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kě pà

English translation of 可怕


The word '可怕' is used in Chinese to describe something that is terrible. It can be used to refer to situations, feelings, experiences, things, etc. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences using: 可怕


Zhe shì yīgè kěpà de gùshì.

English translation of 这是一个可怕的故事。

This is a scary story.

This sentence is used to convey that the story mentioned is frightening or unsettling.


Tā duì wèilái gǎndào kěpà.

English translation of 他对未来感到可怕。

He is scared of the future.

This sentence expresses a person's fear or intimidation about the future.


Zhè zhǒng gǎnjué fēicháng kěpà.

English translation of 这种感觉非常可怕。

This feeling is very scary.

This sentence refers to an emotion or sensation that is causing fear or discomfort.


Kěpà de shǎndiàn shǐ tā zhènjīng.

English translation of 可怕的闪电使他震惊。

The terrifying lightning startled him.

This phrase indicates that the lightning, described as terrifying, caused him to feel surprised or shocked.


Tā yǒu yī zhǒng kěpà de jíbìng.

English translation of 她有一种可怕的疾病。

She has a terrible disease.

It is a phrase where someone is suffering from a severe or frightening disease.


Kěpà de shìgù fāshēng le.

English translation of 可怕的事故发生了。

A terrible accident occurred.

This sentence describes a shocking or scary accident that has taken place.


Zài zhège kěpà de dìfāng, nǐ huì shīqù fāngxiàng.

English translation of 在这个可怕的地方,你会失去方向。

In this frightful place, you will lose your way.

The speaker is implying that the location is so terrifying that it may cause a person to lose their sense of way.


Zhège kěpà de fànzuì zhènjīng le guójì shèhuì.

English translation of 这个可怕的犯罪震惊了国际社会。

This terrible crime shocked the international community.

The sentence refers to a horrifying or heinous crime that has surprised the international society.


Zài kěpà de tiānqì xià, tāmen jìxù qiánjìn.

English translation of 在可怕的天气下,他们继续前进。

In the dreadful weather, they continued on.

The sentence describes people who persist or move forward regardless of hazardous or bad weather.


Wǒ duì kǎoshì yǒu kěpà de yùgǎn.

English translation of 我对考试有可怕的预感。

I have a dreadful premonition about the exam.

The speaker in this sentence is expressing a fearful expectation or prediction regarding an examination.

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