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English translation of 恐惧


The Chinese word for 'fear' is '恐惧'. It is often used in both formal and informal settings. Like in English, it can be used to express a feeling of being scared or a deep, often disturbing, uneasiness or dread. It may be used to describe a fear of something specific (such as heights or spiders) or more abstract fears (like fear of failure or the unknown).

Example sentences using: 恐惧


kǒngjù bìng néng jiějué wèntí.

English translation of 恐惧并不能解决问题。

Fear can't solve the problem.

This sentence is saying that the feeling of fear will not help to find a solution for a particular problem.


tā bèi hēi'àn zhōng de kǒngjù tūn shì.

English translation of 他被黑暗中的恐惧吞噬。

He is swallowed by fear in the dark.

This is a metaphorical phrase indicating that the person is extremely fearful when they are in the darkness.


tā kèfú le duì shībài de kǒngjù.

English translation of 她克服了对失败的恐惧。

She overcame her fear of failure.

This expression signifies that she has managed to overcome the anxiety or apprehension she felt about failing.


tā zài miàn duì kǒngjù shí xiǎn de hěn yǒnggǎn.

English translation of 他在面对恐惧时显得很勇敢。

He is brave in the face of fear.

This phrase suggests that the individual shows courage when confronting fear.


tā de yǎnjīng chōngmǎn le kǒngjù.

English translation of 他的眼睛充满了恐惧。

His eyes were filled with fear.

This phrase is literally describing that fear can be seen in his eyes, which metaphorically means he is very afraid.


zhè zhǐ lǎoshǔ zhēn de ràng wǒ kǒngjù.

English translation of 这只老鼠真的让我恐惧。

This mouse really made me afraid.

This sentence expresses the speaker's fear or apprehension towards the mouse.


kǒngjù zǔzhǐ le tā qù shìtú xīn de shìwù.

English translation of 恐惧阻止了他去试图新的事物。

Fear stopped him from trying new things.

This sentence refers to how fear can prevent an individual from stepping out of their comfort zone and attempting new activities or experiences.


kǒngjù yǒushí huì ràng rén gǎndào wúzhù.

English translation of 恐惧有时会让人感到无助。

Fear sometimes makes people feel helpless.

This phrase expresses that, at times, fear can cause individuals to experience a sense of helplessness.


wǒ yīzhí zhànshèng kǒngjù.

English translation of 我一直战胜恐惧。

I always conquer fear.

This phrase signifies that the speaker continually overcomes their fears.


kǒngjù néng dàilái yǒngjiǔ de shāngtòng.

English translation of 恐惧能带来永久的伤痛。

Fear can cause lasting pain.

This phrase suggests that feelings of fear may lead to prolonged mental discomfort or pain.

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