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lā jī

English translation of 垃圾


The Chinese word '垃圾' is used to refer to waste or rubbish, similar to the English word 'trash'. It can be used in various contexts such as household rubbish, or to describe something that is considered to be of poor quality or value.

Example sentences using: 垃圾


wǒ tǎoyàn lājī yóujiàn.

English translation of 我讨厌垃圾邮件。

I hate junk mail.

This sentence is expressing a strong dislike for unwanted ('junk') emails.


zhè fángjiān xiàng gè lājī chǎng.

English translation of 这房间像个垃圾场。

This room is like a garbage dump.

This sentence indicates that the room is very messy, comparing it to a garbage dump.


wǒ xūyào mǎi lājī dài.

English translation of 我需要买垃圾袋。

I need to buy garbage bags.

This is a statement about needing to purchase garbage bags for waste disposal.


nǐ de lājī tǒng zài nǎlǐ?

English translation of 你的垃圾桶在哪里?

Where is your garbage can?

This sentence is asking the interlocutor where their rubbish bin is located.


wǒ měitiān dōu xūyào qīnglǐ lājī yóujiàn.

English translation of 我每天都需要清理垃圾邮件。

I have to clean up junk mail every day.

This sentence indicates the need to frequently delete unwanted ('junk') emails.


zhè búshì lājī, zhè shì huíshōu wù.

English translation of 这不是垃圾,这是回收物。

This is not rubbish, this is recyclable material.

This sentence distinguishes between waste and recyclable materials.


bǎ lājī rēng jìn lājī tǒng.

English translation of 把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。

Throw the rubbish into the bin.

This sentence is instructing someone to dispose of their waste in the bin.


bié zuò lājī yóujiàn de fāsòngzhě.

English translation of 别做垃圾邮件的发送者。

Don't be a sender of junk mail.

It is an advice not to send unwanted or spam emails.


bié bǎ lājī rēng zài dì shàng.

English translation of 别把垃圾扔在地上。

Don't throw rubbish on the ground.

This is a directive to not litter, but instead to dispose of waste in appropriate receptacles.


zhège lājī shípǐn duì nǐ de jiànkāng yǒuhài.

English translation of 这个垃圾食品对你的健康有害。

This junk food is harmful to your health.

In this context, '垃圾' is used to describe food that is poor in nutritional content and potentially harmful to health.

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