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English translation of 冷

to be cold

The Chinese word “冷” (lěng) literally translates to 'cold', and it’s used in much the same way as in English: to indicate low temperatures or lack of warmth. You can use it to describe the weather, beverages and food, emotions, or even situations.

Example sentences using:


jīntiān tài lěng le

English translation of 今天太冷了

It's too cold today

This is a common phrase used to express that the weather is intensely cold on the present day.


tā de xīn hěn lěng

English translation of 他的心很冷

His heart is very cold

In this context, the use of 'cold' is metaphorical and represents emotion, suggesting the subject is unfeeling or indifferent.


wǒ xǐ huān hē lěng shuǐ

English translation of 我喜欢喝冷水

I like drinking cold water

This phrase is used to express preference for cold water instead of warm or hot.


lěng fēng chuī guò lái

English translation of 冷风吹过来

A cold wind blows over

This phrase is used to depict the movement of cold wind in atmospheric descriptions.


lěng cān zhǔn bèi hǎo le

English translation of 冷餐准备好了

The cold meal is ready

This is a phrase used when a cold meal (meant to be consumed without heating) has been prepared and is ready to be served.


zhè ge fáng jiān hěn lěng

English translation of 这个房间很冷

This room is very cold

This phrase expresses that the temperature in the room is very low.


lěng qì jī huài le

English translation of 冷气机坏了

The air conditioner is broken

This phrase could be used when the air conditioning unit, often used for creating cold temperatures, is malfunctioning.


zhè lěng xiào huà zhēn dòu

English translation of 这冷笑话真逗

This cold joke is really funny

'冷笑话' refers to a type of humor called 'cold joke' or 'unfunny joke' in English, often characterized by its nonsensical or absurd nature.


tā lěng jìng de sī kǎo

English translation of 他冷静地思考

He thinks calmly

Here '冷静' means calm or composed. This phrase is used to describe someone thinking in a collected or thoughtful way.


tā lěng dàn de jù jué le tā

English translation of 她冷淡地拒绝了他

She rejected him coldly

In this context, '冷淡' is used to describe an indifferent or unenthusiastic attitude. This could refer to rejecting someone's proposal or offer with no emotion or affection.

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