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English translation of 框架


The Chinese word '框架' is used to represent 'frame' in English. It is often used when mentioning frames for pictures or reference, structural systems or frameworks. Just like 'frame' in English, '框架' can imply physical and metaphorical meanings depending on the context. It is also frequently utilized in the tech sector when referring to software or systems 'framework'.

Example sentences using: 框架


Zhège kuàngjià fēicháng shíyòng

English translation of 这个框架非常实用

This framework is very useful

When '框架' is used in a sentence, Chinese speaker refer to a structure or a system that helps to support or organize things.


Kuàngjià shèjì jīngměi

English translation of 框架设计精美

The framework is beautifully designed

Like English, '框架' can be both a physical frame or a structure for something conceptual or intangible.


Wǒmen xūyào xīn de kuàngjià

English translation of 我们需要新的框架

We need a new framework

The word '框架' can be used to describe a set of rules, ideas, or beliefs that are used to help make decisions or understand something.


Xīn yīdài de jìshù kuàngjià zhèngzài yǎnbiàn

English translation of 新一代的技术框架正在演变

The new generation of technological frameworks are evolving

In Chinese, '框架' often refers to a basic structure that underpins or supports something.


Tōngguò zhège kuàngjià, wǒmen kěyǐ gèng hǎo de liǎojiě wèntí

English translation of 通过这个框架,我们可以更好的了解问题

Through this framework, we can better understand the problem

'框架' can imply a guiding structure or method that helps understand or solve complex problems.


Tāmen zhèng jiàgòu yī tào quánxīn de kèchéng kuàngjià

English translation of 他们正架构一套全新的课程框架

They are building a brand new course framework

When '框架' is used in an educational context, it refers to the structure or outline of a course or curriculum.


Zhège xīn kuàngjià yǒudài shāngquè

English translation of 这个新框架有待商榷

This new framework is open for discussion

The phrase exemplifies how '框架' can be used to signify a set of ideas or system that can be debated or discussed.


Wǒmen bìxū zài zhège kuàngjià nèi gōngzuò

English translation of 我们必须在这个框架内工作

We have to work within this framework

In this context, '框架' refers to parameters or limitations within which one has to operate.


Kuàngjià duì zhěnggè xiàngmù de chénggōng zhìguān zhòngyào

English translation of 框架对整个项目的成功至关重要

The framework is critical to the success of the entire project

'框架' in this context refers to a comprehensive structure or system that guides a project or operation.


Lǐlùn kuàngjià bāngzhù wǒmen gèng hǎo de lǐjiě zhège wèntí

English translation of 理论框架帮助我们更好的理解这个问题

The theoretical framework helps us better understand the problem

Here '框架' refers to a structure that organizes a sequence of theoretical ideas or principles.

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