shítou shàng zhǎo lièfèng

English translation of 在石头上找裂缝

Looking for cracks on a stone

It suggests a tenacious or detailed search for flaws or weaknesses.


lièfèng zhōng mào chū yān lái

English translation of 裂缝中冒出烟来

Smoke is emerging from the crack

This can be a literal description of smoke airing from a crack or can be used metaphorically as an indication of arising problems.


zhè tiáo lièfèng héngguàn zhěnggè shānjǐ

English translation of 这条裂缝横贯整个山脊

This fissure stretches across the entire ridge

Describes a physical feature, specifically a long, narrow opening that splits the ridge of a mountain.

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