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lè qù

English translation of 乐趣


The Chinese word '乐趣' embodies the idea of amusement, enjoyment or entertainment, much like the English word 'fun'. It can be used in various contexts to describe things that are enjoyable, amusing or entertaining. It is a common word that can be used in everyday conversation.

Example sentences using: 乐趣


Xuéxí yǔyán de lèqù zàiyú tànsuǒ xīn de shìjiè.

English translation of 学习语言的乐趣在于探索新的世界。

The fun of learning languages is exploring a new world.

This sentence emphasizes the joy and pleasure found in the learning process of a language, as it allows for the discovery and understanding of a new cultural and social environment.


Zhège yóuxì zhēn yǒu lèqù.

English translation of 这个游戏真有乐趣。

This game is really fun.

Here, '乐趣' is used to express the enjoyment or amusement someone could get from playing a certain game.


Tā fāxiàn dúshū de lèqù.

English translation of 他发现读书的乐趣。

He found the joy of reading.

This sentence indicates that someone has discovered the pleasure derived from the activity of reading.


Wǒ xǐhuān lǚxíng, gǎnjué yǒu hěnduō lèqù.

English translation of 我喜欢旅行,感觉有很多乐趣。

I enjoy traveling, I feel it's very enjoyable.

The sentence expresses the speaker's love for traveling, employing '乐趣' to communicate the joy and pleasure that this activity brings.


Tāmen pāizhào de lèqù shì wújìn de.

English translation of 他们拍照的乐趣是无尽的。

Their joy of taking photos is endless.

This phrase communicates that the pleasure or enjoyment derived from the activity of taking photos is endless or limitless.


Nǐ huì fāxiàn pēngrèn de lèqù.

English translation of 你会发现烹饪的乐趣。

You will discover the joy of cooking.

The sentence encourages the idea that the act of cooking is not merely a necessity, but an activity from which pleasure can be derived.


Qù gōngyuán sànbù zhēn yǒu lèqù.

English translation of 去公园散步真有乐趣。

It is really fun to take a walk in the park.

In this example, '乐趣' is used to express the enjoyment derived from a particular activity - in this case, walking in a park.


Tā cóng zhōng fāxiànle yuányì de lèqù.

English translation of 她从中发现了园艺的乐趣。

She discovered the joy of gardening from it.

It conveys that someone has discovered the pleasure or enjoyment in gardening.


Háizimen zǒng néng cóng yóuxì zhōng zhǎodào lèqù.

English translation of 孩子们总能从游戏中找到乐趣。

Children can always find joy in games.

This phrase addresses children's capacity to find enjoyment or pleasure ('乐趣') in participating in games.


Páshān duì wǒ lái shuō shì yī zhǒng lèqù.

English translation of 爬山对我来说是一种乐趣。

Mountain climbing is a pleasure for me.

The sentence is sharing a personal insight, using '乐趣' to express the enjoyment or pleasure the speaker obtains from mountain climbing.

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