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English translation of 哭


The Chinese word for 'cry' is 哭 [kū]. It is used in similar context to the English word 'cry', both emotionally, such as crying out of sadness, and physically, such as crying tears. It can be used as a verb in sentences.

Example sentences using:


Wǒ bùxiǎng kū

English translation of 我不想哭

I don't want to cry

This sentence can be used by people who are upset but trying to hold back their tears.


Nǐ wèishéme kū

English translation of 你为什么哭

Why are you crying

This can be used to ask someone who is crying the reason for their tears.


Bié kūle

English translation of 别哭了

Don't cry

This can be used to comfort someone who is crying and ask them to stop crying.


Wǒ yào kūle

English translation of 我要哭了

I'm about to cry

This sentence is used by people who feel very upset or sad and are about to cry.


Tā dàshēng de kū

English translation of 他大声地哭

He cries loudly

This sentence describes that someone is crying very loudly.


Tā xǐhuan kū

English translation of 她喜欢哭

She likes to cry

This sentence indicates that someone cries often or is prone to crying and appears to enjoy it.


Wǒ kàn dào tā kū

English translation of 我看到他哭

I saw him cry

This sentence means that the speaker saw someone crying.


Wǒ bèi tā xiào dé kūle

English translation of 我被他笑得哭了

I was made to cry with laughter by him

This sentence can be used when something or someone is so funny that it made you cry.


Kū yě méiyǒu yòng

English translation of 哭也没有用

It's no use crying

This sentence indicates that crying is futile or will not help the situation.


Wǒ zǎojiù kūle

English translation of 我早就哭了

I cried a long time ago

This sentence means that the speaker cried sometime in the past, indicating that it's old news to them.

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